Saturday, February 22, 2020

Outline and critically discuss what you see as the main examples of Essay

Outline and critically discuss what you see as the main examples of attempts to control crime using 'environmental controls - Essay Example Furthermore, the designs are meant for long term controls rather than employing more security guards or personnel in certain areas (Brewer, 2001). The designs are also likely to reduce the conflict or danger between the criminals and the judicial system among other benefits. Natural surveillance is the process of using modern cameras and technology to capture major incidences in certain areas for future reference and to pose threat to the criminals. Formal surveillance is the process through which the government or relevant authority installs watching mechanisms to record any criminal or suspicious acts in the community. The process could also mean ensuring sufficient space and light so that every activity in various places can be monitored without strain (Burke, 2004). This would increase chances to noting fishy activities and taking the appropriate actions. Natural surveillance may also limit the criminals from escaping the crime scenes and this would discourage them from making an y criminal attempts. This strategy could be implemented in various ways and this includes having landscape designs with well lit entries, having transparent walls in entry corridors to enhance noting anybody entering or leaving certain premise. The lighting designs should ensure good distribution of lighting devices and limit blind spots that may favor easy escape of criminals. There should be sufficient lightening in strategic areas like the ATMs, bus stations, children’s playgrounds, parking sites, recreational zones and major and minor pathways among others, and this should be placed in appropriate heights to capture everybody’s face and movements. Pedestrian tacks should be alongside the motor vehicle tracks to create more surveillance. Bright lights should be avoided in such strategic areas as it may cause blindness and favor criminal activities. It is important to consider the best light intensity in accordance to normal human sights. Curved streets have been use d in major developed nations to ease viewing of majority of residential entrances and reduce traffic speeds in case a certain criminal has been spotted. Natural surveillance may also involve installing mechanical monitoring devices like closed circuit television (CCTV) and cameras to capture the major movements or images in certain strategic places. The cameras are strategically placed at the entrances to record the entry or existence of every individual in such places. Some CCTVS and cameras are connected to alarming systems and this raises awareness in instances fishy or awkward activities are suspected. CCTVs are made with high resolution to capture both close and far objects, for future analysis. Informal surveillance on the other hand involves the community taking its own initiative to protect itself from criminal acts. Neighborhood watch schemes are popular in various regions of the United States and Europe, among other places. The community members are encouraged by homeland security to remain vigilant and report any suspicious individuals in the community. This has helped reduce domestic assaults, rape, negligence and bestiality among other crimes. Controlling access points is another environmental strategy to

Thursday, February 6, 2020

Interview Summary with Xiaochu of BenMo PR Essay

Interview Summary with Xiaochu of BenMo PR - Essay Example She denied the college life keeping her eye on the future needs which demanded her to â€Å"get her life started and going as soon as possible†. Her finance needs led her to the modeling area and bartending but soon her creativity persuaded her on starting her own blogs on the internet and she captured the attention of huge followings quickly. Xiaoxhu maintained her double identity i.e. her real-life identity and her virtual identity in all this time period. However, she was quite successful in maintaining her reputation under both identities. In the virtual world, she was named as the best blogger in four of the prevailing web networks, Sina, Sohu, Xici, and Tianya. She was voted as the Beauty Blogger in both Tianya and Sohu and was elected to be the â€Å"basketball babe† for the 2008 Beijing Olympics website. On the other hand, her real life activities involved her service as an editor for a local Shanghai magazine and she was also on the organizing committee for the 57th World Beauty Pagent. This illuminates her ambition of not accepting the life and circumstances as they are but to develop her career and achieve her ultimate aim of being a successful person. The goal of such hardworking and ambitious people is sometimes to achieve comforts of life, wealth or some other kind of financial benefit. However, Xiaoxhu â€Å"never saw money as the main goal.† She further illuminates this idea by asserting that â€Å"even at the beginning money was just something to put food in my mouth and a roof over my head.† This clearly shows that her aims were not limited to grabbing money and leaving this world without being seen or noticed by others. Her aim was to capture the general public and make her name known to them in good words. Her success was accompanied by the achievement of her goals in her own distinct way of attracting public, specifically general public. In support of her