Thursday, May 14, 2020

Food the Succulence in Deceit - 1723 Words

In the American supermarket, we have access to an array of food products. These products, in most cases, appeal to our baser needs to eat items rich in flavor. For example, McDonald’s commercials prey on our weaknesses; depicting a slender man or woman of reasonable attractiveness eating their product, a succulent hamburger composed of what they claim to be fresh ingredients. Many people assume that these items, because they are sold in the supermarket, are generally healthy but this is far from the truth. In reality, the corporations producing the food we consume have a blatant disregard for the healthiness of the product nor the consumer. The major food corporations that produce these products pose a threat to our health, attested by the†¦show more content†¦In the meat field, there is also unhygienic practices. The animals enter the same way in which they left the industrialized farm, unhealthy, in most cases, and filthy. To cleanse the animals of their filth, they are treated to a quick spray of water. Of course, this futile attempt does not remove all of the manure from their hides. If an animal, shows any signs of sickness; it will still be slaughtered. For example, in the film they showed a clip of cows outside the slaughterhouse that were simply too weak to walk being forcefully herded into the slaughterhouse. This practice increases the probability of contamination and exposure to dangerous pathogens. The finished product contains meat from not few but thousands of animals. When that many animals are mixed within one finished product, the likelihood that the product is tainted by feces, salmonella, E. Coli or any another pathogen increases tenfold. Despite the increased number of outbreaks in several dangerous pathogens, the regulatory agencies are lax in their policies toward the food industry. The food industry holds immense power, to say the least, and they have equally powerful supporters. For example, the biotechnology company Mon santo, whom has numerous former employees holding office of consequence in the USDA and the FDA. These clever infiltrators have the power to influence the laws and to skew them in favor of their benefactor. Currently, the FDA is being advised by a Mr. Michael Taylor, who formerly

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