Thursday, August 27, 2020

Legalize Gambling Essays - Gambling, Casino, Economics Of Gambling

Legitimize Gambling Regardless of whether to authorize betting is an intense choice. The advantages and disadvantages of the inquiry are practically equivalent, and keeping in mind that some state it will support economy others state it can obliterate it. Nobody contends that betting is a major, gainful business, they just inquiry whether it is a business doing great, or the inverse. Contentions the two different ways are convincing and the two sides have numerous models that show their point. In any case, in the event that I were in the situation of choosing if betting ought to turn out to be completely lawful in my nation I would agree with betting. In numerous territories of the world betting has demonstrated a monetary achievement. The development in occupations, income and government cash is too huge to even consider ignoring. In spite of the fact that pundits call attention to zones that have not developed since betting begun, this is principally a direct result of terrible arrangements with the legislature or the network and not in view of betting itself. In the event that we take a gander at betting as a bet and be cautious we can stay away from numerous errors that have just been made. Adversaries additionally tout the frightful good gauges which betting as far as anyone knows energizes. While this might be valid, that doesn't give individuals the option to prevent others from betting. Many see pre-marriage sex and homosexuality as ethically off-base, however that doesn't give them the option to stop the conduct. In the event that they think that its off-base, at that point they decide not to take an interest in the train ing. Additionally, individuals can decide not to bet however they can't remove that directly from individuals who do. The monetary development in urban communities that help betting has been astou! nding. Billions of dollars daily come in through the club, and a portion of this cash is then given to the administration helping the economy much more. With the gambling clubs additionally comes a colossal measure of occupations. Development, the board, and numerous different occupations inside the club help neighborhood economy much more. Not just the gambling club profits by the convergence of more sightseers however numerous different organizations will flourish, as well. Lodgings, eateries, and others offering administrations will unavoidably be supported by the betting industry. A few people dread that other, illicit organizations will flourish as a result of the inundation of cash notwithstanding the real ones. This might be valid in the event that we kept a similar measure of law authorization, anyway this won't be the situation. With the extra income made by the club themselves the nearby specialists would now be able to bear to keep more police officers and tricks in the ci ty and examining the betting organizations. Defilement will be successfully kept under tight restraints and embarrassment hel! d down. The shadowy foundation of betting will gradually vanish as residents understand that it is an authentic business. In numerous territories of the United States betting is as of now rehearsed with lottery and others of a similar sort. The financial exchange is likewise a type of betting that nobody protests about. The botched chance that not going with betting is too huge to ever be overlooked and thusly the best decision is foundation betting. Monetary gains by betting are by all account not the only thought in this decision, one needs to recollect that numerous individuals need club close to them. In the event that the legislature is really of the individuals and for the individuals it must follow the open's desire to present legitimized betting.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Does the Media Distort Our Understanding of What Is Happening in the World? Justify Your Answer with the Use of Examples

When considering this inquiry, we need to ask ourselves right off the bat what is the job of the media in our reality? Media is characterized as the methods for mass correspondence (esp. TV, radio, papers, books, magazines, web) respected all in all. Its job in the public eye is to illuminate people in general, and keep us educated, about what's going on all through the world just as engage us. It utilizes numerous stages including web, books, magazines, papers, TV, when you stroll down the street.It is surrounding us. It is there to make individuals think and urges us to challenge and have a supposition about occasions and choices that are going on and being made. Be that as it may, is it likewise used to keep the open credulous, just illuminating people in general about specific occasions, mesmerizing them into purchasing items they don’t need, mutilating their comprehension of what's going on the planet? Media conveys us with news and data from our nation, yet from around t he world. A principle segment of our news is political.The media conveys us data about everything from ideological groups, races, MP’s, to and choices made. The axiom by the CBS commentator Walter Cronkite portrays what the news systems and companies are there to do; ‘Our work is to just hold up the mirror, to mention to the open what's going on. ’ But that is just a thin piece of what they really do. Because of media aggregates it is simple for a companies political motivation to be constrained on people in general, even the world, without knowing.An case of this is Rupert Murdock. He is the author, executive and CEO of New Corporation, which claims the Fox Network, BSkyB (39. 1), The Times, The Sunday Times, The Sun, The Daily Mail, Vogue, and the rundown goes on. It has impact in nations everywhere throughout the world including United States, the greatest economy on the planet, and the UK. There are numerous models since its commencement where it has meddled and convinced people in general to modify the course of legislative issues to support the enterprise or person. One model is The Sun.In the 1992 races in Britain, The Suns’ title text ‘Kinnock wins today will the last individual to forget about Britain please turn the lights’ is one of the most celebrated title texts in paper history. The feature alludes to The Suns’ battle paving the way to the surveying days. The paper drove a crusade against the Labor parties pioneer, Neil Kinnock, which at that point lead to the political race day title text being that. That year, the traditionalists won and the feature the day after was ‘It The Sun Wot Won It’. There are a lot more models The Sun and different papers doing this.This shows that the media can be utilized as an incredible political instrument to persuade general society to decide in favor of a gathering, for the enterprises, people or potentially governments benefits. Rupert Murdock was thir teenth on Forbes; the most influential individuals on the planet 2010, above President of France, Nicholas Sarkozy. Is that right? This brings up the issue of whether media is helping individuals make educated, insightful choices? Notice are a huge toss of our media today. Each stage for media you take a gander at, regardless of whether it be papers or TV, ads will be separated of it.Due to adverts being the subsidizing for dominant part of media organizes, a great deal of the news enterprises tune in to organizations requests. For example, not composing awful press about the organizations that are dirtying our reality, or executing youngster work on the opposite side of the globe. On the off chance that the news offices did this, at that point they wouldn't have the assets to endure. This is an enormous bending and individuals are left in obscurity pretty much all the horrendous activities from organizations. A model is the rustic inborn terrains of East India. Protestors are clash ing with steel mammoth Arcelor Mittal.The worldwide organization needs to dislodge the locals from their genealogical land, and assemble offices for coke refining, and steel creation. It will wreck 15 towns and uproot numerous townspeople. With respect to benefit associations are permitted to purchase up media systems, they do as such so as to make more benefit and can utilize the media to misshape our comprehension of what their organization is really doing. For instance, in 1995, when Disney was near the precarious edge of breakdown and their viewings were diminishing, they bought the ABC organize in the endeavor of restoring Disney.This empowered them to communicate their shows at top occasions, the same number of times as they loved. They had the option to report great press about themselves and ready to promote their items. Lion's share of ads are bad either. It has made social orders, more created nations than creating, materialistic and needing to an ever increasing extent. I tems used to be showcased for their utility and they were relied upon to last. In any case, because of the organizations believing that after they offered one to somebody, they wouldn’t need another. So they changed their publicizing effort to requiring it.It changed the ‘want’ during the 1950s to the ‘modern need’. Individuals are prepared to want things, which takes their consideration off progressively significant things throughout everyday life. Irritating force is another ploy they use so as to sell their items. Food, drink, and different items target small kids so as to hassle their folks into purchasing the particular items. Scratch Davis, a previous columnist of the year and author for Guardian, says ‘Our media have become mass makers of mutilation. ’ He gives the case of a gathering of wild youngster menaces who had ganged up and endeavored to hang a five-year-old from a tree.The entire of armada road distributed this story in o ne manner on another. Anyway what he proceed to clarify is that the police, from the very first moment, had would not say that the kid had been swung from a tree. The unparalleled statement that the entire story depended on was from the young men grown-up cousin. He had told the press that the kid had said ‘Some young men and young ladies have put a rope around my neck and attempted to attach me to a tree’. Nothing in their says he was hanged. Scratch Davis, to attempt to comprehend why the press had run this story, authorized research from masters at Cardiff University.They overviewed 2,000 articles from 5 papers (Times, Telegraph, Daily Mail, Guardian and Independent). What they discovered was out of the articles, just 12% of stories where made out of material looked into by columnists, 8% was obscure and the staying 80% was from recycled sources and given by news organizations and the advertising business. †Nick Davis. (2008). Our media have become mass makers o f contortion. Accessible: http://www. gatekeeper. co. uk/commentisfree/2008/feb/04/remark. pressandpublishing. Last got to eighth December 2011.This research shows that a ton of the articles are at risk for not being exact in light of confusion, lying, or different methods. Because of the ascent in person to person communication, for example, Facebook and Twitter, ‘citizen news coverage is on the expansion as well’. Individuals talking and revealing the news by sharing connections, offering their input about occasions and expounding on what's going on, and their companions, universities and individual bloggers taking it for truth. Be that as it may, because of an a ton of these individuals not having the information about the subject, or not doing research, these data they are sharing isn't generally exact and can mutilate what is truly going n. Take wikipedia for instance, anybody regardless of what their insight is regarding the matter, their keenness, instruction, th ey can alter, re-alter, and include themselves in wikipedias passages. The framework is available to manhandle and implies that a great deal of the substance on there could be off base as well as bogus. On the off chance that we can’t trust our news or the individuals who are accountable for illuminating us, this isn't a majority rules system, its a general public wherein we are mentioned to just what a couple of chosen individuals need us to hear and see. All in all, I feel that there are a ton of news sources that do mutilate what's going on around us, and this is a major problem.From the news systems being constrained by their revenue driven funders, to huge organizations purchasing media arranges so as to flexibly the general population with a bogus picture of themselves. A huge piece of the issue however is that a great deal individuals are not educated to think all alone, which makes it simpler for the media to do as such, or are suspecting all alone yet not having the information to give important data to other people. Regardless of whether it be the flaw of the legislature, the guardians, schools, it needs to change. Be that as it may, not all media mutilates our comprehension of what's going on in the world.There are news enterprises that aren’t just financed by adverts, which stops the requirement for the systems to tune in to the organizations. BBC is exclusively supported by charges gathered by the administration, the duty on your TV, and has been running since 1932. The Guardian is another model. It was claimed by the Scott Trust, a beneficent establishment wherein planned to guarantee the papers publication freedom and that it was not taken over by a revenue driven association. This implies it would not yield to firms requests, and reports the news at a non predisposition point.

Friday, August 21, 2020

10 Ways to Write More Each Day

10 Ways to Write More Each Day One of the things most writers would like to be able to do is to write more on a daily basis. While the obvious answer to this problem is to spend more time writing, thats not always an option. If you like to write or you have a book project brewing in the back of your mind, there are some steps you can take other than to spend more time which has the potential of helping you to get more words down on paper each day. Set goals and stick to them If youre writing a book, you should have an outline of your plot and your chapters in advance. How far do you want to get this week? What should your daily progress be? Set a realistic goal and stick to it even when the going gets tough. Set milestones, and decide how youll celebrate them. Turn it into a game or a challenge. If you know how much youre progressing every day and want to up the ante, ask a little more of yourself. Are you writing 1,000 words a day? Push it to 1,250, it only takes a few minutes longer, but in four days youll have gained an extra days worth of progress. Researchers say that we can boost our productivity by as much as 25% just by setting goals. Use your most productive working time Many of us find that we progress fastest with our writing in the mornings. Your brains still half asleep, but somehow its still fresher and you get more writing done. Other people like to write after everyone has gone to sleep. Try writing at different times of the day to determine your most productive time of day and plan your writing time around that. Use down-time to think things through Use times when youre not writing to think about what youre going to do next. Stirring a pot in the kitchen doesnt occupy your brain, so use the time to think about where youre going with your writing. Generate ideas as you sip your morning coffee or while youre driving around town on errands. Even if you dont record your thoughts, youll have a greater sense of purpose when next you sit down to write. Dont try to perfect your writing when youre in an inspired space Nobody can be inspired all the time, but when inspiration hits, the faster you can get your ideas down, the more youre going to get out of the moment. You can always go back and correct things later on, but your inspiration wont last forever. So write. Be fast. Be furious. Be glaringly inaccurate. You can fix all of that when your brain reverts to plodding along. Use writing prompts If youre blogging, journaling or just writing for fun, getting ideas for something to write can take nearly as much time as the writing itself. There are tons of weird, wonderful, interesting or inspiring writing prompts available online. Pick one at random and go crazy. The creative challenges will sharpen up your thinking, and all that writing practice is sure to improve your skill. Take breaks Spending hours at a time hammering away at your writing might not be the best way to boost your productivity. Take breaks every 25 minutes or so, even if its just getting a glass of water or looking up from your work and doing a few stretching exercises. Its a scientifically proven fact that people who cut themselves some slack in the form of short breaks are way more productive than the constant plodders. Dont dump your workout Forget the stereotypes of lumbering (and slightly dim) muscle men and ditzy gym bunnies. Getting exercise improves your circulation and gets extra oxygen into your bloodstream. And that goes to your brain, helping you to think more creatively and effectively. A study on creative thinking showed that people who did exercise, even light exercise, fared better at a task set to measure creative thinking. Figure out how you waste time Relaxing is important, but a lot of the unproductive things we do in our free time arent really relaxing. We get annoyed with our TV shows, we aimlessly search the net or we engage in less-than-meaningful interactions on social media. Remember, if it relaxes and refreshes you, its productive. If it doesnt, it might be that cutting out that activity will give you more time to boost your writing productivity. Shut out distractions Do people ping you on Skype while youre writing? Do you have your Facebook tab open and peep to see whats going down every time you hear a notifier? You could be losing hours of productive time just attending to these little distractions. When you return to your work, you have to compose your thoughts all over again, and that wastes time too. Drink lots of water This might sound like just another of those ho-hum health tips, but it really works. Think about it. Your body consists mainly of water, and your brain has an even higher percentage of water than the rest of your body. If youre dehydrated, which many of us are as a matter of course, how can you expect your brain to function at its best? Keep a glass of water handy, and keep on sipping! (Photo courtesy of inthepottershands)

Monday, May 25, 2020

Comparing the Female Pirates Anne Bonny and Mary Read

During the Golden Age of Piracy (1700–1725), legendary pirates like Blackbeard, Bartholomew Roberts, and Charles Vane commanded mighty ships, terrorizing any merchant unfortunate enough to cross their path. Yet two of the most famous pirates from this age served on a third-rate pirate ship under a second-rate captain, and they never held an important position on board such as quartermaster or boatswain. They were Anne Bonny and Mary Read: bold women who left behind the stereotypical domestic chores of women at the time in favor of a life of adventure on the high seas. Here, we separate fact from myth in regards to two of historys greatest swashbucklerettes. They Were Both Raised as Boys Mary Read was born into complicated circumstances. Her mother married a sailor and they had a son. The sailor was lost at sea about the time Mary’s mother found herself pregnant with Mary, by another man. The boy, Mary’s half-brother, died when Mary was very little. The sailor’s family did not know about Mary, so her mother dressed her as a boy and passed her off as her dead half-brother in order to get financial support from her mother-in-law. Apparently, the scheme worked, at least for a while. Anne Bonny was born out of wedlock to a lawyer and his maid. He grew fond of the girl and wished to bring her into his home, but everyone in town knew he had an illegitimate daughter. Therefore, he dressed her as a boy and passed her off as the son of some distant relations. Bonny and Read may have been in a somewhat precarious situation—two women on board a pirate ship—but pity the fool who tried to take advantage of them. Before turning pirate, Read, dressed as a man, served as a soldier in an infantry regiment and once she became a pirate she was not afraid of accepting (and winning) duels with other pirates. Bonny was described as â€Å"robust† and, according to one of her shipmates, Captain Charles Johnson, she once badly beat a would-be rapist: â€Å"†¦once, when a young Fellow would have lain with her, against her Will, she beat him so, that he lay ill of it a considerable Time.† Piracy as a Womans Career If Bonny and Read are any indications the pirate captains of the golden age were missing out by sticking to all-male crews. The two were every bit as good at fighting, manning the ship, drinking and cursing as any other member of the crew, and maybe better. One captive said of them that they â€Å"were both very profligate, cursing and swearing much, and very ready and willing to do anything on board.† Like most of the pirates of the era, Bonny and Read made the conscious decision to become pirates. Bonny, who was married and living in the Caribbean, decided to run off with Calico Jack Rackham and join his pirate crew. Read was captured by pirates and served with them for a while before accepting a pardon. She then joined an anti-pirate privateering expedition: the would-be pirate hunters, most of whom were former pirates themselves, soon mutinied and returned to their old ways. Read was one of those who actively convinced the others to take up piracy again. Although they’re arguably the most famous real-life female pirates, Anne Bonny and Mary Read are far from being the only women ever to take up piracy. The most notorious was Ching Shih (1775–1844), a one-time Chinese prostitute who became a pirate. At the height of her power, she commanded 1,800 ships and 80,000 pirates. Her rule of the seas off of China was nearly absolute. Grace O’Malley (1530?–1603) was a semi-legendary Irish chieftain and pirate. Working Together and on Crews According to Captain Johnson, who knew both Read and Bonny, the two met while both were serving on Calico Jack’s pirate ship. Both were disguised as men. Bonny became attracted to Read and revealed that she was really a woman. Read then also revealed herself to be a woman, much to Bonny’s disappointment. Calico Jack Rackham, Bonny’s lover, was allegedly very jealous of Bonny’s attraction to Read until he learned the truth, at which point he helped both of them cover up their real gender. Rackham may have been in on the ruse, but it apparently wasn’t much of a secret. At the trials of Rackham and his pirates, several witnesses came forth to testify against them. One such witness was Dorothy Thomas, who had been captured by Rackham’s crew and held as a prisoner for a time. According to Thomas, Bonny and Read dressed as men, fought with pistols and machetes like any other pirate and were twice as ruthless. She said that the women had wanted to murder Thomas to prevent her from eventually testifying against them. Thomas said she knew them at once to be women â€Å"by the largeness of their breasts.† Other captives said that although they dressed like men for battle, they dressed like women the rest of the time. They Didn’t Go Out Without a Fight Rackham and his crew had been active in piracy on and off since 1718 when in October of 1720, Rackham was discovered by pirate hunters led by Captain Jonathan Barnet. Barnet cornered them off the coast of Jamaica and in an exchange of cannon fire, Rackhams ship was disabled. While Rackham and the other pirates cowered below decks, Read and Bonny remained on the decks, fighting. They verbally berated the men for their spinelessness and Mary Read even fired a shot into the hold, killing one of the cowards. Later, in one of the most famous pirate quotes of all time, Bonny told Rackham in prison: Im sorry to see you here, but if you had fought like a man, you need not have hanged like a dog. They Escaped Hanging Because of Their â€Å"Condition† Rackham and his pirates were swiftly tried and found guilty. Most of them were hanged on Nov. 18, 1720. Bonny and Read were also sentenced to hang, but both of them declared they were pregnant. A judge ordered their claim checked out and it was found to be true, a fact which automatically commuted their death sentence. Read died in prison shortly thereafter, but Bonny survived. No one knows for sure what became of her and her child. Some say she reconciled with her rich father, some say she remarried and lived in Port Royal or Nassau. An Inspirational Tale The story of Anne Bonny and Mary Read has captivated people ever since their arrest. Captain Charles Johnson featured them prominently in his 1724 book,   A General History of the Robberies and Murders of the most  notorious  Pyrates, which certainly helped his sales. Later on, the notion of female pirates as romantic figures gained traction. In 1728 (less than ten years after Bonny and Reads arrest), noted playwright John Gay wrote the Opera Polly, a sequel to his acclaimed Beggars Opera. In the opera, young Polly Peachum comes to the New World and takes up piracy as she searches for her husband. Female pirates have been part of romantic pirate lore ever since. Even modern fictional she-pirates like Angelica, played by Penelope Cruz in Pirates of the Caribbean: on Stranger Tides (2011) owe their existence to Read and Bonny. In fact, its safe to say that Bonny and Read have had a far greater impact on popular culture than they ever had on eighteenth-century shipping and commerce. Sources Cawthorne, Nigel. A History of Pirates: Blood and Thunder on the High Seas. Edison: Chartwell Books, 2005. Cordingly, David. New York: Random House Trade Paperbacks, 1996 Defoe, Daniel. A General History of the Pyrates. Edited by Manuel Schonhorn. Mineola: Dover Publications, 1972/1999. Konstam, Angus. The World Atlas of Pirates. Guilford: Lyons Press, 2009 Rediker, Marcus. Villains of All Nations: Atlantic Pirates in the Golden Age. Boston: Beacon Press, 2004.

Thursday, May 14, 2020

Food the Succulence in Deceit - 1723 Words

In the American supermarket, we have access to an array of food products. These products, in most cases, appeal to our baser needs to eat items rich in flavor. For example, McDonald’s commercials prey on our weaknesses; depicting a slender man or woman of reasonable attractiveness eating their product, a succulent hamburger composed of what they claim to be fresh ingredients. Many people assume that these items, because they are sold in the supermarket, are generally healthy but this is far from the truth. In reality, the corporations producing the food we consume have a blatant disregard for the healthiness of the product nor the consumer. The major food corporations that produce these products pose a threat to our health, attested by the†¦show more content†¦In the meat field, there is also unhygienic practices. The animals enter the same way in which they left the industrialized farm, unhealthy, in most cases, and filthy. To cleanse the animals of their filth, they are treated to a quick spray of water. Of course, this futile attempt does not remove all of the manure from their hides. If an animal, shows any signs of sickness; it will still be slaughtered. For example, in the film they showed a clip of cows outside the slaughterhouse that were simply too weak to walk being forcefully herded into the slaughterhouse. This practice increases the probability of contamination and exposure to dangerous pathogens. The finished product contains meat from not few but thousands of animals. When that many animals are mixed within one finished product, the likelihood that the product is tainted by feces, salmonella, E. Coli or any another pathogen increases tenfold. Despite the increased number of outbreaks in several dangerous pathogens, the regulatory agencies are lax in their policies toward the food industry. The food industry holds immense power, to say the least, and they have equally powerful supporters. For example, the biotechnology company Mon santo, whom has numerous former employees holding office of consequence in the USDA and the FDA. These clever infiltrators have the power to influence the laws and to skew them in favor of their benefactor. Currently, the FDA is being advised by a Mr. Michael Taylor, who formerly

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Management Style Essays - 660 Words

Management Style Essay Joyce Davis HCS/325 3/23/2015 Management Style Essay Introduction Today’s paper is about management styles. I will discuss things; such as what management is and what are the good and poor qualities of managers. In addition; do these conditions change based on the social environment, work environment or home environment? Last, I will discuss the results of my management quiz. This part of the discussion will focus on whether or not I agree or disagree with those results. What do you define as management? Management equals having the ability to lead, plan, organize, control, make decisions, and direct others in achieving an organization’s goals and their mission. Managers perform many†¦show more content†¦Do the qualities change based on different situations? It is my belief that these qualities do not change. â€Å"Leadership roles are all around us, not just in a work environment† (SkillsYouNeed, 2015). â€Å"They can be applied to any situation where you are required to take the lead, professionally, socially and at home in family settings† (SkillsYouNeed, 2015). I do not feel that you can just dismiss these qualities whenever you wish. However, I feel that you need to be able to adapt to whatever environment you find yourself. Do you agree with the results of your management quiz? I agree with the outcome of the exam. Taking the test was an excellent experiment! It allowed me to see whether or not I would make a good manager. According to the results, a managerial position would be in line with my personality. The test result indicated that I had the ability to manage and govern myself. It lets me know; I have the capacity to control and supervise others. As stated before if one can not govern one’s self, it makes no sense attempting to direct others. According to the exam; when it comes to managing my team’s work it states â€Å"It sounds like you are getting your staff on the same page about goals and plans to achieve them, delegating well, and ensuring results match what you are looking for† (Management Center, 2015). Conclusion Today, I discussed management styles. I also explained things; such as what management is and what are the good and poorShow MoreRelated The Management Style at Cadbury Essay1083 Words   |  5 PagesA description of the management style used at Cadbury There are three main management styles that a business can have these are:  · Democratic  · Consultative  · Autocratic  · Laissez-faire Cadbury’s management style is democratic. This is when all members of staff work together as a team. The managers listen to the other employees ideas and suggestions before they go ahead with decisions. 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Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Good Country People free essay sample

Manley Pointer exploits joy-Hulga’s weakness to the fullest extent, because she never sees it coming. Greatest flaws can often be found in those characters with physical impairments (Oliver). Joy/Hulga had grown cynical and cold as she grew up with only one leg and heart ailment. She creates an image that she is smarter and better than the rest of the characters in the story. Her education and self-absorption seemed to instill this attitude. Those who are physically crippled are often emotionally or spiritually crippled(Oliver). We can relate these impairments to Joy’s impairments. She emotionally died at age 10 when she lost her leg. Now her weakness is the feeling of power she believed she gained from her studies. She refers to herself as a person who â€Å"sees through nothing† (Flannery). Little does she know that she is stating her greatest weakness by saying this. Ideally good country people are moral, religious and therefore trustworthy. We will write a custom essay sample on Good Country People or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Mrs. Hopewell refers to Manley Pointer as â€Å"good country people† and â€Å"the salt of the earth† (Flannery). Good Christian people. The title of the story comes from what she likes to call the poorer and less fortunate people that live off the land and work their whole lives just to hang on to some scrap of a life. This is how she views these people. She believes that they are good country people not a bad seed among them, that they are all eager to help out. But Manley Pointer is really a demon, a demon that has come to remind them of their weaknesses. Hulga changes her name from Joy to spite her mother. Joy believes she had picked out the ugliest name she could find. But in all actuality the name true meaning â€Å"the holy one† Which is ironic as Joy is Atheist. â€Å"She is seeking, unconsciously, a moral and spiritual perfection that is holy in nature. That Hulga also likes to see herself in the part of Eve add not only to the irony of her name but her fate in the story† (Holsen). In the short story â€Å"Good Country People,† Flannery O’Connor utilizes the characters Joy Hopewell and Manley Pointer to expose how believing in nothing makes a person isolated and spiritually empty.