Friday, May 31, 2019

Bertolt Brecht :: Drama

Bertolt Brecht.Brecht was born Augsburg, Germany in 1898. He then attended universityin Munich in 1917. It was while he was at university that he witnessedthe loss Revolution which was the first event to influence him.Brecht wanted what had occurred in Russia to repeat itself in Germanyas he saw all there was to gain from a Revolution. This was the firstinfluence that gave Brecht his voice in social and political issues.In 1918 Brecht was called up for World War 1 as a medical orderly. here(predicate) he witnessed some of the worst medical injuries created by thewar. This experience made him an extreme pacifist. This was the secondmost influential event that took place which in fling caused him to bein opposition to those international opinionated political powers. Hesaw them as being capitalist populations, sending innocent men to bemurdered meaninglessly, for their own efficient profitable gain. Hefelt misery as the human potential completely contradicted its entiremeaning by the fauna actions of humans around the world.Marxism was the influence that gave Brecht hope that there was goodwithin humans although some needed re-awakening. He had seen theRussian Revolution and witnessed the collapse of Germany aft(prenominal) WorldWar 1 and the fall of the Royal Family of Europe. This all influencedBrecht to write his first play Baal in 1918. This raw play andepisodic structure was the young person of Brechts later well-known work,which inhabited a more grotesque quality. His work looks at theincapability one has to have power over the craving and greed in theworld. He uses the element of shock in his plays as he relates to hisyearning for transfigure and fury at his experiences. It was this yearningto bring change via the use of shock that bought us epic theatre.In 1922 Brecht went to Berlin and this experienced gave him theinfluence for all his later work. Here he observed real theatre andthe cabaret, move of theatre he never knew existed. This influencem ade him more culturally aware and gave him the knowledge to develophis work.Aesthetic theatre was influenced by expressionalism, the use of unhomogeneous scenes without any rational order. He discarded Drawing roomcomedy, realism and naturalism. Instead he took influences from EdwinPiscator whom considered theatre as a device for political education.Edwin Piscator used different means in which to convey his politicalmessage. He used news-real, projections and captions to portray thebackground knowledge of the play. He also used long chorus scenes,perceived in traditional Broadway or West- End performances, todemonstrate the significance of the play.

Thursday, May 30, 2019

Assimilation “Housing Indigenous Australians in the 1970s” Essay

Since the 1970s the Australian Government started focusing on establishment of houses for natural heap in reserve, remote and very remote areas Indigenous housing programs as. Numbers of housing commission HC has been built under what has called the Housing for Aboriginal pot HFA (1) Consequently, Aboriginal mass started moving from overcrowded private rental homes and government houses to public housing tenants in suburban estates. For many Indigenous Australians, this experience negatively change their obligations to family and community and their conventional pattern of life, because it was based as much on class relations and colonialism view. For this reason, white settlers was justifying the Indigenous people inadequacy participate in social life and / or to assimilate to racist terms, as demonstrating their genetic / biological unsuitability for sophisticated life (2). By another word, white people were represented the problem as social advancement rather than determinant s of better social and wellness circumstances. In all of these forms of policies and acts, the expectations by white settlers was that Aboriginal people did not have adequate culture to be able to participate in normal social life. The standard of the education, childrearing nuclear family life, neighbourly interaction, hygiene and discase housing were the fundamental elements around these housing programs. On the other hand, Aboriginal people were needed to absorb these to be able to leave the poor conditions and to demand citizenship rights (4). This essay will explore the cultural and social and negative impacts of New South Wales Housing Commission (HC) during 1970s, at the end of what is called as the Assimilation era and impacts of ... ...ious Aborigines people in New South Wales found out some important connections between prevalence of those psychiatric disorders and the circumstances in the housing commission. These findings suggest that some conditions involved ad aptation to the normal life circumstances within the whole society and/or accumulative new behaviour increases the vulnerability of illicit drug use and depression. (8) Furthermore, higher levels of at-risk behaviors have been noted among Aboriginal adolescents during the assimilation era. These behaviours include poor physical wellness, risk factor for disability, face a self-assessed health disadvantage, aggressiveness and emotional distress. However, this may bias by the disproportion of socioeconomic factors. By another word, lower socioeconomic level increase the risk of such health outcomes.

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

America Must Drill for Oil in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge Essay

America Must Drill for vegetable fossil vegetable oil in the Arctic National Wildlife RefugeOil readinging in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge is a very controversial topic. On one end you have the people who want to drill for oil to help extinct our economy, and on the other end there are the environmentalists and the Alaskan natives who do not want their land destroyed. Our economy inevitably help oil prices keep rising, gas prices have reached an all time high, and America is depending too much on foreign trade. Drilling for oil in Alaska will solve these problems. There are ways of drilling without disturbing the environment and keeping the animals in their original habitat.The Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR) is a large piece of land in Alaska. It is an 18 million acre piece of land where the weather reaches only 4 degrees Celsius in the summer and below 20 degrees Celsius in the winters (Urstadt). There is never any sunlight, except for maybe a day the whol e family. It is beautiful land that just happens to be on 5.6 zillion to 16 billion barrels of oil the United States is said to go through over 7 billion barrels of oil a year (Arctic drilling makes sense 1). These days everyone complains about the price of gas, and how it keeps going up. That is the problem the solution would be drilling for oil in that beautiful land. To hear the advocates separate it, drilling for oil in a long off-limits part of Alaska is the solution for record gas and oil prices, increased dependence on oil imports and even the need for U.S. military involvement in the Middle East.(Arctic Drilling Makes Sense 1).By drilling for oil in ANWR, it will help out the economy of the United States greatly. There will be no need to debate the topic of how g... ...Urstadt). It is a secluded part of ANWR, which is why it is a reasoned place to drill. While drilling for oil there are always going to be pipelines everywhere. But today, the oil companies eleva te the pipelines in order to let the animals pass under them. This helps out with the environment and helps to keep the animals in their homes as well.Drilling for oil in Alaska will solve many problems that have occurred the stand up several years in America. Gas prices keep rising in America which is due to a lack of oil and if America keeps getting oil from foreign suppliers, prices will never go down. The United States is the world leader in energy use and gas for cars. This is why drilling for oil is a good idea and will help out with a lot of problems that America has. Drilling for oil in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge is the do to all Americas questions.

gullivers travel :: essays research papers

I want to outline in this essay both(prenominal) of the ways in which actives texts - in particular the shorter prose works and the poetry concerned with the female body - take up and make explicit contradictory philosophical adjusts. Much time and critical effort has been spent attempting to trace some unifying philosophical thread through the maze created by these and other of brisks writings, when much(prenominal) a thread may be elusive to the point of vanishing altogether.1 It seems possible that genius cause of this critical need to establish consistency in Swift is the influence of Postmodernist thought, which tends to cause a conditioned response to eighteenth century literary works in which the instinctive move is to look for that which totalizes, compartmentalizes, reveals a master narrative or supplies a clearly defined linear teleology. If, however, this kind of pre-imagined consistency proves unavailable, the critic is left with the notion of a multi-vocal, polych romatic Swift which should not, perhaps, be so surprising as there seems nothing alien to the intellectual trends of early-eighteenth century England in Swifts assumption of positions that appear radically opposed to one another. Periods of transition necessarily involve the existence of contradictory positions in constellation often within the work of a single writer or thinker. sluice Sir Isaac Newton, the grea block out of all icons of Enlightenment rationality, can be represented in such a way "Newton was a Janus figure, emblematic of the new, rationalist, scientific and layman future, yet also using his mathematical skills for abstruse astrological and biblical calculations." (Corfield, 11). Clearly any attempt to attribute a definitive philosophical position to Swift is fraught with difficulty.2 Not only must the reader attempt to penetrate multiple levels of irony at a micro-level, but at a macro-level the fact that Swift was an Anglican clergyman complicates any phi losophical interpretation. The origins of the debates on this issue are contemporaneous with the publication of the texts themselves (William Wottons observations, for example), and criticism up to the end of the nineteenth century continued, predominately, to insist on an irreligious Swift an approach that survived into the twentieth century "no defence of Swifts fundamental religious orthodoxy can stand the test of such writings. He is a sceptical humanist who again and again tilts at Christian belief". (Wilson Knight, on "The Tale of a Tub",124). This assay of criticism has been long overtaken, however, by

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Civil War :: essays research papers

The Civil War is widely believed to be the necessary evil our country had to go through in order to come to a common understanding and abolishment of slavery. Yet the slavery had existed in our lands since before our country was even established, so what made us examine it closer so as to see that its nullification was required? Between the years of 1850 to 1861, our countrys eyes were dour toward slavery by the major reform movements in the north, the discrepancies that came with the westward blowup, and the dispute over what rights a state was truly granted. The main movement that occurred primarily in the north was the Abolitionist Movement, the goal of which was the eventual emancipation of slaves. This faction began from a moral standpoint, but quickly transformed itself into a political one when it authorized so much attention. It was also spurred on to new heights when Uncle Toms Cabin, by Harriet Beecher Stowe, was published, which turned the norths attention to the sens itive (and little spoken of) conditions of slavery. The south saw the Abolitionist Movement as an attempt to displace them by jeopardizing their way of life. The south had come to depend on slave labor, they had actually grown accustomed to the ideas that blacks were complete subordinates to whites and should be happy to serve such a great purpose as being slaves (Document C). Not only were slaves technically owned, they were considered chattel to their masters, even those who belonged to masters living in a state in which slavery had been abolished (Document B). Most southerners were of the opinion that, since they did not infringe on the norths economy of textiles and factories, the north should not contravene on their economy of cotton. Meanwhile, the north has a rather base opinion of the south as a whole, thinking of it as archaic society that was holding them back. The sectionalism was not helped any by the tuitional reforms taking place in the north. These movements helped education become more accessible to all citizens, while in the south education was put on the back burners. The movements that occurred during the antebellum of the Civil War merely increased the sectionalist divide of the northern and southern societies, which threw their differences into greater light including slavery. The idea of manifest destiny stimulated the westward expansion of the United States, but the expansion was a divisive factor when considering the issue of slavery.

Civil War :: essays research papers

The Civil War is widely believed to be the necessary evil our country had to go through in order to come to a common understanding and abolishment of slavery. Yet the slavery had existed in our lands since before our country was even established, so what made us examine it closer so as to see that its nullification was required? Between the years of 1850 to 1861, our countrys eyes were turned toward slavery by the major reform movements in the north, the discrepancies that came with the westward expansion, and the dispute over what rights a state was truly granted. The main movement that occurred primarily in the north was the emancipationist Movement, the goal of which was the eventual emancipation of slaves. This faction began from a moral standpoint, but quickly transformed itself into a political one when it received so very much attention. It was also spurred on to new heights when Uncle Toms Cabin, by Harriet Beecher Stowe, was published, which turned the norths attention to the sensitive (and less spoken of) conditions of slavery. The southernmost saw the Abolitionist Movement as an attempt to displace them by jeopardizing their way of life. The south had come to depend on slave labor, they had actually enceinte accustomed to the ideas that blacks were complete subordinates to whites and should be happy to serve such a great purpose as being slaves (Document C). Not only were slaves technically owned, they were considered movable to their masters, even those who belonged to masters living in a state in which slavery had been abolished (Document B). Most southerners were of the opinion that, since they did not infringe on the norths economy of textiles and factories, the north should not contravene on their economy of cotton. Meanwhile, the north has a rather base opinion of the south as a whole, intellection of it as archaic society that was holding them back. The sectionalism was not helped any by the educational reforms taking place in the north. These movements helped education become more(prenominal) accessible to all citizens, while in the south education was put on the back burners. The movements that occurred during the antebellum of the Civil War simply increased the sectionalist discriminate of the northern and southern societies, which threw their differences into greater light including slavery. The idea of manifest destiny stimulated the westward expansion of the United States, but the expansion was a dissentious factor when considering the issue of slavery.

Monday, May 27, 2019

“Perfection Wasted” by John Updike Essay

Leg determination Ends or Perfection Wasted? Each soul brings a special quality and gift to life that creates an individualistic style to the world that we live in. The poem Perfection Wasted was written by tail Updike in the year 1990 this poem accentuates the flair that can never be replaced when a loved one dies. One way to better understand a poem is to paraphrase it into your own words. Paraphrase of Perfection Wasted One thing that is unfortunate about departing this life is the lost vivacity that a person whole kit to expand since the day they were born. The closest relationships surrounding the person enjoy the up close and personal events in the stage of life. They are there through the unafraid times and the bad while having utmost concern for you. The many special moments that were spent together, will never be relived again in the same capacity. though they can try to be like you, they will never fully succeed due to individual quality you brought to life. Imitators a nd descendants arent the same The shank of this poem is death and what factors play into what is lost when a person dies.The setting of the poem is philosophical in thinking about qualities that someone special carries in retrospect to life. I found no similes in the poem. Perfection Wasted is a metaphorical in the idea that is parallel to the idea that life is a stage and we are the players. Updike uses a lot of abstract and theoretical imagery as well as minimal optical imagery. One example of visual imagery includes the descriptions of the stage and the description of the faces he sees in the audience. An example of kinetic imagery is the laughter which leads the audience members to cry. The imagery is vivid and serves the purpose of swaying the view of the lecturer into an emotional state. The poem contains a medium to high level of diction that contains little slang while using one contraction in the drop dead line that is the word arent. The words are not overly elaborate a nd maintain a descriptive role in the poem the level of diction did not reveal what region the narrator originates.I chose to compare the poem Perfection Wasted to the recent passing of my legendary hero Dale Earnhardt. He was an amazing driver who lived his world on a stage in the public eye. I had the opportunity to meet Dale several times throughout the eld and he did have that special sparkle when I met him in person. Others can drive a car, but no one can replace Dale or his style. His son continues to drive one of the Earnhardt cars, but as Updike says, imitators and descendants arent the same. I know I will not be. I enjoyed reading material Updikes poem Perfection Wasted as well as his earlier work named A&P. He has a unique indite style that brings the reader to an emotional and empathetic state in relating to his characters. We can all relate to the situations that he puts his characters, along with their thoughts and actions. Death might bring the end to the magic of on e lifetime, or the end of a legend. Regardless of the conclusion, perfection was not wasted. It was shared among the people whose lives were touched by that persons gift.

Sunday, May 26, 2019

Egon Schiele Biography

Egon Schiele (1890-1918) was a man concerned with issues of sexuality and death. Like other members of the testifyionistic movement of the early twentieth century, he was fascinated with making his mental processes visible through his dodge. He wished to express his feelings about sexuality directly, rather than alluding to the open(a) as so many workmans had done previously, artists such as Manet or Ingres. Instead, he took his cue from the influences of Rodin and Gustave Courbet, dealing with his subject directly, as he does in the opus Nude with Green Turban (1914).But unlike Courbet, who dealt with his subject in an effort to shock and influence the staid French Royal Academy, as in the case of LOrigine du Monde, 1866 (at right), Schiele explores the issue of sexuality in an attempt to express his own fascinations with the subject, irregardless of the opinions of others. In Nude with Green Turban, the subject is placed in a blank space. She is seemingly alone, so alone that there is nothing in the world of the piece except her. Its as if the viewer is meant to become part of the imperativeness of her moment.Indeed, this may be what Schiele intends, having become lost in his own moment of artist to subject. Schiele owes much of this immediacy to Rodins innovation of the continuous line drawing, and Schiele employs the method here. He has sketched her quickly, capturing her in her moment before going back to fill in the details. However, he has only completed the details selectively. Her shoes are well rendered, as are the shadows and fullness of her thighs and hands. In the turban as well, he has completed the small details of a knot, and filled it with the same color as the alter hes used as emphasis to the shadows her hands create.But her locution is hastily done, her nose and closed eyes mere triangles. Her mouth is only the symbol of a mouth. Shes as if shes a puppet, expressionless with no individuality. In so doing, he has removed the humanity from her, making her merely a body upon which her hands, and presumably the fantasies of the artist and viewer, play. Im sure an argument could be made about how this is an example of the objectification of women within the early twentieth century and before. History has certainly shown repeatedly how women in art are mere objects for the male fantasy.What makes this different is how Schiele has not created her as a prize for whomever owns her, but has created her as an outlet for his own fantasy (and, I should hope, for hers). However, now I dont swear Schiele would be able to create such overt expressions of his fantasies without cries of outrage from the feminist community. Since the 1960s, women have progressed away from being objects and possessions, giving themselves a face and a voice within the western world. Today, Schiele would be forced to give his model a face, and perhaps a name.While much of todays art is as direct in its subjects as Schieles art is, the mere sugges tion of objectifying a woman in a sexual act is taboo. Instead, if Schiele were to give her a face, a name, and place her into a world other than the blank canvas of the viewers mind, she would become, in effect, real. In becoming a real woman, she would become an expression of femininity not being afraid to be feminine. She would become part of the world women inhabit, able to be claimed by women as one of their own.As she is now, she is a fantasy, a brute of male sexual expression. Much of the art today seems to be concerned with issues of fantasy versus reality. With the advent of the internet, more and more people are able to express their internal fantasies upon someone else. In this way, Schieles work is extremely contemporary. People want to lose themselves within images, feeling the ideas of the artist, but I do not believe that most art patrons want their art to be as obvious as Schieles.That said, I believe that Schieles themes of fantasy and sexuality would be more acu te today. People want the slow glow of accomplishment that they receive in correctly interpreting a piece of art. Direct sexuality is outre and todays reality seems to prefer a more subtle approach. Nude with Green Turban is a prime example of Egon Schieles objectification of his subject, not out of line with the schema of the modern nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, portraying women as sexual objects of the male fantasy.With the womens movement of today, this theme would be handled in such a way as to include not only the male fantasy, but the female fantasy as well, by removing her objectification. She would become more real. In addition, the sexual subject would be more subtle in an attempt to reach all viewers, introducing an intellectualism that appeals to the female mind as well as the male, creating eroticism out of perceived pornography.

Saturday, May 25, 2019

Outline the Key Principles of Natural Law

Jamshed Masjedi Outline the key principles of graphic police Lets start off with a definition of Natural Law a moral code existing with a habit of nature, created by perfection. Aristotle theory of purpose inspired St Thomas doubting Thomas to develop his idea of Natural Law to present a rational basis for Christian morality. doubting Thomas developed an living and deontological theory which states that certain acts are innately right or wrong. Natural Law directs people to their great purpose, and mass be deduced through savvy.Good acts are those which change adult males to consummate their purpose, and are in unity with the primary precepts. Through Aristotles idea that everything has a purpose (theory of causality) and we stimulate a purpose to do redeeming(prenominal) and avoid evil and seek happiness and fulfilment in life (eudaimonia), Aquinas started by trying to work out what the purpose of human life was. Aquinas developed the primary precepts which follow from t his idea. The Primary precepts are connected with preservation of life, reproduction, education, living in a society and worshipping God.These Primary precepts give the gate then be developed into substitute(prenominal) precepts as practical human rules that govern our daily behaviour. For example from preservation of life, one could argue someone who is in desperate need of organs or bloods would be correct. This could lead to a secondary precept of you donating your organ(s) to saves lives of former(a). Another example is about reproduction linking it genetic engine room with Natural Law suggesting that human have an essential nature and manipulating it, through genetic engineering, is conflicting to the natural tell apart of things and so is wrong.Aquinas developed four kinds of righteousness eternal, natural, human, and divine. Eternal fair play is humans being not being able to know gods intention. Natural law is humans with a natural sense and the breakthrough of orig inator. Human law is some sort of man-made law with the natural law supplied by the government to the societies, and divine law is the specially revealed law in the scriptures. The main aspect of Natural Law theory is that it relies heavily on reason. It can be discovered by anyone, regardless of any religious alignment.For this reason it is universal and not a relativist argument and an absolutist argument. Reason is hired in order to establish how we should live our lives. We use our reason to fulfil the requirements of the primary precepts and therefore to achieve our aim of doing effective and avoiding evil. If everything is created for a purpose, human reasoning in examining that purpose is able to judge how to act in order to conform to that purpose. Thus, the role of reason plays a huge part as Aquinas states To disparage the dictate of reason is equivalent to condemning the command of God. Hence, humans shouldnt be trapped by their desires and that the duty of a Christian is alike to the duty of an atheist or agnostic. Reason is the superlative human asset that eventually separates us from animals. However, if human reasoning is misguided it could lead us to the wrong moral choices such as following apparent goods which could leads away from Natural Law rather following real goods. An example of an apparent good is getting drunk or taking drugs as it seems like we are doing a good thing in the short term however, on the long term, its not.Or as a rather deeper example, perhaps we can consider that Hitler with his misguided vox populi about Jews, seeking an apparent good to remove them, in the end, it wasnt such a wise move. Jamshed Masjedi For Aquinas, both the intention and the act are important. According to Aquinas, God knows the secrets of our hearts and thus, our actions must be interior rather than exterior. The purpose behind an act gets recorded. For example we should help an elderly person cross the road because it is the bonny thing to do not because to gain admiration of others i. . someone watching nearby. It is said that if humans act towards this way, its said that god is glorified. Is this theory pertinent to the 21st century? Many theories have been created 10 years ago, 100 years ago or 1000 years ago that still frame and dictate our society today, since its the 21st century, many theories have been developed and improved, but as far as questioning the theory of natural law and its standing, its a theory holding major significance around the world today.For example the Roman Catholic Church supports the theory with them do the primary precepts into unconditional rule thus, meaning no room for negotiation. Natural Law has many benefits to society and for individuals. Since its an absolutist argument, it provides moral foundation to rules with assoil guidance at all times. Most individuals are in favour of Natural Law because it offers a universal code. Most people believe in preserving life, education etc. On the Flip side, Natural Law theory cannot seem to get at certain individuals.It relies to use reason correctly, however, it is fair to enunciate that we do not all have the same powerfulness to reason. If we do, everyone can come up with the same conclusions and decide whats right and wrong. The precepts are to be looked when one finds them in a situation, but this also is disputed. Homosexuality is a common example of something that Natural moral Law is unable to provide a succinct response to. Furthermore, in modern forms Natural Law does not allow room for negotiation because the Roman Catholic Church has made the secondary precepts into absolute rules.The book of Genesis seems befuddling with Natural Law. Its inconsistent with the story of the Fall. Genesis 3 teaches that that human reason was separated from God Through sin. Thus, if our reason is corrupt then how can we deduce Gods purpose? Society can never guarantee peoples safety but with the theory of Natural law, its open in arms for offering protection, therefore will always be relevant. Furthermore, natural law is a good guide for the believers in God. Natural law will provide an instructive and dependable guide to moral behaviour.The Roman Catholics Church is in favour of Aquinass brilliant knowledge of reasoning in the Natural law. Whats more, Aquinas himself was a Catholic and so, some might question from whom is it relevant to? It can scarcely be claimed that Natural Law ethics is irrelevant to Roman Catholics. Linking to situation ethics, Natural Law would be helpful when making a logical decisiveness depending on the situation a persons in and with its deontological and absolutist status, it would also create guidelines to follow for all especially for individuals or societies wanting the absolute right and wrong.Due to the adaptation in the 21st century, the Natural Law theory is always going to be controversial. I think the most usual admonition for during our time is that it may be too inflexible over major issues. There is no direct reference to issues, for example like abortion or euthanasia. Others might argue that the theory is too old and other types or similar systems of ethics are better that the Natural Law theory. For example, if Aquinas could have been wrong about the primary precepts, he could have also been wrong about the secondary precepts.Finally, I believe this could be the strongest negative assessment of Natural Law, is that this God- found ethic may no longer be relevant to, what is an increasingly secular society. On the whole, I believe that taking both arguments in on the balance, Natural Law has bring not irrelevant, but less relevant, because the modern definition of human nature is much wider than that offered by Aquinas. Natural law is based purely on deductive, rational reasoning. This makes it an objective theory, it is not open to interpretation should everyone reason correctly we should all come to the same conclusions about what is right and what is wrong.We can see this in action around the world, with many societies sharing common beliefs about morality this is strength of the theory since there is evidence of a common system of morality in place, although that is not to say the universal theory is natural law Natural Moral laws relies on our ability to reason correct, that is to use casuistry to deduce the correct action based on how it fits in with our precepts. However, it is fair to say that we do not all have the same ability to reason.Whilst Aquinas maintained that all humans were equal he did say that some were better at reasoning than others and therefore we should practice our logical skills so that they become habitual. This is fine to an extent, but if we were to encounter a totally alien situation we would have no prior experience to draw reference from, and so our ability to decide the right course of action would come down to our individual ability to reason correctly In such a situat ion we should get at to the precepts since they are logically sound, but even these can be ambiguous.Homosexuality is a classic example of something natural moral is not able to provide a succinct response to. On the one hand we can say since homosexuality doesnt lead to procreation, and so it is a misuse of humangenitalia, but on the other hand we can say that since it is pleasurable, that pleasure is there for a reason.

Friday, May 24, 2019

Australian people

Throughout the courses, the stallion Australian republic has been in the course of aeonian social and racial fruits among the innate Australian deal and non- autochthonal white Australian volume. From the ancient time and up to the modern contemporary era, differences and gap among the natal and non- endemic Australian nation are clearly visible that fill been the main reason of suffering amongst the indigenous Australians.Moreoer, it is indeed undeni qualified that indigenous Australians have been through a long road of suffering from removal, discrimination, hostility and the shortcomings of effective government policy to judge this long been issue of primaeval Australian. (BRI) For the most new customary practice, the Aboriginal children are separated from their families, while the entire aboriginal homes or the indigenous communities have been moved out of their houses and sent to a nonher constituent of the country. Since then, the Is worldly concerner traits an d Indigenous way of living was in regulation and oversee in most of its aspects.(Global Ministries) Nevertheless, this issue in the midst of the indigenous and non-indigenous Australian muckle is not only historical. In the modern or contemporary time, the Australian aboriginals still carry the burden of intense social scrutiny with alone the things that they do and to all the places that they walk off. In the most clever sense, propitiation in the entire Australian nation signifies that both indigenous and non-indigenous Australian bulk moldiness survey hard together to resolve and cure the ruined relationship between them.Essentially, this process reconciliation or cure on the issue between indigenous and non-indigenous Australian will be effective through the cautious settlement of the negative outcome of the dilemma, which are the following. (BRI) 40% of the Aboriginal population is under 15 years old ( correspondd to less than 25% of the white population). Less than 8% of the Aboriginal population is over 50 (compared to more than 25% of the white population). Unemployment amongst Aborigines is 40% compared to 10% of the white population).Unemployment in the 15-19 year age group is approx. 60% for those not in educations (compared to 20% of white youths). 55% of Aboriginal employment is provided by the private sector (compared to 78% of non-Aboriginal employment). Aboriginal people are evidentially underrepresented in the wholesale/retail industry and in the Finance/Business sector). 35% of Aboriginal males jobs are classified as laborers (compared to 15% of the non-Aboriginal population). 20% of Aboriginal females jobs are classified as laborers (compared to 12.5% of the non-aboriginal female population). 9% of Aboriginal has any express school qualifications (compared to 26% of the overall population). 53% of Aborigines live in rental accommodation (compared to 14% of total population). Aboriginal life expectancy is 15 to 17 years less than fo r the whole population. Death rates associated with the circulatory system are 2. 5 times greater than for the total population. 10% of the Aboriginal population lives more than 100 km.from a hospital, 17% have no access to a doctor and a further19% has no access to a nurse. Aboriginal fetter is 18 times that of non Aborigines. 20% of those detained in custody are Aboriginal and yet Aboriginals represent only 2. 5% of the overall population. 10% of Aboriginal people aged over 25 were taken away from their natural family by a church or government agency. The arrest rate of Aboriginal stolen children is 32% compared to 19% of non-stolen Aborigines. (BRI)In a more in-depth review, the above factual statistics can be accounted as well to be the factual suffering of the indigenous Australian people for a long time, as the result of racial discrimination in the entire Australian nation. Nevertheless, the following statistics shows the serious and hazardous suffering of the Australian in digenous people. Basing on these detrimental statistics of the issue, it is no doubt that reconciliation across the Australian nation is badly needed to unite both the indigenous and non-indigenous Australian people and end the social suffering of the Australian aboriginals.Data shows that one of initial process of reconciliation in Australia had happened way back May 26, 1997, through The Bringing Them family line report, which provide an in depth information on the violence that had carried out on Australian indigenous and on the communities of Torres Strait Island, by means of obligate separation of children or unseasoned aborigines from the custody of their parents and families. (Global Ministries)In deeper standpoint, the report had created a positive outcome for the Australian Federal Parliament, which initiates the change on the outlook of Australians on the indigenous as well as the Torres Strait Island people of the entire country. Also, the report had suggests that a So rry Day essential(prenominal) be done every year to remind and commemorate the soreness as well as the suffering of the indigenous Australian people, which they have experienced in a long time.Due to this, communities end-to-end the entire Australian nation celebrates and carries a Sorry Day each year on the 26th day of May, which define by most of the people as the Day of Healing (Global Ministries) Technically, one of the greater result of The Bringing Them Home in 1997 was that it inspired the formal public apology of the Australian prime(a) Minister for all the members of stolen generations.A day before the formal public apology of the Australian Prime Minister, Peter Garret, a well reputable Australian histrion and politician, had said that the impending apologetic statement for the Australian stolen generation will pave way for the real impact of the reconciliation in entire country. accord to Peter Garrett This simple act will open up the possibilities for healing and m utual respect so keenly needed in relations between white and black Australia. We believed that we needed to square up to our past, that the lack of an apology to Aboriginal Australians was a broken link in the chain to a united future. (Guardian word of honor and Media Limited 2008) Last February 13, 2008, the Australian Prime Minister had formally delivered his statement of apology for the stolen generations that have been separated from their parents, families and communities by force. tally to Mick Dodson (co-chairman of satisfaction Australia), the apology is something that the people have been waiting for the longest time on its history. Moreover, some of the dealer indigenous leader had defined the prime ministers statement of apology as monumental, as this kind of happening in federal parliament is entirely one of the significant events in its history.(ABC Darwin) In a brief background of the social injustice, it is said that the harmful practice had begun in early and the middle of 18th century, which continuous to moves on until the year 1970. Through the 1997 abbreviation do by the Equal opportunity commissioning and Human Rights, it was stated that between one out of ten and three out of ten young children of Torres Straight Islander children and aboriginals are separated by force from their family from 1910 and 1970. (ABC Darwin)The initial set out of force removal of child policy was specifically designed for the munition that vindicates the assimilation and segregation of Indigenous people in Australia. This policy was formalized through Legislation under the command of the Colonial governments, which gives broad authority over the lives of indigenous and Torres Straight Islander people defined by the governmental subsidiary, named as the Aboriginal Protection Board or better cognize as the APB. (Link Up 1997) Nevertheless, the above policies have been through contrastive objections as it was cited to be a violation of human rights. Through the recent years, the agreement was released that quotes the assimilation programs as a failure that it only generate suffering and sorrow for the Indigenous Australians of today. (Maiden, p. 1) Currently, the appreciation on the stolen generation is a major subject across the Australian nation and in the House of Representative. In reality, the present Prime Minister Kevin Rudd of the Commonwealth of Australia had formalized the recognition of the stolen generation through his statement of apology for the indigenous Australian.Together with the Indigenous Affairs Minister Jenny Macklin, Prime Minister Kevin Rudd had received a warm welcome on their entrance in the keen Hall. This event is considered to be the largest recognition for the social injustice in the entire Australian history (Maiden, p. 1) In more in-depth analysis, the apology made by the Australian Prime Minister had garner vague and diverse feedback from the entire Australian people from both indigenous and n on-indigenous. Some of the feedback says that the apology is a brighter action to lead the entire nation into reconciliation between the indigenous and non-indigenous people.Also, some of the initial reactions on this, states that an apology is not enough and would only turned out to be meaningless if the apology will not be supported with the necessary procedures to ensure the progress of the positive beginning for reconciliation. Nevertheless, some of the feedbacks by the Australian people directly says their negative or oppositionist stand on the statement of apology by the prime minister and utter that a long been problem analogous racism in Australia will not be healed by just a simple public apology, instead compensation and effectual actions is needed.(Guardian youthfuls and Media Limited 2008) The Table below shows the actual size and population statistics of the Australian indigenous people. Technically, the table states that there are 410,000 Australian indigenous peopl e, as of the year 2001 Census. Approximately, there are 409,729 Australian people with Aboriginal foundation and there are 29,239 Australian populace of Torres Strait Islander origin. Furthermore, there are 19,552 Australian people that are recognized with both indigenous and Torres Strait Islander origin.Slightly, the statistics of Australian indigenous women is greater that the aboriginal men with 230,994 female as compare to the 227,562 male, which is identical with the Australian non-indigenous distribution. (Human Rights & Equal Opportunity Commission) The Gilbert + Tobin pith of Public Law in the Faculty of Law, on the other hand, portray a significant independent function in the reconciliation process in the entire Australian Nation.The Firm is active to held public debate on the major issues that is decisive to the future of Australia includes the native title, bill of rights, terrorism challenges and the reconciliation process in the entire country. With al of these partic ipations of the firm, it can be argued that the greatest contribution of the Gilbert + Tobin Centre of Public Law is the participation of the firm in the reconciliation process between the indigenous and non-indigenous Australian people. Essentially, the Gilbert + Tobin Centre of Public Law had made their submission to the Australia 2020 poll.(Gilbert + Tobin Centre of Public Law) Technically, the 20/20 summit was a two day meeting with the list of volunteers and people form the government. Held last nineteenth and the 20th day of April 2008, the summit tackles the ten specific policies from the summit, which include the aspect of Australian economy and governments long health program strategy. Nevertheless, the issue of indigenous Australians is one of the most important subjects of the two day summit, which deals with the future of the indigenous Australian people. (ABC International)Moreover, the topic 7 of the 20/20 summit talks about the future of Indigenous Australian people . The discussion states that in the year 2020 must be part of the national good information of the history at bottom the school classrooms. Health should have rapidly increased closed to the national average of non-indigenous Australians. Topic 7 then states that Australian indigenous people must increase the stage of employment, which Australian aboriginals must have their fair pct of the countrys wealth, through tinge employment or work opportunity. (The University of southwesterly Wales)Furthermore, the discussion includes that Australian Indigenous people must be included to the legislative position of public policy in the entire Australian athletic field and in Canberra. Indigenous leader must participate to the programs of government and lead autonomous aboriginal institutions of governance. Also, 20/20 summit states that the Australian constitution must spread the pride about the profound and lasting and forceful contribution of the Australian aboriginal people to the li fe of entire nation and protect their equal rights of citizenship in the country, as the original owners of the land.(The University of South Wales) In addition to this, the national conformity must spread the honest information of the past and portray a positive outlook on the future of relationship amongst indigenous and non-indigenous Australian people. Nevertheless, the end conclusion of the 20/20 summit in the country, contributes to the brighter future of countries shelter citizen relationship and to the reconciliation process between the indigenous and non-indigenous Australian people. (The University of South Wales)In a deeper review of the subject, a treaty is essentially necessary for the entire Australian country in able to resolve the long been issue of racial discrimination between the indigenous and non-indigenous Australian people. Technically, a treaty is also known as a governmental agreement specifically designed to resolve a specific issue or conflict in the shi ps company. In Australia, a treaty is critical to connect the link between the indigenous and non-indigenous Australian people and resolve the historical issue of racial discrimination in the entire country.Moreover, the Australian version of their treaty was designed to resolve the human right issues of the indigenous Australian and to create the positive relationship between the two different races, which have been the long intend of the nation. (Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission) Specifically, the Committee of Australian Treaty is accounted to negotiate and formulate an agreement that will deal with the following issues in the society 1. ) The protection of Aboriginal identity, languages, law and culture National land rights legislation2. ) Conditions governing mining and exploration of natural resources on Aboriginal land 3. ) Compensation for loss of traditional lands and for damage to those lands and traditional way of life and 4. ) Right of Aboriginals to control their own affairs and establish their own associations for this purpose. (Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission) Nevertheless, Australian treaty is negotiated specifically to resolve the long been conflict of both past and present social injustice between the indigenous and the non-indigenous Australian people.Moreover, the Australian treaty carries same goal or purpose to make the link and acceptance between the indigenous and non-indigenous people in the entire Australian community. In addition to this, the treaty in Australia will definitely support and empower the progress of reconciliation in the entire Australian nation. (Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission) According to Mark Leibler, the symbolic idea is significant in the reconciliation of Australian races, which he states that concentrating in just one side will never be the true essence of reconciliation.Furthermore, he states that practicality is more important to achieve the unity of the country that r econciliation is not just the governments work rather it is the voyage of the entire nation and Australians must have done their part. ( expiation) Jackie Huggins, on the other hand, gives a clear emphasis to the right of an individual to choose the way of life that he or she wanted to take. Moreover, she states that indigenous and non-indigenous Australian must be protected on their political and legal rights, as an individual in able to sustain their culture and heritage of the land, as a unified nation.(Reconciliation) Treaty of Waitangi is an agreement between the British Crown and Maori. Signed in the year 1840, the treaty had established the British law in New Zealand, when at the same time it assures the Maoris to their right on their culture and land. With this, the Treaty of Waitangi is renowned as the beginning article of the entire country of New Zealand. Nevertheless, the Treaty of Waitangi was a definite success in New Zealand law, which it serves as a brilliant agree ment between the British crown and Maori of equal distribution of powers and rights on their land.(Tourism New Zealand) However, despite of the success of the agreement, the treaty still records mishaps and problems on its history. The first mishap of the treaty is that in the English version of the agreement says that the Maori had give up their governorship or sovereignty or better known as kawanatanga, to the British Crown, when the truth is that Maori just agrees to assign power with the British crown. (Tourism New Zealand) In addition to this, the Maori holds their edition that broader pledge of rights for Maori to the custody of their on hand treasure or better known as taonga.While the English version states that the Maori had give up their control on their treasures like lands, fisheries and forests to the British crown, when the fact is that Maori had agrees to protection of their heritage such as language and culture. (Tourism New Zealand) With all of these mishaps and di lemmas of the Treaty of Waitangi, the Australians must be definite and specific to the context of their version of treaty in able to resist and avoid the problems that the Treaty of Waitangi had experienced.Nevertheless, the Australians must learn how to protect the true essence of their treaty to assure that they will never experience the same thing that had happened in Treaty of Waitangi, which was troubled by the diverse version of their agreement. On the other hand, the Australian version of treaty must have the essential legal avenues to resolve the conflict in its society in able to ensure the effective progress of reconciliation between the indigenous and non-indigenous Australian people.Furthermore, the Australian treaty must have the legal procedures that foursquare deal with the past and present social injustice that indigenous Australians had experienced in able to restore the equal justice between the indigenous and non-indigenous Australian people. In the end, the Aus tralias version of treaty is essential to achieve the nations intend of reconciliation between the indigenous and non-indigenous Australian people. Moreover, the treaty is definitely helpful to resolve the social injustice on Australian indigenous people from past and present.Nevertheless, the Australian treaty will be supportive to restore the equal share of justice and human rights between the indigenous and non-indigenous Australian people. It is essential for Australian treaty to have a clear and definite context to efficiently prevent the predicaments that the Treaty of Waitangi had experienced. Finally, the Australian treaty must be symbolic, which both the indigenous and non-indigenous must work hard together in able to achieve the reconciliation between the two different Australian races.Nonetheless, the treaty must convey equal terms on both indigenous and non-indigenous side to equally issue the needs of both parties. References BRI (n. d), RECONCILIATION ISSUES Retrieved June 12, 2008 from http//www. bri. net. au/Reconciliation. html Global Ministries (2006), Reconciliation Australia Retrieved June 12, 2008 from http//www. globalministries. org/eap/missionaries/reconcilliation-australia. html Guardian News and Media Limited (2008), Australia says sorry for racist past Retrieved June 12, 2008 from http//blogs. guardian. co. uk/ word of honor/2008/02/it_has_been_a_long. htmlABC Darwin (2008), The long road to a short word Retrieved June 12, 2008 http//www. abc. net. au/local/stories/2008/02/07/2157107. htm Link Up (NSW) & Tikka Jan Wilson (1997) In the Best Interest of the Child? Stolen Generation Aboriginal pain/White shame, Paragon Printers, pp 51-57, 125-126 S. Maiden (2008), Rudd apology sorry to Aboriginal Stolen Generations Retrieved June 12, 2008 http//www. theaustralian. news. com. au/story/0,25197,23205437-601,00. html Human Rights & Equal Opportunity Commission (2006), A statistical overview of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples in Australia Retrieved June 12, 2008 from http//www.hreoc. gov. au/Social_Justice/statistics/index. html Gilbert + Tobin Centre of Public Law (2008), Latest News Retrieved June 12, 2008 from http//www. gtcentre. unsw. edu. au/ ABC International (2008), Australias report on 20/20 ideas summit released Retrieved June 12, 2008 from http//www. radioaustralia. net. au/news/stories/200805/s2261233. htm? tab=latest The University of South Wales (2008), Australia 20/20 Summit Retrieved June 12, 2008 from http//www. gtcentre. unsw. edu. au/news/docs/2020_Summit_Submission. pdfHuman Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission (2002), Treaty Advancing reconciliation Murdoch University, Western Australia, 27 June 2002 Retrieved June 12, 2008 from http//www. hreoc. gov. au/about/media/speeches/social_justice/treaty_conference. html Reconciliation (n. d), Reconciliation in Australia Current Practices and Future Directions Retrieved June 12, 2008 Tourism New Zealand (2008), Treaty of Waitangi Retrie ved June 12, 2008 from http//www. newzealand. com/travel/about-nz/history/history-treaty-of-waitangi. cfm

Thursday, May 23, 2019

American Art Project Essay

It is believable that John Vanderlyn, in his icon Landing of Columbus, was trying to portray the success of Columbus and his crew. Columbus heroic stance and elegant expression are made all the more impressive in comparison to the native people who witness the event. The Native Americans are naked, dread or subservient, bowing down before the explorer in awe and reverence. The symbols of empire are shown in the heroic explorer with his Christian crosses and steel swords stand for the significance in the power of civilization. In 1836 of June, Congress had licenced John Vanderlyn to paint the Landing of Columbus. About eleven years later the painting was hung in the Rotunda by January 1847. Expansion was an overwhelming preoccupation in nineteenth-century America, but it was by no means the only cultural preoccupation. The subject of the painting, foregrounding the ambiguous showdown of two cultures, provided a space for artists to work out many central issues, for example, how to reconcile Indian Removal with notions of the Noble Savage. Another way is how to remake a country torn apart by sectional strife. The following settlements and expansions span the period from 1835 to 1912.Americans had a chaotic eighty-year period that witnessed the filling of Americas geographical borders, the bloody care of the Civil War, the horror of slavery in America, the overthrow of Native peoples, and many more events pertaining to the expansion. Vanderlyns painting contains images of contact between European explorers and Native Americans. He clear shows a representation of what many of the settlements contained and how frightened the Natives were. John Trumbulls painting of the Declaration of Independence depicts the signing of the declaration by forty-two out of the fifty-six and louvre patriots. It is believed that Trumbull was paid to paint Jeffersons foot on top of Adams foot to illustrate that Jefferson dominated Adams. However, as time passed, the painting had been exposed to smoke, dirt, humidity, and other elements. Before recent art preservation was mastered, the painting had been repainted to repair damaged areas. The repairing is what changed the shape of Jeffersons foot to look as though it was on Adams foot.The painting of the Declaration of Independence was commissioned by Congress in1817, but the painting was not hung until October 5, 1818. There were no major events recorded during the time of Trumbulls painting. However there were manyquestions being asked nigh what compelled Trumbull to paint the scene inaccurately Trumbulls depiction was not to paint the scene correctly, but to show value of the document and its sacred place in our nations history. He wanted to capture the real meaning of the Declaration of Independence and the men who wrote and signed it. It is promising that John Trumbull did a very unassailable job at communicating his message through context and content. Similar to Trumbulls Declaration of Independenc e, the General George majuscule Resigning His Commission painting features an arrangement of characters with figures standing and seated in the background. Also, in the central action being the transfer of documents, George majuscule is standing in the center showing the democratic ideal shared between the two paintings.Furthermore, the step-up of a draped cloak over upper-case letters chair is reminiscent of a kings robe over a throne. This symbolization is of Washingtons retirement from rule and establishing civilian liberty over the military. Trumbulls painting General George Washington Resigning His Commission was commissioned in 1817 and hung in 1824. Many events have occurred during this time, however, none pertain to Trumbulls painting. On the other hand, the painting depicts Washington submitting his resignation as Army Commander-in-Chief to the Congress on December 23, 1783. Washington stands in the center of the room at the Mary fine-tune State digest in Annapolis, w here Congress was meeting at the time, and addresses the president of the Congress. Trumbull, although he added extra people in his painting, depicted a clear message about George Washington and his resignation. The Embarkation of the Pilgrims by Robert Weir affects many people with the upsetting feeling many get from reading the words of one of the Pilgrims, We sang psalms and were merry. The painting is gloomy, nasty and uninteresting, but depicts the respect of the general public because of its deep religious spirit. Also, because of the clever handling of shadowing and general carefulness, the painting has an admirable technique.In 1836, the unify States organization commissioned Robert W. Weir to paint the Embarkation of the Pilgrims and hung in 1843. The Mexican war was an event that inspired Weirs painting. The moral and geographic greatnesses were absolutely holey understandings. In other words, when the vote down was conquered through an event like the Mexican War, it w as ultimately acceptable by the righteous promise of the Embarkation. The painting represents significanthistorical moments leading to the founding of the American Republic. The painting clearly depicts the Pilgrim families gathered around their pastor, John Robinson, for a farewell service on the deck of the Speedwell before its departure from Holland. Thomas hart Benton, molybdenum Benton was born on March 14, 1782, in Hillsboro, North Carolina. When his family migrated to Tennessee his father had died, and as a young man, was left in charge of significant land holdings. Benton, who established a law practice, also served as a colonel in the War of 1812 under General Andrew Jackson. He practiced law and edited the insurgent newspaper west of the Mississippi after moving to St. Louis, Missouri in 1815.In 1820, Benton ran for Senate with the interests of bettering the western territories. His support of the anti-United States Bank earned him support. However, Bentons anti-slavery views cost him the seat as Senate. In 1852 Benton was elective to the House of Representatives, but only served one term. Benton had written Thirty Years from 1855 to 1858 and Abridgement of Debates of Congress from 1789 to 1856. Benton Died on April 10, 1858. Personaly, Thomas Benton is a good choice to represent the stateof Missouri. However, he should have thought carefully about the slavery terms. Francis Blair, Missouri Francis Blair, born on February 19, 1821, in Lexington, Kentucky, attended schools in Washington, D.C. and gradatory from Princeton University in 1841. Most importantly Blair had studied law at Transylvania University. In 1842he went on to practice in St. Louis, Missouri. During the Mexican War, Blair was selected as attorney general for the bare-ass Mexican Territory.He was also a personal friend of Thomas Benton. The only difference between the two men is that Benton was for slavery and Blair was against it. Blair, in 1852, was elected to the U.S. House of Representatives. However, he was defeated in 1858. In 1860 he was reelected into the House. During he Civil War Benton served as a major general, and in 1861, was saved Missouri for the Union. Unfortunately, his helping with the Union left him broke and unsuccessful for election as vice president in 1868. In 1871 he was, however, was chosen to become the United States Senator. Blair died from paralysis on July 9, 1875. Blair, better than Benton, is a great representative for Missouri because of his heart for the state and the people.BibliographyAtkins, Scott. The Pilgrims in the Capitol. February 25, 2014. Accessed February 25, 2014.http// Francis Preston Blair. Architect of the Capitol. February 25, 2014. Accessed February 25, 2014. http// General George Washington Resigning His Commission. Learn NC. February 25, 2014. Accessed February 25, 201 4. http// Parker, Edgar. Embarkation of the Pilgrims. Pilgrim Hall Museum. February 25, 2014. Accessed February 25, 2014. http// Swislocki, Allie and Joanna Hallac. Trumbulls Declaration of Independence Fact orFiction Blog, November 04, 2011. Accessed February 25, 2014. http// The Embarkation of the Pilgrims. book dome. February 25, 2014. Accessed February 25, 2014. http// Thomas Hart Benton. Architect of the Capitol. February 25, 2014. Accessed February 25, 2014. http// Truettner, William H. overture to Expansion Repainting the Past. In West as America Reinterpreting Images on the Frontier, 1820-1920, edited by William H. Trumbulls Old Senate Chamber. Maryla nds Old Senate Chamber. September 21, 2012. Accessed February 25, 2014. http// Truettner, Prelude to Expansion, 55-95 and Vivian Green Fryd, Art imperium The Politics of Ethnicity in the United States Capitol, 1815-1860 (New Haven and London Yale University Press, 1992). Allie Swislocki and Joanna Hallac, Trumbulls Declaration of Independence Fact orFiction Blog, November 04, 2011. Accessed February 25, 2014. HYPERLINK http// Trumbulls Old Senate Chamber, Marylands Old Senate Chamber, September 21, 2012, accessed February 25, 2014, http// General George Washington Resigning His Commission, Learn NC, February 25, 2014, accessed February 25, 2014, http//www.learnnc .org/lp/multimedia/6288. The Embarkation of the Pilgrims,book dome, February 25, 2014, accessed February 25, 2014, http// Atkins, Scott, The Pilgrims in the Capitol,, February 25, 2014, accessed February 25, 2014, http// Edgar Parker, Embarkation of the Pilgrims, Pilgrim Hall Museum, February 25, 2014, accessed February 25, 2014, http// Thomas Hart Benton, Architect of the Capitol, February 25, 2014, accessed February 25, 2014, http// Francis Preston Blair, Architect of

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Pizza Store Layout Simulation: Apply the Learning Curve Theory

A learning curve, in common terms, is used to describe the effort required to acquire a new expertness (e. g. , expertise with a new tool) over a specific period of time Wikipedia. org. In scholarly terms, Learning curves are also an integral incision in planning corporate strategy, such as decisions concerning pricing, capital investment, and operating costs based on experience curves Chase-Jacobs-Aquilano.In the pizzeria scenario presented requires a all-encompassing understanding of the cause and effect of decisions made and making adjustments to minimize the do of time to complete the entire process and also minimizing the amount of potential nodes from leaving. To contour the process, it is important to secernate the transformations of the business as it moves along the entire learning curve when each scenario is considered and acted upon. Measuring the process of serving pizzaThe pizzeria has been in business since 1950 and has become a recognizable mainstay in Palm Spri ngs, CA for its quality and uniqueness. As the business is being passed down, it is important for the successor to recognize the learning curve and understand the restaurant as it functions today. During peak times, the pizzeria staffs four anticipate staff and two kitchen workers. With customers arriving in groups of two to four every(prenominal) three to five minutes there are only 14 4-top tables, but no 2-top tables to seat each party.The entire process from when a customer walks into the pizzeria to the time they leave takes 53 minutes. Eleven of the minutes are consumed just hold to be seated at an open table and some other 13 minutes are consumed back in the kitchen processing the order room for improvement. Applying the learning curve theorem By turning four of the 4-tops into eight 2-tops, it increases the tally tables available at the pizzeria from 14 to 18 and effectively reduces the amount wait time to 5. 27 minutes.The additional tables also allow the utilization of the wait staff to a manageable and profitable 87%. The observations and learnings of the first two weeks have allowed the pizzeria to become more efficient, reduce the amount of time customers have to wait, reduced the amount of customers who have balked and left before they could be served and has increased the profit from $1065 to $1653. Identifying process weaknesses The pizza parlor has incorporated key improvements from observations of the process.Unfortunately, it is undeniable to invest in capital with newer more advanced systems in order to sustain the growth. In this case, the four manual ovens are beginning to hinder the legitimate process and the wait staff has become less effective. So by replacing the four manual ovens with two automated conveyor ovens from Plax reduced the cogitate processing time to four minutes and by installing the MenuPoint system has reduced the mean processing time for the wait staff to eight minutes. The average wait time now in the pizze ria is only 4. 4 minutes with an average queue time of only 2. 63 minutes. Expanding on whats been learned The Pizzeria is experiencing, as I have heard it called, A champagne problem increased potential business which, is good, but how to handle it? In this case, the location next to the Pizzeria, Cream Puffs, is closing and offers a perfect opportunity to expand the Pizzeria by seven more 4-tops and four more 2-tops. This reduces the waiting time even further to an average of 3. 47 minutes with an average queue of 2. 7 minutes. Conclusion Mario and his wife Sofia have done an outstanding parentage building the business since 1950, however there was much more opportunity available for the Pizzeria to run more efficient and generate a greater profit. Marios successor became more familiar with maintaining a balance between the customer demand for the service and the capacity of the system to provide the service. His management of the Pizzeria became more effective and processes bec ame more efficient as he moved along the learning curve.

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Importance of Marketing Essay

merchandising helps guide professi mavins in making strategic decisions by identifying growth opportunities and developing creative fashions to turn up those opportunities. Through roaring merchandising, a cable bequeath conduct extensive query, strategize and plan, print the intersection, conduct ingathering development, train the sales force, establish points of purchase, use unexclusive relations, and follow-up with good customer service. merchandising is the natural process of a business organization that identifies customers, trade places, as thoroughly as market segments and develops harvest-festivals or services to adjoin the consumes of the customers by offering appreciate of a harvest-home or service in deputize for profits and revenues for the business. In brief, market informs, educates, and persuades and it is paramount to the achievement of business success2.INTRODUCTION2.1. Background market wad be draw as advertising a crossroad. market occurs when a beau monde is trying to persuade costumers to buy the increase that they produce oer a nonher fraternitys crossway. merchandise includes intensive interrogation so that the bon ton apprize get an outlook at what is the current trend in the marketplace. The problem is that merchandising in theory contains these following activities also known as the 4-Ps which argon developing the w ar, set the product, promoting the product and deciding what people to sell the product. 2.2. Purpose of the reportThis report aims to give basics of merchandising comcept that is the most bouncy incident in business life for success. This report will tell why marketing has drop dead so principal(prenominal) in business life. 2.3. Statement of the problemAn organization can non be successful unless the organization is satisfying its customers emergencyfully. This is because a product can non simply be produced and expected to be sold. Although the idea for most is to create a prod uct or service that sells itself, the product or service mustiness create some consumer satisfaction to be suitable to sell itself. In order for there to be consumer satisfaction, economic utility must be derived from the product or service3.METHODOLOGYInformation has been gathered with research of websites, journals and books as well as own interpretation and ideas on how marketing is seen important in contri save nowing to the profitability of any federation. 4. FINDINGS4.1. What is marketing? selling is a very general term that has no specific definition to it. However, it is best draw as A social and managerial process by which individuals and groups obtain what they need and want through creating and exchanging products and assess with separates (Kotler, Brown, Adam and Armstrong, 2004). It is an consciousness of how the company works with its consumers and how it generates in the society. Marketing is seen to be the process of bringing in the businesses. It is not s een to be an alternative, but a necessity (Forsyth, 2004). Many people consider marketing as a tactic.However it is much than just a tactic. Marketing is analytic thinking. tally to Allen Weiss (2002), marketing is the analysis of customers, contenders, and a company by incorporating the consciousness of competitive analysis and company capabilities into a general understanding of what the existing segments argon. 4.2. Impact of MarketingMarketing deals with identifying and meeting human and social needs. Marketing can be defined as the process of planning and executing the conception, pricing, procession, and distribution of ideas, goods, and services to create exchanges that satisfy individual and organizational goals. (Kotler, 2004) correspond to the American Marketing Association defines marketing as an organizational function and a set of processes for creating, communicating, and delivering value to customers and for managing customer relationships in ways that benefit t he organization and its stake holders. (Kotler, 2004)According to the Marketing Principals book marketing can be defined as an organizational philosophy has been based on the marketing concept. This concept consists of deuce-ace interrelated principles such asAn organizations basic purpose is to satisfy customer needs. consolatory customer needs requires integrated and coordinated efforts throughout the organization.Organizations should heighten on broad-term success.Based on these definitions, explain the importance of marketing in organizational success. Marketing is important in an organization success. Marketing is a broad topic that covers a range of aspects, including advertising, public relations, sales, and promotions. Marketing is important because it creates the core for the company. Marketing helps provide a service for the customer. Making the customer happy is the goal of the company. If a company does not know what the client wants the company will not survive. Th e strategy in which the company uses is important to the company success. Marketing is the key for an organization to succeed. First, marketers create a need in the mind of consumers. If they do not pack a need for the product, they wont buy it. Then they have to come up with a product which will delight the consumers, and keep them coming back again and again. This is needed to hold a long-term relationship with consumers.If marketing gets them to purchase the product once, this would be a good outcome, but marketing should work to make them into lifelong loyal customers. A company is coming out with a virgin produce which will revolutionize the building industry. It makes building homes effortless. Sales of the product argon dismantle than predicted. question has found that many an(prenominal) people are unaware of the product. One has made an idea to have a campaign marketing the benefits of the new product. Customers began to realize that there was a great need for the pro duct which was being advertised. So, the customers began to purchase the product. No awareness is equated to any sales. (Personal communication, November 04, 2007)An established note of toothpaste is seeing its sales drop. No one can understand why. The product has been use for years however, the company has done gnomish advertising in the past few years because the product was so well established.Once a new ad campaign hit the waves, sales increased once more(prenominal). why? Well customers forget near products if they are not reminded. To maintain long-term customers, they need to be continues reminded of the product and they need to mobilize how much the product delights them, and how well the product performs. But re-establishing advertising, one must reinforce the communication affaire with customers. (Personal communication, November 04, 2007)A person is looking to buy a luxury car. They have the money, and one has the knowledge about the many competitors. What decisi on should the guy make? The guy ends up buying a car with the company that has the best customer relations. They buy it at the place where they are treated with respect and class, where they feel involved in every step of the journey, where they know they made the right decision. After they buy the car, their relationship with the company does not end there the customer can join clubs, attend financial seminars, attend wine and cheese events. All things build customer relationships which are strong and make the consumer happy.And the next time the consumer is in the market for a new car, they wont shop around they will return to the same dealership. (Personal communication, November 04, 2007)Marketing is more than just a company trying to sell the product. Marketing involves a great deal of research. Marketing also includes developing the product, pricing the product, promoting the product and deciding what people to sell the product. One has to be able to understand marketing so that it can be used in real life situations. 4.3. Why Marketing is ImportantMarketing instruction is accomplished by carrying out marketing research, planning, implementation, and control (Kotler, 2004). Marketing plays a major role in every business. It is very important as it contributes to the profitability of the company itself. Relationship marketing involves creating, maintaining and enhancing strong, value-laden relationship with customers and other stakeholders.They must build strong economic and social ties by promising and consistently delivering high calibre products, good service and fair prices, (Kotler, Brown, Adam and Armstrong, 2004). Furthermore, when both customers and makers are mutually beneficial from this relationship, profitable transactions will follow. Knowledge of marketing strategy and market research is crucial in order to excel in marketing. 4.3.1 Five key factors to an effective marketingForsyth (2004) stated volt factors which summarizes the effecti veness of marketing. a)Customer oriented. Company needs to focus on the wants and affects of the consumers. Profits come only after the consumers are satisfied. b)Continuously deployed. Marketing must be ready all the time as the company operates. c)Effective coordination. Marketing must logically co-ordinate its activities with the involvement of other departments and senior management team. d)Creativeness.Creativeness is needed during competitive times. By adding creativeness, marketing will be stronger. e)Underpinning culture. What makes marketing possible is not only depended on the people in marketing, but also the contributions from professional staffs in other departments are indeed needed (Forsyth, 2004). 4.3.2 Market ResearchMarketing Research is the function that links the consumer, customer, and public to the marketer through informationinformation used to identify and define marketing opportunities and problems generate, refine, and evaluate marketing actions monitor ma rketing performance and improve understanding of marketing as a process (Kotler, Brown, Adam and Armstrong, 2004). By 1957 as markets moved from seller to buyer, new ideas of marketing were taking hold. Companies began to grasp the importance of understanding what the consumers really wanted it could no longer be assumed to be the same as it always had, (Valentine & Gordon, 2000)Marketing research is basically the function that connects the consumer, customer and public to the marketer through information.There are four steps of market research. The first step is delimitate the problem this is the hardest step of market research. If an inexperience manager define the problem wrongly, the whole market research will be extend toed hence the information will be inappropriate. Once, the problem has defined, the manager should determine, the research objectives which may fall in the three categories such as exploratory, descriptive or casual research. The support step is designing th e research which will consist of determining what information should be gathered and how selective information will be collected. In this case, the data can be primary data collection or secondary data collection. The third step is implementing the plan which usually can be done by the internal staff or external firm. After the plan has implemented, the raw data will be prepared in order to get the information.The last step is interpreting the data the researches will need to present the overall information to the marketing manager to be carried out to the next marketing process. 4.3.3 Marketing EnvironmentIt is important to determine the environment that the company is working in. The marketing environment refers to the actors and forces outside the marketing managements skills to cultivate as well as maintain successful transactions with targeted customers (Kotler, Brown, Adam and Armstrong, 2004). indisputable environmental complications and issues can severely affect the profit ability of the company. Environmental complications and issues include the breakdown of rescue (local economy and international economy), inflation, boom, trend, customers dissatisfaction and others. The company should be able to adapt to such changes of the environment, or else the companys profit will significantly decrease. This would affect the companys growth as well as driving off loyal customers. The micro-environmentIt could simply be defined as the forces nearest to the company, which affect the companys capability of serving its customers. Certain types of micro-environments that the company needs to take notice of are, for example, other departments, major suppliers, marketing representatives, customers and competitors (Kotler, Brown, Adam and Armstrong, 2004). Most of these environments can be controlled by the company itself. The Macro-environmentThe macro-environment consists of the larger societal forces that affect the whole micro-environment demogra phic, economic, natural, technological, political and cultural forces, (Kotler, Brown, Adam and Armstrong, 2004). Most of these cannot be controlled by the company. 4.3.4 Marketing Segmenting, Targeting, postMarket segmentation is the act of grouping customers in markets with some heterogeneity into smaller, more similar or homogeneous segments (Dibb and Simkin, 2001).There are four variables that the business can choose to segment their markets geographic, demographic, psychographic and behavioral variables. The business can choose to segment in one variable or a combination amidst two or three variables. However, in order to achieve an effective segmentation, the business should have the peculiar(prenominal) of measurability, accessibility, and substantiality and action ability. The next step, the business has to decide on which market segment they should target on, which classified ad of undifferentiated marketing, differentiated marketing or concentrated marketing. Once a bus iness has decided which segments of the market it will enter, they must decide which positions they want to occupy in those segments. Product position means the way the product is defined by consumers on important attributes the place product occupies in consumers minds coition to competing product (Kotler, Brown, Adam and Armstrong, 2004).They can position their products according to specific product attributes, benefits, users occasions, definite classes of users, against a competitor, away from competitor and product classes. In brief, by dividing market into a group of consumers who have a similar needs and wants, the business can achieve consumers satisfaction easier rather than if they concentrate on broadly market. Hence, when the business can satisfy the consumers, the consumers will develop a brand inscription. Customers cant fully give subjection until they believe a company genuinely cares about them and cares about their needs (Hein, 2004). Moreover, as brand loyalty has formed, the business will be able to receive a profit, which should be supported with accurate product positioning. 4.3.5 Marketing MixMarketing mix is a set of controllable marketing variables that the company combines to produce the feedback it wants in the targeted market (Kotler, Brown, Adam and Armstrong, 2004).Marketing mix consists of 4Ps Product, Price, Place and Promotion. Product is defined as anything that can be offered to a market for attention, acquisition, use or consumption that might satisfy a want or need (Kotler, Brown, Adam and Armstrong, 2004).In order to produce a product, a business has to concern about the level of product core, actual and augmented product. The core product is the problem solving services or core benefits that the consumers are really buying when they obtained the product (Kotler, Brown, Adam and Armstrong, 2004). Actual product is products part, styling, features, brand chance upon, encase a d other attributes that combine to delive r core product benefits (Kotler, Brown, Adam and Armstrong, 2004). Whereas the augmented product is additional consumer services and benefits build around the core and actual products (Kotler, Brown, Adam and Armstrong, 2004). The second element of marketing mix is price.Price is the amount of money charged for a product or the sum of value consumers exchange for the benefits of having or using a product (Kotler, Brown, Adam and Armstrong, 2004). There two factors that the business should chip in before set up the price internal and external factors. Then, they can choose which type of pricing that suit the product cost-plus, value-based, competitive or relationship-based pricing. The third element is Place, which is defined as making products available in the right quantities and locations when customers want them (Kotler, Brown, Adam and Armstrong, 2004). It includes physical distributions, inventory, location, transport, and channels. Intermediaries (marketing channel) are the one which distribute the product from the producer to consumer.The last element is Promotion. It simply means the transmitting merits of the products and persuading target consumers to buy them. At the start of the products lifecycle, promotion is necessary so that potential customers know of the existence of the product. Once the product grows, promotion must give out more persuasive and encourage consumers to make a purchase. 4.3.6 ImplementationMarketing implementing is to translate the plans into actions. For the successful marketing implementation, company has to break these elements action syllabuss, organization structure, decision and reward system, human resources and company culture into a cohesive program that supports its strategies (Kotler, Brown, Adam and Armstrong, 2004). 4.3.7 ControllingMarketing control referred as the process of measuring and evaluating the results of marketing strategies and plans, and taking corrective action to examine that marketing objec tives are attained (Kotler, Brown, Adam and Armstrong, 2004).The manager should control the marketing implementation by reach a goal , measure and evaluate the performance and also correcting the error of implementation. 4.4. Marketing and BrandingProduct is the core of marketing, which including existent goods ilk food or drinks or intangible services, as it is the major way to embody customers requirements and, stigmatization is directly associated with it. In fact, stigmatization is all about decisio ns of products, like brand sees or trademarks. Stork (2007) take a firm stand that a brand is a unique business identity which represents the personality, quality or origin of products.And, such a product which added value by stigmatization would appear in every activity of marketing, namely, branding is actually react on the whole marketing system directly and indirectly. In addition, Stork (2007) also argued that branding is the process of creating distinctive and durable p erceptions in the minds of consumers. This is significant, as it accords with the objective of marketing, and it is the first step to attract customers. By contrast with those basic branding factors, brand loyalty is more complicated but significant. Attracting customers is not enough, organizations demand loyalty of customers to brands to make them competitive among others.Therefore, based on the analysis of theories above, branding and brand loyalty is vital to successful marketing, but there are still many other factors could affect their importance at bottom the dynamic environment, like the different industry will have different types of marketing and branding. Subsequently, the further and deeper investigating will be conducted with examples of gross(a) Atlantic Airway, which is a super brand in airline industry. Virtually, aspiration Council of UK (2007) defined that the airline industry is hard to operate. Fixed be are high, demand can falter sort of dramatically an d shortages of key airport infrastructure all make it difficult for airlines to operate profitably. Relatively, the marketing for airline industry is not easy as well the promotion or pricing would be totally different to other industries like food or drink, because its products are distinctive. However, gross(a) Atlantic is doing quite well in general, it is famous on its branding and its services and it did won many rewards on that, like it came out on top in a consumer survey of travel brands in 2006. (Business Source Premier, 2006)As discussed before, a brand is a unique business identity, and a well managed one would be the plus of an organization, and the marketing and financial value associated with its strength in a market is so-called brand equity. (Dibb et al, 2001) According to Dibb et al (2001), there are four main elements underlie the brand equity, which are brand name awareness, brand loyalty, perceived brand quality and brand associations. It is good for customers to know the brand names of products which they do or do not like, thereby, they can recognize and purchase products that satisfy their needs simply. Otherwise, the product filling would be complicated or even wrongly selection. At the same time, it is clear that brand name awareness is the very first step for sellers, which would cause familiarity and a unique brand name or logo may reinforce the familiarity to be memorable, which will strongly remain custom ers to come again. delinquent to that, organizations should promote their brand names or logos as much as possible within this stage, to gain awareness of their brands from customers. For example, one of marketing techniques of vestal Atlantic is to advertising activity in the UK includes TV, press, magazines, outside posters and taxi sides, all featuring their distinctive logo. Advertising is used to encourage people to try the airline, to raise awareness of new product developments and new routes. (Virgin Atlantic, 2007)The perceived brand quality means certain perception of customers over the brand quality. This sort of perception mainly depends on consumers using experiences or the way organizations branded. Well marketed brands would become the indicators of quality or choice making for consumers as they have less or no ideas about the quality of certain goods in some case. As branded of its services, Virgin Atlantic is giving their customers what they want, by offering limousine services, full meal catering, multi-class services, and entertainment consoles on every seat-back. (Stealing piece of ground, 2006)Thus, the perceived brand quality of Virgin aircrafts is quite high customers probably would consider it firstly or secondly while they are choosing an airline that is good at customer services. Thirdly, the brand would be more attractive and memorable if it associated with certain lifestyle or other characteristics. Virgin is one of the best choices for illustrating this point. As one of exten ded brands of Virgin Group, Virgin Atlantic is absolutely under the organizational culture as well, which characterized by Richard Branson, the founder of the company. Virgins brand values are really Branson style, which are innovative, competitive thought-provoking, fun and so on and this also embodies in Virgin Atlantic. For instance, Virgins design teams always working on challenging new technologies or services, like the design of its upper class suite. (Design Council, 2007) Or, the entertainment consoles on every seat-back shows their focus on providing fun to customers.Like other three elements discussed above, brand loyalty is also valued to brand equity thanks to its function. Dibb et al (2001) defined that brand loyalty is a strongly motivated and long standing decision to purchase a particular product or service. Once customers loyal to one specific product, the market share of that product for the company would be relatively stable, allowing the company to use its resou rces more effectively or obtain premium prices. In line with what discussed before, organizations could be competitive with a relative stable market share among their competitors through brand loyalty, and meanwhile companies can diminish certain costs like the cost of attracting new customers. Moreover, brand loyalty has three degrees that are recognition, gustation and insistence.The recognition is just alike as awareness of brand name customers realize that brand is an alternative to purchase. Brand preference is stronger than recognition, as customers is showing certainly prefers on one brand over others, but they would accept substitutes wh ile the brand is not available. The last degree is the strongest one as consumers would insistent on the particular brand and will accept no substitutes. (Dibb et al, 2001) Though, it is less to happen due to various reasons, like in the airline industry, it is difficult for customers to insistent on one brand thanks to limitation of airlin e routes and destinations.5. CONCLUSIONMarketing is a unique and vast area of business. All the success of a business depends on a successful marketing campaign. There is also much more to marketing than what is discussed here. One fundamental of any marketing program is that it work toward meeting the wants and needs of customers in the target area. Trying to force feed a product or service to an unwanting public is seldom successful and is very expensive. Which is why it is very important to research and develop all new marketing ideas so that they fit the product being offered. Do you sell ice cold lemonade on a freezing winter day? A go bad suggestion would be hot chocolate. However, innovation and new marketing techniques can be offered where you can do both at their respective seasons. Its all about marketing.The challenges and obstacles involved with corporate longevity are go about and championed through marketing and its strategies. Important aspects of marketing are the acquisition of new clients, branding, and influencing behaviors that encourage sales. Each of these categories promotes business expansion and prosperity. Each organization has their own recipe for marketing and succes.6. REFERENCESDibb, Simkin, Pride, Ferrell (2001), MarketingConcepts and Strategies, Houghton Mifflin CompanyEleven lessons Managing design in eleven global brands (Virgin Atlantic), (2007), In Design Council online. Available from http// Yudkin, Head Stork (2005-2007), the Benefits of Branding, In Name At populate online. Available from http// Share (10/10/2006), Global Branding Virgin Atlantic gets it Right, In Stealing ShareBeyond Theory online. Available from http// Atlantic (2007), Student Information PackMarketing, I n Virgin Atlantic Website online. Available from http// tops loyalty league (2006), Travel Weekly The prime(a) of Travel Professionals (00494577), 00494577, 2006, Issue 1806 online, In Business Source Primer online. Available from http//, P (2004) Marketing is a must, IEE Engineering ManagementKotler, P., Adam, S., Armstrong, G.,

Monday, May 20, 2019

For the Love of the Game Essay

The poem, Black Hair by Gary Soto describes a son who had and probably ease has a love and passion for baseball wager. Many images d hotshotout this poem support this fact. For example, In the bleachers I was shining with my body, waving players in and stomping my feet, His crouch the one I assumed before an alter of worn baseball tease in my room, and in my mind I round the bases with him, my face fl bed, my hair lifting/Beautifully, show how some(prenominal) he loves the game of baseball by putting himself, through imagination, into the game as if he was a player or coach himself.The first image, In the bleachers I was brilliant with my body, waving players in and stomping my feet shows how the boy tries to put himself right there in the game with the players. It makes me believe he is a true devotee who in reality gets into the game. He was probably one of those annoying fans who jump up right in bird-scarer of you just as someone is running for home shield and you mis s it because they block your view through all their excitement. During those moments he probably forgets about everyone around him and feels at that moment he is the only one there.The second image, His crouch the one I assumed before an alter of worn baseball cards in my room to me shows he has been a collector for a while. Some of his baseball cards could become also been his Fathers that may make water been handed down to him, which in that case are also old and worn. It makes me think he frequently thumbs through them. I am imagining them to be unbroken in an old shoebox not really in any type of order. After a game he probably gets them out and pulls out the best players from that game.The third image, in my mind I rounded the bases with him, my face flared, my hair lifting/Beautifully again as in the first image shows me how he really puts himself in the game. He feels like a team player and maybe dreams of one day beingness a professional himself like Hector Moreno. The w ay he describes himself by the face flaring and hair lifting makes me believe he can see himself in slow motion heading for home plate and everyone watching and cheering him on as he approaches each base.Each image I have described supports my theory about his love of baseball and his dream of one day being a professional player himself. I think with the loss of his Father, baseball has taken up a bombastic part of his life to maybe fill the void of his loss. He has definitely picked Hector out as a big role model for him and wants to one day be as successful as Hector. He wants to big an important person that people will look up to.