Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Final Project- Step Three Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Final Project- Step Three - Assignment Example Second (2), I used text with highlights on is edges and separated thoughts through title and subtitle with their accompanying highlights of putting them in bold and underline. The third (3), I put colors on the text. Fourth (4), I used a simple black and white diagram of the internal working structure of a human ear. And lastly (5), I used a full colored diagram of the human ear. The purpose of this approach is for the audience to experience the increasing ease of understand the message or lecture as the mode of visual progresses from simple text to the use of colored diagrams. By using the same subject with different modalities of conveying beginning from a simple text to a full colored diagram, the audience will readily understand how effective visuals in conveying information. This is consistent with the cliche that goes â€Å"A picture is worth a thousand words†. I Calibri text Parts and Functions of the ear The human ear is divided into five parts. These five parts of hum an ear, have specific functions that help in the process of hearing. Parts of Human Ear The parts of the human ear include: Outer Ear Middle Ear Inner Ear Acoustic Nerve Central Auditory Processing Centers Outer ear is divided into the pinna and the external auditory meatus. The pinna, also known as the auricle is the external ear part that is located and seen on each side of our head. It is made up of cartilage and soft tissue. This helps in maintaining a particular ear shape and remains pliable. The pinna is like a funnel that collects the sound vibrations from around us and funnels them towards the external auditory meatus(,nd). II Times New Roman with titles and subtitles Parts and Functions of the ear The human ear is divided into five parts. These five parts of human ear, have specific functions that help in the process of hearing. Parts of Human Ear The parts of the human ear include: Outer Ear Middle Ear Inner Ear Acoustic Nerve Central Auditory Processing Centers Outer ear is divided into the pinna and the external auditory meatus. The pinna, also known as the auricle is the external ear part that is located and seen on each side of our head. It is made up of cartilage and soft tissue. This helps in maintaining a particular ear shape and remains pliable. The pinna is like a funnel that collects the sound vibrations from around us and funnels them towards the external auditory meatus (,nd) . III Texts with colors Parts and Functions of the ear The human ear is divided into five parts. These five parts of human ear, have specific functions that help in the process of hearing. Parts of Human Ear The parts of the human ear include: Outer Ear Middle Ear Inner Ear Acoustic Nerve Central Auditory Processing Centers Outer ear is divided into the pinna and the external auditory meatus. The pinna, also known as the auricle is the external ear part that is located and seen on each side of our head. It is made up of cartilage and soft tissue. This helps in maintaining a particular ear shape and remains pliable. The pinna is like a funnel that collects the sound vibrations from around us and funnels them towards the external auditory meatus (,nd) . IV Diagram of the ear in black and white Source: Gallaudet university V

Monday, October 28, 2019

Essay About Bullying Essay Example for Free

Essay About Bullying Essay There are millions of children in the United States that attend local school districts that are suffering from an epidemically called bullying. Bullying does not discriminate against age, sex, or race it is an ongoing problem that needs addressing immediately. It is vital that this situation is identified to prevent irreversible psychological damage to the victim. If this situation is not detained in a timely manner the situation can destroy an individual’s self-image and many times have fatal consequences. It is essential to train school district employees and parents with a variety of strategies to assist victims with bullying. There are many factors that can contribute to a child or adolescent in becoming a target of bullying. There are no specific characteristics that will prevent an individual in becoming a target. Bullies operate alone or in a group to torment their victim. Bullies always pick victims that seem vulnerable to them and know that they will not react to the situation. Bullying has been defined as a repeated aggressive behavior whereby a bully, or groups of bullies, systematically victimized weaker peers (Olweus, 1993; Willard, Perry, 1990). Bullying grew tremendously in the last decade, it is no longer just about being made fun of the way you dress or look now it is more complicated. Bullying no longer stays in classrooms, schools, or neighborhoods. Technology allows bullying to travel around the world in a matter of minutes this process is done through your fingertips. There are many types of bullying the old fashion type are still in place the bully victimize its target victim face to face it consist of pointing at a person laughing at them and standing there until they see them cry. There is also indirect bullying this means that they make no physical contact with the victim t he bullies just spread rumors about the victim and ruin their reputation and credibility with their peers. Now with technology being so advanced cyber-bullying has made its entrance which consists of bullying an individual through websites like face book, Instagram, twitter, or any school website that students create.  Another powerful trend that is in the rise is sexting. Sexting consists of sending or receiving explicit or sexually suggestive nude or seminude images generally via cell phone devices only. In our society today, we see a growing concern regarding bullying. Teacher and professionals are aware of bullying, was not taken lightly as decades ago. All school districts nationwide have adopted a policy that has been in effect it’s called Anti-Bullying policy. This policy has a zero tolerance in bullying in school grounds. Once the victim reports the incident school officials have to take immediate action to protect the victim from the aggressor. School district have also developed many intervention plans and strategies to avoid bullying, they are proactive in the anti-bul lying policy. Districts are making sure that every student is aware of the anti-bullying policy and learn techniques in how to protect themselves and where to seek for help if needed. Bullying is not considered a normal part of growing up. When parents would state that bullying is a part of growing up that the victim had to toughen up, or like many would day it is just child’s play. They never realize that impact that these victims had in their adulthood due to the bullying in their childhood years. Being bullied creates an abnormal family environment. The victim distances themselves from the family to avoid having to discuss the problem. Many times this causes scars in the victims that it prevents them from living a normal life. In cases like this, it is recommended that individuals look for help immediately. A professional is the best option for a family in assisting them in the healing process. We need to find ways to target bullying efficiently to avoid low self-esteem issues that child ren and adolescents are encountering in their safe zone that should be their school and environment. We need to be aware that if these problems are not targeted the victims will have emotional and mental problems and may lead them to commit suicide. America is a land of dreams and opportunities this country has been liberal and allows everyone to have freedom of speech. We are now at an era that people’s rights are equal. Now laws have been changed to respect the gay and lesbian alliance rights in society. There are clubs and organizations in schools that support lesbian and gay rights. These types of clubs create a tense situation among peers and people that join these clubs become targets of bullying. Observing the world of bullying we are able to identify the potential harm that causes  children and adolescents to live trapped in this life. As counselors, our job is to be able to identify this matter quickly. To try to prevent the victim in falling through the cracks and start experimenting with drugs, suffer from depression or decide to escape the situation through suicide. We all need to unite and stand together and target this problem hand in hand with all the resources available. The commitment we have to the community should be one hundred percent. In conclusion, we are aware of the types of bullying that exist in society today, we are also armed with the best key to defeating this issues knowledge. Our oath as professionals is that we are willing to go over and beyond to help a bullying victim and their families. Considering all the points discussed today we are able to acknowledge that we need to create a team with parents to make sure that if a problem of bullying ever arises we are able to communicate and prevent a victim to becoming psychologically disturb and a family to lose a loved one. References Personality Mental Health. Nov 2012, 6 (4), 325-339.15 Retrieve on 3/21/14 FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin. Jun 2013, 82(6), 2-4-5 Retrieve on 3/21/14

Saturday, October 26, 2019

The Insecurity of Shakespeares Macbeth :: GCSE English Literature Coursework

The Insecurity of Macbeth  Ã‚   Macbeth, the main character in William Shakespeare's tragedy, Macbeth was not secure in his manhood.   This insecurity led to the downfall of Macbeth because he felt the need to prove himself to Lady Macbeth. After he proved himself by killing Duncan, Macbeth became desensitized to killing. In the beginning of the play Macbeth showed his love for Lady Macbeth in many different ways. He told her his feelings toward her "My dearest love" (act I, scene v, l 58). Macbeth listens to what Lady Macbeth has to say, and takes her advice into consideration every time he makes a decision. He also has great love for her and tries his best to make her happy no matter what it takes.   Lady Macbeth convinced Macbeth that he wasn't a man unless he went through with the murder of Duncan. She threatens his manhood by saying When you durst do it, then you were a man;/ And to be more than what you were, you would/ Be so much more the man (act I, scene vii, l 49-51). Slowly Lady Macbeth manipulated his mind to think the right thing to do was kill Duncan. Macbeth had decided in order to prove his manhood he must go through with this horrible act. After Macbeth had committed the crime he felt that his soul could never be cleansed no matter what he did. He said They pluck out mine own eyes!/Will all great Neptune's ocean wash this blood/Clean from my hand? No; this my hand will rather/The Multitudinous seas incarnadine, /Making the green one red (act II, scene iii, l 58-62). This shows that he really didn't want to kill Duncan, but he did it in order to prove himself to Lady Macbeth, and to become the king. By the end he had no fear, and had killed not only Duncan but also many other people. He now had different views from which he had in the beginning of the play. Macbeth realizes that he is no longer afraid "no, nor more fearful. (Act V, scene vii, l 9). He is now considered a man, but he doesn't like the fact that he has killed all these people.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Operational Management Kaplan Nortan Generic Map Essay

In Kaplan & Norton Generic Strategy map, one perspective is the learning and growth perspective. Explain the significance of this perspective. Write the requirement of the perspective in detail and what outcome can be achieved if it is followed. Significance * Learning and growth strategies are important for the long term development of the firm * Learning and growth perspective defines the intangible assets which are needed to enable the activities and customer relationships to be performed at high level * It includes measurement for people (employee retention, training, skills, morale) * It also measure critical real time information needed for front line employees * The chain of cause and effect relationships tend to cause improvements in business processes , which in turn cause improvements in sales and financial measurement of profitability. The direction of cause and effects relationship can be emphasized as: Learning and growth  º Internal business process  º Customer  º Financial * It continuously develop and deliver new innovative products and services * Organization innovation and learning perspective is used to maintain infrastructure needed for long term growth and improvements. Learning and Growth perspect ive: In learning and growth perspective organizations purpose is â€Å"to achieve its mission and how it will sustain its ability to change and improve† it defines the intangible assets that are needed to enable activities and customer relationship to be performed at high levels of performance so that the firm can serve its customer well. This perspective is also the base of forming strategy if base is well structured and aligned with the organizational objective strategy can prove itself more effective. It is important important for the long term development of the firm. Requirements Requirements of learning and growth perspective are listed below: * Strategic competencies * Strategic technologies * Climate for action Strategic competencies: Strategic competencies are the strategic skills and knowledge required by the work force to support the strategy. Strategy itself is of no use until unless supported and implemented by the workforce of the organization. Employees should be involved in decision making so that they considered themselves a part of the firm and take rational decisions about .If some employee is doing well for the organization firm should reward him and give him recognition for the job that he has performed well this thing gives us the concept of motivation it is the driving force that drives a person to achieve its objective. Strategic Technologies: These are the materials and process technologies, information system, databases, tools, and network required to support the strategy. Once strategy is made now it requires some technical software tools for its processing it can be some software that enable the work force to reduce times in the operations of the business. An organization can gain competitive edge over its competitors by using technologies. Climate for actions: Climate for action provides the cultural shifts needed to motivate, empower, and align the workforce behind the strategy . it’s the course of action that how organization is going to align its strategic competencies, strategic technologies with each other . organization matches its abilities with its strategies and oversees if it can perform as they have made the strategy. It’s a point where organization checks its strategic fit between the organizational plan and resources employed for it . It accesses the climate prior to the action . Outcomes As it focuses on intangible assets of the firm mainly on the internal skills and capabilities of the employees that are required to support the value creating internal processes. It also describes how technology people are combined to support the strategy and if it is implemented it can lead in the improvement in the internal processes, customers, and financial perspective

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Explore the Construction of Identiy in Hamlet and Beowulf Essay

â€Å"’Identity has been increasingly used to refer to the social and historical make-up of a person, personality as a construct. Sometimes such identities are conceived narrowly psychological, individualist terms, as the cumulative result of personal experience and family history† This is seen particularly in Beowulf where all men are referred to as their fathers’ sons’. Family history was massively important in those times and men well often well respected because of the heroic things their ancestors had done. Warriors also felt the need to reach the same level of notoriety. This is shown when we are first introduced to Beowulf. We are told about his father before even knowing his name: â€Å"In his day, my father was a famous man a noble warrior-lord named Ecgtheow† Similarly in Shakespeare’s Hamlet, purely through learning of Hamlet’s lineage we discover he is the son of the king and this plays an important part of his identity and the events throughout the play. In most novels, plays and poems, the identity of the protagonist changes the more we get to know the character; the more that happens the more we think we know what they are like. This is the same for real life, when we first meet people we are often uncertain about their identity and personality, we usually learn more about them through their actions and associations. This is true for Beowulf; because it is set in the third person we learn about him through what he does and what he says. A text being in third person can also be useful; the narrator can offer definite and universal truths about the character which can be especially useful as it is almost impossible for a writer to create a character that will be interpreted the same way by every person that reads it. Characters are read in different ways throughout the generations and from culture to culture. It could therefore be argued that identity is not created through the author but by the readers. Hamlet, being a play, has many long soliloquies where he reveals his inner thoughts to the audience in first person. In soliloquies the character usually asks a rhetorical question and then answers it; this allows the audience to understand the character’s emotions and motives, something especially important in Hamlet where some of his actions would be considered very unconventional or deranged. This helps us to empathise with Hamlet and engage ourselves in the plot. â€Å"O that this too  too solid flesh would melt, Thaw, and resolve itself into a dew! Or that the Everlasting had not fix’d His canon ’gainst self-slaughter! O God! O God! How weary, stale, flat, and unprofitable† This is the beginning of Hamlet’s first soliloquy when he learns of his father’s death and his mother’s betrayal by marrying Claudius less than two months after his father’s death. He contemplates suicide to escape what he describes as a ‘weary stale, flat and unprofitable’ world and wishes it was not a sin against God. Not only does this soliloquy reveal his true feelings about his mother and Claudius, it shows us that he is religious which accounts for his delay in murdering the new King even under his dead father’s orders. The thoughts of other characters, not only the protagonist are important as they help to keep the play timeless. In Hamlet, murder is nothing abnormal, almost expected whereas now it is a very serious offence for anyone, including the monarchy. Not only that, but seeing a ghost is not normal behaviour for a 21st century reader, without the other characters seeing the ghost we would be unable to distinguish between reality and Hamlet’s madness. Horatio talks to the ghost like it is a real thing: â€Å"Horatio: Stay, speak, speak, I charge thee speak.† It can be concluded that identity is how the characters act within the times in which they live in. Identity is therefore impossible to create without the concept of time and the context that the text was written in. Texts are sometimes altered to appeal more to certain audiences from different times and locations such as: â€Å"Hormone Imbalance’s Ophelia (1979), in which Ophelia is a lesbian and runs off with a woman servant to join a guerrilla commune; Curtis’s obscenely funny The skinhead Hamlet (1982) and Jean Bett’s Ophelia thinks harder (1993), in which the heroine acts assertively while the hero dithers.† This goes against the thesis that states identity is created by experience and implies that identity is subject to time, location and the audience it is written for. It could also be argued that each of these different variations of Hamlet have created a completely different identity in each text. Someone’s identity is not fixed; it changes over time as the character develops and often through self discovery or even (In the case of Hamlet) an identity crisis due to conflicted values and internal and external pressures. The shift in opinions and ideas of the character constructs a more complicated identity that is more difficult to label. Throughout the whole text, Beowulf has the same ambitions and desires; to be a legendary warrior. Hamlet on the other hand discovers his morality and desires as he goes a long. This makes Hamlet’s identity much less solid and more complex. He is not a normal character in the sense that he goes against social norms; his unorthodox approach to life and the truth means he is isolated and becomes a threat to those around him, specifically the new King. In the beginning of the play, Hamlet seems to have lost his identity; he has lost his father (like Beowulf lineage was of great importance, especially being part of the monarchy), his status as heir to the throne is in jeopardy as Fortinbras plans to attack and his uncle is now his step father. Beowulf establishes his identity as a warrior and a hero by recounting his successful endeavours: â€Å"They had seen me bolstered in the blood of enemies  when I battled and bound five beasts,  raided a troll-nest and in the night sea  slaughtered sea-brutes. I have suffered extremes  and avenged the Geats (their enemies brought it upon themselves, I devastated them).† Beowulf is a warrior more by reputation than what he actually does throughout the duration of the text. Although he defeats Grendel fairly quickly after being introduced to us, and after that Grendel’s mother, fifty years pass without much detail of Beowulf’s triumphs. The form of both texts has an impact on the identity of both Beowulf and Hamlet as individuals but also society as a whole in the two texts. Beowulf is an epic poem which are traditionally used to recount heroic acts and important events in history. This gives the text an authentic feel as well as reflecting the culture of the times in which Beowulf lived in; most stories were shared by word of mouth, often by song or poetry and not often documented. Men craved the notoriety and were willing to die in battle do  achieve it. The unusualness of an epic poem also reflects complete difference of the world we live in where we not only have no warrior culture, people generally don’t die for fame and monsters don’t exist. Hamlet being a play is much more than just the text and was written to be performed instead of just read. Hamlet’s – and every other character’s – identity is created not only through his choices and the things he says but how he says them and facial expressions/movement. For example Hamlet’s ‘madness’ can be seen much easier through exaggerated actions than it can be through stage directions or obvious comments from other actors. Personality traits such as thoughtfulness, arrogance, insecurity and Claudius’ guilt can also be seen more clearly when performed on stage. Another complication of Hamlet being on stage is that every actor will play the part differently. Not only will age and clothing affect perceptions of identity, the way in which scenes are acted out will also change the character. One way of creating a complex identity is through giving the character a fatal flaw. This is most prominent in Hamlet; his fatal flaw is his indecisiveness to act on his father’s orders. Every event in the play leading to Hamlet’s death and including every other death except that of his father’s was down to his inability to make a decision to kill Claudius and act on it. Not only does his hesitation to kill Claudius in prayer expose his fatal flaw but if he had gone ahead with the act then he could have been seen as evil and his identity would have changed dramatically, this adds to the argument that it is the plot and events in the text that construct the character’s identity. Language also has an effect on emphasising certain aspects of a characters identity. For example the clown – clown is not necessarily the same as a clown in the 21st century, in Shakespearean times a clown was not a very important member of society – in Hamlet creates a contrast and almost acts to remind us of Hamlet’s social status and power. The clown also adds an element of humour to the scene which breaks up the tension and acts to emphasise Hamlet’s melancholic nature. â€Å"HAMLET: Here’s another. Why may not that be the skull of a lawyer? Where be his quiddities now, his quillets, his cases, his tenures, and his tricks? Why does he suffer this  mad knave now to knock him about the sconce with a dirty shovel, and will not tell him of his action of battery? Hum! This fellow might be in’s time a great buyer of land, with his statutes, his recognizances, his fines, his double vouchers, his recoveries. Is this the fine of his fines, and the recovery of his recoveries, to have his fine pate full of fine dirt? Will his vouchers vouch him no more of his purchases, and double ones too, than the length and breadth of a pair of indentures? The very conveyances of his lands will scarcely lie in this box, and must th’inheritor himself have no more, ha?† Contrasting language by using words together in this soliloquy such as ‘shovel’ and ‘dirt’ with ‘recognizances’ and ‘conveyances’ demonstate his conflicting identity. The ‘Ha?’ at the end also acts as a rhetorical question which marks a change on his views of wealth, power and death. In conclusion, although identity of a character has many contributing factors, the protagonists in both texts would have no identity at all without experiences that shaped their personality and traits throughout the text. Although language and form have an effect on identity, it is the plot that has the most impact on the character.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Write My Article Critique Assistance Online

Write My Article Critique Assistance Online Write My Article Critique Write My Article Critique Many students find it difficult to cope with their task of article critique writing. This way or another, sooner or later they are assigned with this type of paper writing and then comes the worst: sleepless nights, stress, and anxiety. Article critique writing is one of the most difficult writing tasks, as it requires not only superb writing skills but also an ability to read between lines. Still, there is always a way out for you! All you have to do is to say, Write my article critique and we will be there for you. The problem with critique writing is that the students do not understand its purpose in most cases. They tend to summarize the content of the article without providing critique of the content. The ability to think critically, be objective, attentive to details are only a few skills a writer should possess while writing article critique. If you find it difficult, just call us and get what you need! If you ask us, Write my article critique, you may also wonder how our company can help. The benefits of using our services are obvious. We work with professional writers who have a rich experience in writing field. They will read and analyze the article you need and come up with a great evidence-based paper. If you check an article critique example found online, you will see that a good paper is always based on a deep and thorough research. That is exactly what we do to complete an article critique assignment. Many people tend to interpret the word critique in a wrong way, which leads to problems with article critique paper writing. The deal is that in most cases, critique is perceived as a negative feedback, while positive feedback is also a critique. As a result, we have to make a deep research to understand whether the author of an article is providing objective information or whether he/she is trying to convince the readers in something he/she believes in. As you can see, we always do our best to provide papers of high quality no matter whether it is an essay, report, coursework or article critique. There are many companies on the Internet that offer writing services, but working with us will bring you much more benefits. If you choose us and say Write my article critique, you will make sure in it yourself. What you receive from us is:Easy ordering procedure. First of all, fill in an order form on our website, give us all necessary information regarding order, send your article and give instructions. That is all you have to do to get your paper. Expert writing help. Our writers are specialists in this kind of writing and they will make their best to deliver the product you need. Thorough research work. In order to complete the assignment, our writers make a deep research of an article they are going to critique. What the writer wanted to say? What was the purpose of writing? What message is delivered? What is the hidden sense of the article? All these questions and many more will be investigated and answered using evidences. Unique paper. It means that the paper you get is single in its nature. We never resell or rewrite articles to sell them once more. Your paper will be original and written from scratch. Affordable price. We are proud to call ourselves a company that provides the best prices in the industry for students without compromising the quality of orders we deliver. Strict privacy policy. We never disclose customers information to third parties. Plagiarism-free content. You may not worry about plagiarism in your paper, as we check each order for plagiarism by means of modern plagiarism software.Forget about Your Writing Problems! 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It means that we never skip anything or add irrelevant information to the order.Plagiarism-Free ContentEach order we deliver is checked for plagiarism. As a result, we deliver only plagiarism-free papers written according to your requirements.

Monday, October 21, 2019

History Of Food And Fasting Religion Essays

History Of Food And Fasting Religion Essays History Of Food And Fasting Religion Essay History Of Food And Fasting Religion Essay Fasting cleanses the psyche, raises the head, subjects one s flesh to the spirit, renders the bosom contrite and low, scatters the clouds of sexual desire, quenches the fire of lecherousness, and kindles the true visible radiation of celibacy. Enter once more into yourself ( Saint Augustine, 354 430 A.D. ) . Food is one of the basic necessities of human sort but has got a batch of dimensions attached to it. Food is used as an look by assorted communities in this universe. When speaking about nutrient and its facets in context to sociology and anthropology fasting and banqueting are two inseparable words. Banquets in all faiths are backed up with fasts, which are due to grounds, but the pattern remains the same. Fasting has a long history, which is associated with faith. There are over 30 mentions to fasting in the Bible ( Old and New Testament ) . Apart from merely Christianity there are other mentions besides, and is found mentioned in the Quran, the Mahabharata, and the Upanishads. As a spiritual observation fasting has been practiced for centuries, and it doubtless, as a pattern, preceded recorded history. Many records from past say that abstention, which could be either partial or complete, from all or certain nutrients, existed in Assyria, Babylon, China, Greece, India, Palestine, Persia and Rome, and the records from the early civilisations of Mesopotamia and Egypt indicate that fasting of some type was an of import portion of spiritual pattern ( Wikipedia, 2010 ) . Fast is besides concerned with its use as a agency of retrieving and continuing wellness, but the writer s major concern in this essay is non about curative fasting. So author relates to the application of fasting as a spiritual tract, to cognize about its relevancy in cognizing history of nutrient and civilizations. Fasting is chiefly the act of volitionally abstaining from some or all nutrient, drink, or both, for a period of clip. Refering that from which one fasts, and the period of fasting, a fast may be entire or partial. It may be observed unbroken for many uninterrupted yearss, or be observed merely for certain periods during the twenty-four hours, as is the Muslim pattern during the holy month of Ramadan. Depending on the tradition, fasting patterns may prohibit sexual intercourse every bit good as nutrient, in add-on to abstaining from eating certain types of nutrients ; for illustration, meat may be refrained from ( Wikipedia, 2010 ) . The writer in this essay due to restriction of words is traveling to cover merely about one faith, Islam and significance of fasting over it to cognize approximately sociological and anthropological facets of it, which is there since history and the nutrient comes along with it. Content There is both a physical and a religious fast. In the physical fast, the organic structure abstains from nutrient and drink. In the religious fast, the faster abstains from evil purposes, words and workss. One who genuinely fasts abstains from choler, fury, maliciousness, and retribution. One who genuinely fasts abstains from idle and disgusting talk, empty rhetoric, slander, disapprobation, flattery, lying and all mode of vindictive talk. In a word, a existent faster is one who withdraws from all immoralities ( Saint Basil, 329-379 A.D. ) . Muslims start fasting in the holy month of Ramadan which is the 9th month of the Islamic lunar calendar. It is the month in which Allah revealed the Holy Quran as counsel for world. Every twenty-four hours during this month, Muslims around the universe spend the daytime hours in a complete fast. Ramadan begins after the month of ShabA?n or with the visual perception of the new Moon of Ramaa?an. This visual perception is established with the testimony of one trustable informant or as some Ulama say, two. Fasting of the Predecessors O you who believe! Detecting As-Sawm [ the fasting ] is prescribed for you as it was prescribed for those before you ( Quran 2:183 ) . There is no such grounds is to precisely when fasting started but it is clear that fasting is the pattern of all the Prophets of Allah and their followings: The Prophet ( i? ) told Muslims that DA?wA «d ( i? µ ) used to fast for half of the twelvemonth. MA «sA? ( i? µ ) observed fast for 40 yearss ( Exodus 24:18 ) . A?sA? ( Jesus ) ( i? µ ) was said to hold fasted for 40 yearss before he was called to prophet goon ( Matthew 4: 2 ) and this is what the Christians termed the Lent . That was the manner of Allah in the instance of those who passed off of old, and you will non happen any alteration in the manner of Allah ( Quran 33:62 ) . Therefore fasting was considered as an extension of the tradition approved by Allah ( i?â„ ¢ ) for all those who submit to him by the Predecessors. Two Aspects There are two facets under which Islam defines the word fasting: Literally: The Arabic word for fasting ( sawm ) is derived from the root sA?ma literally means to keep or to forbear , so fasting is forbearing fromA normal things, such as feeding, imbibing, speaking. If anyone chorus from these thing, he is considered sA?im which means the perceiver of fast. Religiously: Fasting agencies to forbear from things that invalidate the fasting from Morning Prayer clip, with purpose to delight Allah, boulder clay Sunset Prayer clip. Elementss of the Fasting in Islam There are assorted elements which are to be kept in head by a Muslim whilst maintaining fast which are explained by the writer below: Purpose It is obligatory for the fasting individual to corroborate his/her connotation before Morning Prayer ( SalA?t al-Fajr ) clip. The Prophet said: He who does non mean during the dark to fast, so there be no fast for him as cited by An-NasaI ( 2009 ) . However, most of Ulama affirm that one can corroborate 1s purpose one time at the beginning of the month of Ramadan, and this will be sufficient to fast all the yearss of this holy month. The bosom is the topographic point of connotation and to express it verbally is non established from the Prophet or the Companions. Therefore one can do in 1s bosom connotation before traveling to kip. Refraining Food and Drink Sexual activityA Masturbation However, Ramadan is much more than avoiding nutrient, H2O, and abstaining from other physical demands, it is besides: Refraining of the bosom and the head from evil, ideas. Refraining of the lingua from evil words. Refraining of other organic structure parts from evil actions. As consequence, every portion of the organic structure must be restrained. The lingua must be restrained from chitchat, backbiting, dissing and cursing. The eyes must keep themselves from looking at improper things. The manus must non make any out things. The ears must forbear from listening to tick over talk or obscene words. The pess must forbear from traveling to iniquitous topographic points. In such a manner, every portion of the organic structure observes the fast. Therefore, fasting is the entire committedness of the individual s organic structure and psyche to the spirit of the fast. Ramadan is a clip to pattern temperateness. The Prophet said as cited by BukhA?rA « ( 3.127 ) : Whoever does non give up forged address and evil actions, Allah is non in demand of his go forthing his nutrient and imbibe aˆÂ ¦ [ i.e. ] Allah will non accept his fasting . Duration ( of Sawm ) Fasting starts everyday in Ramadan from the slow beginning of morning: Morning Prayer ( SalA?t al-Fajr ) clip till sunset: Sunset Prayer ( SalA?t al-maghrib ) clip. Muslim must keep tight to this continuance, if non his fast will be invalidated. Muslim Fasts As per Ulama the fasts are classified into four classs, defined below: Prescribed fast ( fara? ) Prohibited fast. ( a?arA?m ) Supererogatory fast. ( Sunnah ) Disapproved fast. ( makrA «h ) Prescribed Fast The prescribed fasts are: Fast of the month of Ramadan. Fast of QadA? It is the brand up for the yearss of Ramadan on which the fast was invalidated accidentally. Fast of kaffA?rah It is the expiatory and atonement fasts, among them are fasts for nonvoluntary homicide, fasts for expiation of: A broken curse. A vow. Not holding observed the prescribed fast of Ramadan. Prohibited Fasts 1st of ShawwA?l ( Eid al-Fia? ­r ) . 10th of Zula?ijjah ( Eid al-Aa?a?A? ) . 11th, 12th and 13th of a?’ula?ijjah. On these yearss fasting is purely prohibited. So the fast of qada can non be observed on these yearss. Supererogatory Fasts In Islam fasting is considered recommended on all the yearss of the twelvemonth except those on which it has been prohibited. But there are yearss whose fast has been specifically stressed and they include: 3 yearss of each month, sooner the moonlit yearss ( al-ayyA?m al-bA «a? ) , which are the 13th, 14th and 15th of each lunar month. Day of Arafah ( 9th of Dhul a? ¤ijjah ) . Several yearss of the months of Dhu al-Qidah, Dhu al-a? ¤ijjah, Mua?arram, Rajab. 6 yearss of ShawwA?l. Most of ShabA?n. Mondays and Thursdays. The twenty-four hours of AˆshA «rA? alone or with a twenty-four hours after or before it. Disapproved Fasts It is disapproved to individual out Fridays and Saturdays for fasting. Fasting on the twenty-four hours ( yawm ash-shak ) which is merely before the month of Ramadan or the two yearss merely before Ramadan. Fasting consecutively all yearss of the twelvemonth. The 3 yearss which follow Eid al-Aa?a?A? ( ayyA?m at-tashrA «q ) . Importance of Fasting There are two chief grounds for which a Muslim keeps fast, which are: Principles of Islam As per Allah s Apostle as cited by BukhA?rA « : Islam is based on the undermentioned five rules: To attest that there is no divinity except Allah and that Muhammad is Allah s Messenger. To offer the ( mandatory congregational ) supplications on a regular basis and absolutely. To pay ZakA?h ( i.e. obligatory charity ) . To execute Hajj ( i.e. Pilgrimage to Mecca ) . To ever maintain fast during the month of Ramadan. Fasting is one of the pillars of the Islamic religion. No cogent evidence is required to set up its being obligatory, and whoever denies fasting goes out of the crease of Islam. Obligatory responsibility ( fara? ) The other ground is that, fasting was said on Muslims in the 2nd twelvemonth of the a? ¤ijrah. Significance of Ramadan The Prophet said ( Muslim Book 6: p.2361 ) : When there comes the month of Ramadan, The Gatess of clemencies are opened. The Gatess of Hell are locked. The Satans are chained. All old wickednesss will be forgiven. The Prophet said as cited by Bukhari ( 3.125 ) : aˆÂ ¦ And whoever fasts in the month of Ramadan out of sincere religion, and trusting for a wages from Allah, so all his old wickednesss will be forgiven. Ramadan comprehends the Night of Power which is better than 1000 months: sing the wagess of executing good workss in it. The Holy Quran revealed in Ramadan Koran which is true counsel for world, as believed by the Muslim community should be recited a batch in Ramadan in order to maintain us in the consecutive way. Umrah with particular wages Umrah preformed in Ramadan peers, in wagess executing, pilgrims journey with the prophesier. Smell of musk: The odor coming out from the oral cavity of a fasting individual is better, in the sight of Allah, than the odor of musk. Jannah is decorated In everyday of Ramadan, Allah decorates the Jannah ( Paradise ) and addresses it stating, It is non excessively far that my righteous retainers shall throw away the loads ( of the secular life ) and shall continue towards you ( Anonymous, 2009 ) . Amnesty In the last dark of this month, the fasting individual is granted amnesty. Who Must Fast A ; Who Can non? Harmonizing to the Islam, Allah has made fasting the month of Ramadan compulsory uponA every: Muslim, Adult, Reasonable, Not going, Muslim who has nil such as a?aya? ( Menstruation ) or nifA?s ( Post-Natal Bleeding ) to forestall him/her from making so. But, there are following individuals who are exempt from fasting, by Islam: The insane, Non adolescent Fast is non required of kids until they reach the age of pubescence. The marks of pubescence are: Growth of pubic hair. Happening of wet dreams. Menstrual period ( female ) . Person with the age of 15 and none of these marks have occurred. The aged and inveterate ill for whom fasting is unreasonably striving. Such individuals are required to feed at least one hapless individual every twenty-four hours in Ramadan for which he/she has missed fasting. Pregnant adult females and nursing can prorogue their fasting. The ailment and the travellers can besides prorogue their fasting. Females during the period of menses or after childbirth parturiency. Fasting during these periods is out and can be made up subsequently, a twenty-four hours for a twenty-four hours. Annulment of Fasts as per Islam Harmonizing to Islamic norms there are certain things which invalidate fast and are ever kept in head by Muslims in the month of Ramadan, which are of two sorts: One requires qaa?A? ( merely doing up lost yearss ) . The other requires qaa?A? and kaffA?rah ( atonement ) , at the same clip. Thingss that require do up ( Qada ) merely are: Feeding deliberately This includes non-nourishing nutrient Doctor of Optometry potable points taken by oral cavity. For illustration, while doing wudu, if a bead of H2O faux pass into the pharynx accidentally. Vomiting Intentionally doing one to throw up. The beginning of menses / post-childbirth shed blooding even in the last minute before sundown ( merely in instance of females ) . Seminal emanation Ejaculation while touching, snoging or fondling adult females for grounds other than sexual Congress. The purpose to stop the prescribed fast Intending to interrupt the fast before sunset even if one changes his head, since purpose is one of the pre-requisites of the cogency of fasting. Mistaken premise Eating, imbibing or holding intercourse after morning on the misguided premise that it is non dawn yet. Similarly, prosecuting in these Acts of the Apostless before Maghrib on the misguided premise that it is already sunset. Injection: Injection invalidates the prescribed fast and requires the fast to be made up. Thingss that require doing up the fast ( Qada ) and besides atonement ( Kaffarah ) are: Eating Drinking Sexual intercourse These 3 Acts of the Apostless are apt to kaffarah when they are committed intentionally after one has started a fast. Kaffarh may be given in the undermentioned three ways severally: Fring a slave. Fasting for two months invariably without a interruption. Giving nutrient to sixty individuals. Since bondage has come to an terminal in today s universe, merely the latter two ways can be adopted today. But Islam says that the individual who has strength adequate to fast for two month invariably has been bound to fast. He can non follow the 3rd manner, i.e. giving nutrient to sixty individuals. If he is excessively weak to fast for such a big figure of yearss, he can give kaffarah be giving nutrient to sixty individuals. The above mentioned things do non annul the fast unless the fasting individual meets the undermentioned three conditions: He must be cognizant of the opinion of what he has done. He must retrieve ( i.e. forgetfulness does non annul the fast ) He must make it deliberately. Ramadan Eve Here are a figure of things which are practiced by a Muslim on Ramadan Eve and which can non be neglected for the successful completion of the forfeits a Muslim brand in the month of Ramadan in footings of nutrient, energy, etc. Tarawih Prayer TarA?wA «h Prayer or the Night Prayer ( SalA?t QiyA?m al-Layl ) is performed by the truster in fold during the month of Ramadan. It can besides be performed entirely at place. Suhoor ( pre-dawn repast ) Moslems should do certain that they eat and drink something at suhA «r and should seek to detain it until merely before al-Fajr Prayer time.A The Prophet said as cited by Al-Bukhaari ( Fath, 4/139 ) : Have suhoor, for in suhoor there is blessing ( barakah ) . The Purpose It is obligatory for the fasting individual to corroborate his/her connotation before Morning Prayer clip. The Prophet said: He who does non mean during the dark to fast, so there be no fast for him . It is the right clip that one should do its connotation after suhoor or before traveling to kip. Etiquettes of Interrupting the Fast The Prophetic etiquettes of interrupting the fast are given below: One should rush to interrupt the fast. Equally shortly as the Call of Sunset Prayer is ( Athan Salat al-Maghrib ) said one should get down to interrupt the fast instantly. The Prophet said: My state will stay in goodness every bit long as they break the fast every bit shortly as it is due [ Muslim ] . Stating Bismillah and the fast breakage dua : Demanding Allah anything in demand because the supplication ( dua ) upon interrupting fast is answered. Interrupt the fast by eating 3 rutabs ( damp day of the months ) , or tamr ( dry day of the months ) , or even drinking H2O. The Prophet said: Break your fast with a day of the month or with H2O because it is pure [ Abu Dawud and Tirmidhi ] . Using 1s right manus while feeding. Gluttony is violative and unhealthy after fasting and full tummy will non assist you o pray TA?rA?wA «h. The Prophet said: Enough for a human being to hold luqaymat ( from 3 to 9 mouthfuls ) that prop up his spinal column and, if he must hold more [ in his tummy ] , so one tierce of nutrient, one tierce of H2O, and one tierce of air . Not holding nutrients ( such as garlic, onions, etc. ) that cause bad breath, bubbling and gas, is out of regard for the mosques and those who attend them. Performing Sunset Prayer at mosque, if it is close, or in a group at place. Night of Power As per Quran, the Night of Power is better than a 1000 months. Therein descends the Angels and the Spirit by Allah s permission, on every errand and state Peace ( continuously ) till the rise of Morning! ( Quran 97:1-5 ) . Quran was revealed in Ramadan in Night of Power ( Lailat-ut Qadr ) . Muslims believe that the title in this dark is better than the wagess of workss of 1,000 months ( about 83.3 old ages ) . The dark is in the last 10 yearss of Ramadan and normally in one of the uneven yearss ( i.e. 21, 23, 25, 27 and 29th ) . At this dark a Muslim is expected to: Perform nawafil ( voluntary supplications ) . Make Quran recitation. Say invocations ( duas ) . Attending talks on spiritual subjects. Do itikaf: Moslems are expected to be in privateness ( itikaf ) during the last 10 yearss of Ramadan because no 1 knows exactly which of the uneven yearss is the dark of Power, and the best topographic point to be in privacy is in the mosque. Retreat ( ItikA?f ) Retreat is to prosecute and to give something either good / bad or to prosecute in a retreat in the mosque and remain at that place with the purpose of delighting Allah. It has no clip bound ; either short or long periods of clip are acceptable. ZakA?t al-Fitr ZakA?t al-Fitr is frequently referred to as Sadaqah al-Fitr. The word Fitr means interrupting a fast and it comes from the same root word as Futoor ( Arabic ) which means breakfast. Therefore, Islamically, ZakA?t al-Fitr means fast-breaking or fast-ending contribution which is paid at the terminal of Ramadan. Sadaqah al-Fitr is a responsibility which is obligatory on every Muslim, whether male or female, minor or grownup every bit long as he/she has the agencies to make so. A The cogent evidence that this signifier of charity is mandatory can be found in the Sunnah whereby Ibn `Umar reported that the Prophet made Zakaah al-Fitr compulsory on every slave, freewoman, male, female, immature and old among the Muslims ; one Saa` of dried day of the months or one Saa` of hardly ( Bukhari Arabic/English, vol. 2, p. 339, no. 579 ) . The caput of the family may pay the needed sum for the other members. Abu Saeed al-Khudree said, On behalf of our immature and old, free work forces and slaves ; we used to take out during Allah s Messenger s life-time one Saa` of grain, cheese or raisins ( Muslim English transl. vol. 2, p. 469, no. 2155 ) . The chief intent of Zakaah al-Fitr is to supply those who fasted with the agencies of doing up for their mistakes during the month of fasting. Zakaah al-Fitr besides provides the hapless with a agencies with which they can observe the festival of interrupting the fast ( `Eed al-Fitr ) along with the remainder of the Muslims. This signifier of charity becomes obligatory from sunset on the last twenty-four hours of fasting and remains obligatory until the beginning of Salaah al-Eed ( i.e. shortly after dawn on the undermentioned twenty-four hours ) . However, it can be paid prior to the above mentioned period, as many of Companions of the Prophet ( i? ) used to pay Sadaqah al-Fitr a couple yearss before the `Eed. If one misses the clip period without a good ground, he has sinned and can non do it up. The sum of Zakaah is the same for everyone regardless of their different income brackets. The minimal sum is one SA?` ( two kg and 40 gms of good wheat ) of nutrient, grain or dried fruit for each member of the household. Night of Eid It had been the pattern of the Prophet Muhammad that he would non kip in the dark predating the twenty-four hours of Eid al-Fitr, the terminal of Ramadan. This dark has been named in a tradition as the Night of Reward . God bestows his wagess on those who have spent the month of Ramadan staying by the dictates of Islamic jurisprudence, and all their supplications and supplication in this dark are accepted. Therefore, it is desirable to execute voluntary supplications in this night.A As per Prophet: Whoever stands up in worship in the darks predating the two Eids anticipating wagess from his Lord, his bosom will non decease when the other Black Marias will decease. To profit from this chance, one should execute as much worship in this dark as one can, and should pray for all one s demands and desires. Eid al-Fitr Eid al-Fitr, frequently referred to as Eid, is the three twenty-four hours festival that marks the terminal of Ramadan, the Islamic holy month of fasting. Eid is an Arabic word significance celebration , while Fia? ­r means to breakfast ; and symbolizes the breakage of the fasting period. It is celebrated after the terminal of the Islamic month of Ramadan, on the first twenty-four hours of Shawwal, the tenth month of the Islamic calendar. Eid ul-Fitr is sometimes besides known as the Smaller Eid as compared to the Eid ul-Adha that lasts four yearss and is called the Greater Eid . Moslems are commanded by the Quran to finish their fast on the last twenty-four hours of Ramadan and so declaim the Takbir all throughout the period of Eid ( Quran 2:185 ) . Muslim greet each other by stating A?d mubA?rak ( Blessed Eid ) or A?d saA «d ( Happy Eid ) . In add-on, many states have their ain salutations based on local linguistic communication and traditions. Typically, Muslims wake up early in the forenoon and have a little breakfast ( as a mark of non being on a fast on that twenty-four hours ) of sooner the day of the month fruit, before go toing a particular Eid supplication ( salat ) that is performed in fold at mosques or unfastened countries like Fieldss, squares, etc. By and large all Muslims frock in their best apparels ( new if possible ) at this twenty-four hours. The Eid supplication is followed by the khutbah ( discourse ) and so a invocation ( dua ) inquiring for forgiveness, clemency and aid for all living existences across the universe. The khutbah besides instructs Muslims as to the public presentation of rites of Eid, such as the zakat. It is so customary to encompass the individuals sitting on either side of one, whilst recognizing them. After the supplications, people besides visit their relations, friends and familiarities and some people besides pay visits to the cemeteries ( ziyarat al-qubur ) .

Sunday, October 20, 2019

5 Nursing Leadership Styles You Need to Utilize as a Nurse

5 Nursing Leadership Styles You Need to Utilize as a Nurse If you work in the healthcare field, especially in nursing, your focus might (understandably) be on direct patient care and teamwork with other medical professionals to make sure that patients are getting that best care. But as a nurse, you’ve also got career goals for yourself, which likely include advancement and moving up the ranks through promotions and job changes. Whether you’re just starting out as a nurse of want to level up, it’s time to figure out what kind of nursing leadership style works for you as you get ready to take on more managerial roles throughout your career.According to the American Association of Nurse Assessment Coordination (AANAC), there are five main leadership categories into which nurses tend to fall. Let’s look at each one.1. Autocratic LeadershipAn autocratic nurse is The Boss, full stop. A nurse who leads using this management style makes all decisions and gives specific orders and directions to subordinates, and tends to d iscourage questions or dissent. There’s also a low tolerance for mistakes and the people who make them.When this style works best: For simple or straightforward tasks, or making sure that strict legal or medical guidelines are adhered to. It can also help in emergency situations, when there needs to be a strong voice giving direction.When this style doesn’t work so well: When a nurse manager wants to build trust and teamwork among other team members, or encourage creative problem solving.2. Laissez-Faire LeadershipThe laissez-faire nurse is the opposite of the autocratic nurse. In this style, the nurse provides no specific direction for team members, and adopts more of a hands-off approach to managing.When this style works best: When the nurse’s team is already experienced and self-directed, and doesn’t necessarily need a general giving orders.When this style doesn’t work so well: When specific decisions need to be made and implemented, or team mem bers are inexperienced.3. Democratic LeadershipThe democratic nurse manager takes input from subordinates, and encourages open communication. The decisionmaking ultimately with the manager, but stakeholders and team members are asked for honest feedback, and given feedback in return.When this style works best: When the nurse wants to build relationships with staff members based on trust and accountability, or when improving systems and processes is a priority.When this style doesn’t work so well: When a concrete decision needs to be made quickly, gathering feedback and testing the waters with team members isn’t necessarily helpful or feasible.4. Transformational LeadershipThe transformational (sometimes also called visionary) nurse manager is focused on the big picture (improved patient care, better systems and processes), and how to get there.When this style works best: When the workplace (in this case, a hospital, clinic, or other healthcare facility) is in need of b ig changes and improvements.When this style doesn’t work so well: When day-to-day decision making is required on small or specific issues.5. Servant LeadershipThe servant nurse leader focuses on team success via individual team members. Despite the meek-sounding name, this management style has been gaining popularity over the past few years. This leader targets team members’ needs, ensuring that they have the skills, relationships, and tools to achieve individual and group goals.When this style works best: When a team has diverse members with different tasks and responsibilities.When this style doesn’t work so well: When top-down decisions need to be made, or a group needs to follow collective directions.So which type of nurse leader are you, and what kind of leadership style works best for your job and your career goals? We’d love to hear how these management styles work for you.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Marketing Communication Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words

Marketing Communication - Case Study Example In this study the communication objective of this campaign, the purpose of this campaign will be analyzed along with the role of integrated marketing communication tools and their link to the response stages will be analyzed. This campaign on natural beauty was started after the Unilever's Dove brand through its study found that out of 3300 women and girl that were surveyed in 10 different countries, only 2% considered them as beautiful, which means that the current advertisement campaigns running through advertisements, magazines, billboard have changed the perception of beauty (Kotler,2008). It further revealed that about 90% of the women who age between 15-64 years want at least one aspect of their physical appearance to change; while over 67% of the women leave life-engaging activities because they are not comfortable with their physical looks. With this study Unilever came up with a conclusion that it is the time to redefine the beauty, with the believe that beauty comes in different shapes, ages and sizes Unilever set up its goal to broaden the definition of beauty so that the women feel beautiful everyday (Kotler,2008). It launched a global campaign in 2004, Dove Real Beauty Campaign, in which it featured the image of real, confident and candid women images instead of actresses and super models, which provoked the customers to think about their beauty perception. The campaign gained immense popularity when Dove introduced the six new "real beauties" in the magazines and billboards, wearing nothing but underwear and smiles of their faces. The campaign for Real Beauty was launched as a step to broaden the definition of beauty and to provide a wider representation than conventional images of beauty with which women are bombarded everyday. With this global objective, Dove has successfully achieve its objective to defy stereotypical images and it celebrated the different size, color, shape and age of women beauty because of it's believe that through this it can extend the meaning of beauty. Another step that Dove took to change the perception of beauty in women and young people, it founded the Self-Esteemed Fund, the objective of which was to provoke the sense of self-worth in young girls and build confidence and also to provide helpful solution to them. This Self-Esteem is working worldwide markets to finance the revolutionary BodyThink; the funds were raised with the help of local charity. The aim and objective of the Dove Campaign for Real Beauty and Self Esteem fund was to redefine the beauty through educating and through a number of different activities and programs, with the BodyThink in the centre for educating young people on the concept of beauty. The campaign gained huge success in the form of reach and the impact it has created. With the six women advertisements in magazines, TV and billboard it got world wide attention and popularity. The campaign got much consideration because of its influence on the subject of body image and became the center of discussion in most newspapers, blogs and enjoyed great appreciation and some criticism on using real beauty to sell products to earn profits. It has through international partnerships with institutions that are concerned with eating disorder, education, health and youth in over 40 countries including entire Europe, Asia, Middle East, North America, by using its educational program, the aim

Chemistry Lab Report Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Chemistry - Lab Report Example 31). Since acids and bases readily react with each other, it is experimentally quite easy to find the amount of acid in a solution by determining how many moles of base are required to neutralize it. This operation is called titration, and you should already be familiar with it from your work in the Laboratory (Harris 2006, Pg. 06). We can titrate an acid with a base, or a base with an acid. The substance whose concentration we are determining is the substance being titrated; the substance we are adding in measured amounts is the titrant. The idea is to add titrant until the solution has been exactly neutralized; at this point, the number of moles of titrant added tells us the concentration of base (or acid) in the solution being titrated (Harris 2006, Pg. 8). In this schematic reaction, base1 is conjugate to acid1, and acid2 is conjugate to base2. The term conjugate means â€Å"connected with†, the implication being that any species and its conjugate species are related by the gain or loss of one proton. The Arrhenius view of an acid is a substance that dissociates in water to produce a hydrogen ion. There is a serious problem with this, however: the hydrogen ion is no more than a proton, a bare nucleus. Although it carries only a single unit of positive charge, this charge is concentrated into a volume of space that is only about a hundred-millionth as large as the volume occupied by the smallest atom. Owing to its extremely small size, the proton will be attracted to any part of a nearby atom or molecule in which there is an excess of negative charge. Such places exist on any atom that possesses non-bonding electrons, and here that protons attach themselves to the acceptor atom by forming a shared-electron (coordinate) bond with the lone pair (Silbey 2006, Pg. 42). Interestingly, experiments indicate that the proton does not stick to a single H2 O molecule, but changes

Friday, October 18, 2019

Catch-22 Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Catch-22 - Research Paper Example He was ready to comply with the U.S. Air Force standard of twenty-five combat missions and go home. However, Colonel Cathkart dreaming of fame at any cost, patriotically increases the number of required missions and it makes Yossarian’s desire to go home unreal. Actually, in some time Yossarian begins to fight worse and worse. Going up in the air he has a single goal – to return alive, and he totally does not care where they drop bombs – on the enemy’s object, or in the sea. But the commanders fight bravely, ready to carry out the most daring operations, as long as their subordinates risk their lives. They heroically disregard the dangers borne by others. It is not a problem to bomb the Italian mountain village, even without warning civilians. They are not afraid that there will be casualties, since it will create a perfect jam for enemy equipment. They are fiercely fighting each other for a place under the sun. Thus, General Peckem is plotting the defeat of the insidious enemy, which is the other American General Dreedle. For the sake of the general’s epaulettes Cathkart mercilessly exploits his pilots. Each of the many characters in this literary mural has its own war to win in, and for the victory they would spare neither effort nor life, someone else’s life. ... , gaining freedom), it serves not only to reveal the image of the protagonist of the novel Yossarian, but also the ideological and philosophical perspectives of Catch-22. Images and perspectives are revealed step by step: with each new episode of the central themes of the novel acquire new sensual fullness and variety of interpretations: The most significant aspect of the structure of Catch-22 is its chronology. Behind what appears to be merely random events lies a careful system of time-sequences involving two distinct and mutually contradictory chronologies (Gaukroger 71). This is largely due to the multi-faceted structure of the novel, â€Å"disparate elements of its structure as the seeming chaos of its surface text and its unrelenting comedy† (Woodson 153). Chaotic at first glance, the text of the first chapters of in the end of the novel acquires a clear structure; isolated episodes are arranged into a single event line. With immersion into the atmosphere of Catch-22 a c omic element is reduced to a bitter sarcasm and almost disappears in the final chapters. According to Joseph Heller: But certainly there is nothing funny about death; there is nothing funny about the death of a young man, and the fact I often in Catch-22 present the death of somebody in a flippant or disrespectful way was not only intended to have almost a contrapuntal effect—to avoid sentimentality—but also to make it perhaps more effective by dismissing the seriousness of death briefly as well (quoted in Meredith 50) Absurdity, which at the beginning of the novel is perceived more as a literary device, is gradually revealed as an existentialist category. The same event is described repeatedly, shown through the lens of views of different characters, the same facts are presented in different

Media & the Dispora Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Media & the Dispora - Essay Example Georgiou in the article, â€Å"Identity, space and the media† argues that people through information can decide if to connect or to disconnect with certain individuals or communities in neighbourhoods or in faraway places (Georgiou 31). For example through media, a person living in California can learn of an opportunity in France, which is part of what they have always wished to do in their lifetime. The same media will help the person analyse other aspects that will make them comfortable in pursuing the opportunity. Such may be political environment of the place, Inflation, people friendliness, cost of living and the education system. Secondly, media avails information about politics and cultures of origin, place of settlement, diaspora individuals and groups. Beck argues that this can create critical proximity where they become aware that they are not just a product of their origin. In addition, they do not just belong to a single group, or located in a certain territory and this enables diaspora identity to be lived as multi positioned by symbolic and geographical spaces. Becky also argues that the high mobility as a result causes intermarriages in different countries and cultures, which becomes a gateway to globalisation in once life (Georgiou 31). Diaspora on the other hand has affected media through innovation. Daily interactions with people of different backgrounds, races and cultures have caused innovations in the media industry to cater for various needs of different societies. Reality unveiled through diaspora have helped understand it is not important what is inside a certain group, neither is continuity important but reinvention of limits where human beings find themselves in. therefore, a clear and deep understanding of spaces and diaspora are important in ensuring that people utilise these two constructs for economic, social, and other benefits. We conclude therefore that media and diaspora are inseparable and very

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Islamic finance and banking Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Islamic finance and banking - Essay Example It has been found that these products are very good and attractive to the customers. However, the company can further improve the products and advertise about the products in order to increase the awareness about the products and increase the no. of customers. Qatar International bank or QIB as it might be called was established in the year 1982 as the first Islamic bank to be opened in Qatar. Over the span of year the bank has emerged as the leading provider of financial services in the region. The bank is the pioneer in the field of Islamic banking in local and regional markets in Qatar. The bank plays a leading role in developing competitive and innovative products and services that are Shari’a Compliant. The bank is the first and largest Islamic bank in Qatar. The bank has strong capital adequacy ratio and a paid up capital of QR 2.36 billion. The bank is constantly rated as A or A+ by different international credit rating organizations. The bank has good presence in both the whole sale and the retrial markets to satisfy the needs of the customers. The bank has strong presence in the Qatar market and has established foot prints across the globe. The bank has international presence in countries such as United Kingdom, Malaysia, Sudan and Lebanon. There are several subsidiaries of the banks which act according to the principles of Shar’ia. QIB accepts that people are its biggest assets. The aim of the QIB is to be a bank of the people and for the people. The bank aims and commits to enhance the level of customer service and thus aims to become a completely customer centric bank by adopting the latest technologies. The vision of the company is to form a leading innovative global Islamic bank that adheres to the highest principles of Shari’a and ethics. The company aims to meet the international banking standards, to partner with the developing of the global economy and participate in

Dimensions of Technology Paper Research Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Dimensions of Technology - Research Paper Example Music informatics is a developing field in computer science and although it is hard to predict how it will revolutionize the music industry, the field might change how most people view music production (Bozkurt & Holzapfel 13). Music informatics is related to computer science in the sense that it views music as data. Scholars in this field are advocating for the need to treat music as data in order to realize the full benefits of this discipline to the music industry. Music searching has been revolutionized with development of software that can search for music in libraries within a short time. Additionally, music analysis in this discipline involves computer-aided skills in creating pitch and harmony during music production. Another area in this discipline that requires music to be treated as data is the creation of musical scores. These scores are converted from their handwritten form into music symbols and are stored in digital form (Bozkurt & Holzapfel 14). Music informatics further involves software development, a key area in computer science. Almost every aspect of music informatics requires software. This ranges from music search engines, conversion of musical stores into digital symbols to online distribution and consumption of music. The discipline has attracted many students who are interested in software engineering and who would like to specialize in music software design (Bozkurt & Holzapfel 16). The discipline interlinks with other disciplines in computer science since software engineers who specialize in music software design can further their skills in other areas within the field of computing. Music informatics can also be seen to involve skills in mathematics, a key aspect of computer science. Processing digital signals for audio music requires vast knowledge in mathematics. Audio digital signal processing involves conversion of analogue signals into a series of numbers that represent these signals in digital

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Islamic finance and banking Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Islamic finance and banking - Essay Example It has been found that these products are very good and attractive to the customers. However, the company can further improve the products and advertise about the products in order to increase the awareness about the products and increase the no. of customers. Qatar International bank or QIB as it might be called was established in the year 1982 as the first Islamic bank to be opened in Qatar. Over the span of year the bank has emerged as the leading provider of financial services in the region. The bank is the pioneer in the field of Islamic banking in local and regional markets in Qatar. The bank plays a leading role in developing competitive and innovative products and services that are Shari’a Compliant. The bank is the first and largest Islamic bank in Qatar. The bank has strong capital adequacy ratio and a paid up capital of QR 2.36 billion. The bank is constantly rated as A or A+ by different international credit rating organizations. The bank has good presence in both the whole sale and the retrial markets to satisfy the needs of the customers. The bank has strong presence in the Qatar market and has established foot prints across the globe. The bank has international presence in countries such as United Kingdom, Malaysia, Sudan and Lebanon. There are several subsidiaries of the banks which act according to the principles of Shar’ia. QIB accepts that people are its biggest assets. The aim of the QIB is to be a bank of the people and for the people. The bank aims and commits to enhance the level of customer service and thus aims to become a completely customer centric bank by adopting the latest technologies. The vision of the company is to form a leading innovative global Islamic bank that adheres to the highest principles of Shari’a and ethics. The company aims to meet the international banking standards, to partner with the developing of the global economy and participate in

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Once you have read the chapter or assignment, you have to decide how Essay - 1

Once you have read the chapter or assignment, you have to decide how to write about it - Essay Example ives a view regularly ignored, mostly by policy advocates.   Just like any other public policy, the detail is in implementation, and implementation more often seems harder and complex than foreseen by those in favor.   If the likely problems are not foreseen and addressed the will be a mountainous problems in the process of implementation that may derail everything else.   Despite incrementalist theory favoring getting some policy adopted on the assumption that correction will come with time, early failure can impedes legitimacy and work towards blocking future initiatives (Jacobs 2002).   At the same time, measuring the success of any policy against the idealistic and inflated claims of its advocates provides the skeptic a decided and deceptive advantage (Jacobs 2002). My critique is that there are better ways of overcoming the legal and practical problems of enforcement and implementation than those presented by Jacobs. Jacobs looks into the extent of firearm ownership and the deeply rooted position of guns in American culture.   He however incorrectly makes the case that any regulatory control must contend with both the huge existing population of firearms and the entrenched political and social support for individual gun ownership. This is not true because to bring everyone into board is not such an easier thing achieved, you cannot satisfy everyone. Moreover, Jacobs highlighted on both the Second Amendment and federalism as barrier to new regulation.   This chapter presents brought forth a well thought analysis of implementation barriers specific to guns and common to general regulatory policy.   His critique of regulatory implementation concisely notes, â€Å"If a regulatory scheme is not enforced, it loses credibility.†Ã‚   This is something that all implementation advocates should take into their minds. Even though Jacobs did an exemplary job to looking onto implementation challenges he fails to detail the devising solutions.   In the chapter skepticism is

Monday, October 14, 2019

Performance Appraisal Essay Example for Free

Performance Appraisal Essay Performance appraisals are designed to give an objective on the evaluation of an employee’s performance and also outline the measures or development for improvement that would be essential to the organization to move ahead (Chandra Frank, 2004). In the healthcare system, there is an unsatisfied measure that the outside companies are used to perform these appraisals. The staff would like to do the evaluations themselves so that there is a relationship built between the employer-employee. I will look to determine what an employee appraisal consists of, how healthcare tracks the quality of work that is done by an employee. A mock performance appraisal will be evaluated based upon the scores that the employee received and from those scores will look to develop an action plan for recommendation to improve the employee’s quality of work. There will be an establishment of the current trends of recruiting, selection, and development as well as the future trends as to where employee appraisals will be in the future based on the effectiveness of new technology and theories. Performance Appraisal Performance appraisals are important to the organizational productivity and the career development of an employee (epa. ov). A current performance appraisal was conducted on an Environmentalist Senior Government employee. This review was completed based upon the duties and responsibilities of this employee in an in depth performance evaluation. Inside of the evaluation included a breakdown of the performance of the goal and objectives that was to be performance by the employee. By analyzing the goals and objectives a semi-annual inspection was performed, a semiannual monitoring was performed, an in-service training evaluation, and a 26-30 day are center inspection took place. This appraisal will affect the overall job performance of this individual and will depend upon the future contributions that this employee will have within the organization. Tracking Quality of Work The best practice is to have a standardized, quantified, and automated employee review process that is essential to track employee progress and maximize productivity in the workplace (employeeperformance. com). The practice of emPerform would be the best practice to use for employers to track performance. EmPerform is an easy-to-use web-based employee performance management solution that automates vital employee performance management processes. These would include online appraisals, goal management, 360 degree multi-rated reviews, online surveys, succession planning, compensation management, development plans, and reporting and analytics (emperform. com). In order track the review process documentation should be provided to the employee to keep towards providing a record of all the efforts they have attempted by employee to avoid any dismissal of employment or any other discrepancies. Mock Performance Appraisal Based upon the performance appraisal of the employee there are areas that she achieves in based upon the categories of leadership, customer focus, job knowledge, as well as organization and productivity. On the other hand, there are areas that need improvement and does not exceed or achieve the job description in detail that should be put into place on a daily basis. The score of 44 was calculated and per each category the employee received 36 points of achievable expectations and 8 points that stood out for requirement improvement. Once the scores were added up to (44/20) and tallied there was a score of 2. 2 of the employee performance. Because of the areas that need improvement, there should a laid out action plan between the employee and employer as to how these goals can be achieved for success for future performance appraisals. The best practices that would provide a fair and accurate performance appraisal would be to support an employee with favorable feedback. In order to achieve the improvement within the areas, there should be a clear erformance of communication of the expectations. Development of educational skills should be provided in a learning capacity so the employee will know what to do and what not to do. In addition, Greguras et al. (2003) research has shown that the purpose of the rating (decision-making versus development) affects the ratings that are observed. Action Plan Recommendation Based on scores of the employee the best feedback for an action plan recommendation would be a 360-feedba ck. Within the 360 feedback it would be a tool of support between the employee-employer conversations. It can be a powerful element of objectivity that will make an employee better understand their strengths and blind spots of their job performance. The best practices to implement the 360 feedback would be to ensure that the organization is ready for this evaluation process, make sure that the purpose is clear for using this tool, start at the top to select the right tool, and eliminate any destructive feedback towards an employee (Horowitz, 2008). The purpose of this action plan towards a 360 feedback give an employee a chance to resolve a performance that would need improvement and also give the supervisor a guidance tool and regular on monitoring towards measuring the progress of the employees future appraisals. Current Trends In today’s society of completing performance appraisals for the employees, human resources are starting to come under fire as to how successful performance appraisals really are. With the emphasis on teamwork, shared leadership, and an ongoing struggle to find and retain qualified employees, it’s a model that is falling increasing out of favor (Fandray, 2011). The most important objective towards successful appraisals within performance management should provide strength of guidance to their employee on the best strategy in the direction of improvement. A strong succession plan aims to present a foot print to probabilities to get to the next level of the job. Although there are organizations that are finding the downfalls of performance appraisals, it is an ongoing process to fine tune what could make future appraisals a trend to build strength between employee and employer. Future Trends Performance appraisal can be the future to enhance communication and productivity with employees. Executives have stated that they have observed a trend towards more frequent reviews aimed at boosting future achievement rather than grading past activity (Fleming, 2003). Hiller, a vice president of administration for Stanford Federal Credit Union, in California, uses an employee performance plan based on accountabilities determined by the job, employee, and the manager. The plan lists goals or behaviors associated with each accountability, which are reviewed on a quarterly basis(Fleming, 2003). I have to say that accountability should be the one of the main reviews towards performance appraisals amongst employees. In the healthcare the future trends of employee appraisals will be the eAppraisal Healthcare. Halogen eAppraisal healthcare will offers organizations an affordable and convenient way to automate time consuming paper-based appraisal processes. It will better enable an organization to perform clinical competency checklists and even orientation checklists (aha-solutions. org). With this appraisals systems health care will be more than in the 21 century it will give providers a more professional quality of giving appraisals that will empower human resources strategy and they will always be ready for the surveyors from the Joint Commission, OSHA, ACHA, or any other regulatory agency. The future trends will hope bright towards computers and making paper-based appraisals nonexistent. Conclusion A good performance appraisal can either break or make an organization as well as an employee’s job status. It can bring a development of organizational skills for the staff member to give a bigger picture as to what is expected of them, and provides information for the employer as to whether or not that employee should receive a raises, promotion, or dismissal from the job altogether. An effective system should be used to break the barriers of the downfalls within the organizations to help develop employees mentally and physical stability that companies look for from their staff. Appraisals can be helpful in many ways to build confidence, but on the other hand when they are delivered the atmosphere and the communication are key components to the outlook of what will come in the future. Appraisals often go into a halo effect, this takes place when the supervisor outlook of the staff member is based on a specific characteristic, in regards to appearance as well as intelligence (Tvedt, 1986). Employee Appraisals will always be a tool that will have constant positives and negatives, but it is up to how it is delivered and pursued to bring a successful outcome.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Operant Conditioning Essay -- B.F. Skinner Behavior Papers

Operant Conditioning Overview: The theory of B.F. Skinner is based upon the idea that learning is a function of change in overt behavior. Changes in behavior are the result of an individual's response to events (stimuli) that occur in the environment. A response produces a consequence such as defining a word, hitting a ball, or solving a math problem. When a particular Stimulus-Response (S-R) pattern is reinforced (rewarded), the individual is conditioned to respond. The distinctive characteristic of operant conditioning relative to previous forms of behaviorism (e.g., Thorndike, Hull) is that the organism can emit responses instead of only eliciting response due to an external stimulus. Reinforcement is the key element in Skinner's S-R theory. A reinforcer is anything that strengthens the desired response. It could be verbal praise, a good grade or a feeling of increased accomplishment or satisfaction. The theory also covers negative reinforcers -- any stimulus that results in the increased frequency of a response when it is withdrawn (different from adversive stimuli -- punishment -- which result in reduced responses). A great deal of attention was given to schedules of reinforcement (e.g. interval versus ratio) and their effects on establishing and maintaining behavior. One of the distinctive aspects of Skinner's theory is that it attempted to provide behavioral explanations for a broad range of cognitive phenomena. For example, Skinner explained drive (motivation) in terms of deprivation and reinforcement schedules. Skinner (1957) tried to account for verbal learning and language within the operant conditioning paradigm, although this effort was strongly rejected by linguists and psycholinguists. Skinner (1971) de... ... as well as teaching and instructional progress. Consider the suggestions of this theory for the development of programmed instruction: 1. Practice should take the form of question-answer frames that expose the student to the subject in steady steps. 2. Guarantee the learner makes a response for every frame and also receives immediate advice. 3. Arrange the difficulty of the questions so the response is always correct and that's why there is a positive back up. 4. Ensure that a good presentation in the lesson is paired with secondary support such a verbal praise, rewards, and good grades. Behavior that is positively supported will reoccur; constant support particularly effective. Information should be presented in small amounts so that responses can be reinforced. Reinforcements will simplify across the same ‘stimulus generalization’ giving secondary conditioning.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Poem analysis. Essay -- English Literature

Poem analysis. POEM The deathly child is very gay, He walks in the sunshine but no shadow falls his way. He has come to warn us that one must go who would rather stay Oh deathly child With a hear of woe And a smile on your face, Who is it that must go? He walks down the avenue, the trees Have leaves that are silver when they are turned upon the breeze He is more pale than the silver leaves more pale that these He walks delicately, He has a delicate tread. Why look, he leaves no mark at all Where the dust is spread Over the cafà © tables the talk is going to and fro An the people smile and they frown, but they do not know That the deathly child walks. Ah who is it that must go? I think that this poem is about the angel of death who is here to take the soul of a person. The first text gives us a brief outline of the poem. From the second to the fourth text we find a description of the deathly child and the last text gives the perception of the public as from the deathly child's own perspective. The deathly child decides whose soul to take as he passes the people. The language of the text has an interesting rhythm effect which has some underlying regularity mixed with variation. In the first, middle and last text, the last word in each stanza all rhyme, however the last word in the second and fourth stanza rhymes.which appears to look like this: - 1st text all rhymes 2nd text 2nd and 4th stanza rhymes 3rd text all rhymes 4th text 2nd and 4th stanza rhymes 5th text all rhymes I have also noticed that when looking at the poem, these rhythmic words have only one-word syllables, when pronounced they are stressed. The first, third and fifth texts have... ...e leaves no mark at all where the dust is spread". I think that the writer writes in this particular way, because the writer is describing the deathly child as something different from the humans. If someone does not have a shadow, it means that they do not have a soul. When it says "he leaves not mark at all where the dust is spread" is shows that the deathly child cannot be seen. Graphology: all lines begin with a capital letter because to give relations between speech and writing. And there are no two sentences within the same line, except the last stanza, which not only has a capital at the beginning of the line but also in the next sentence. I have also noticed that all the stanzas in the middle text begin with the letter "h" and the first letters in the first and second texts are also represented in the third and fifth text but in different order.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Personal Skills for Business Management Students Essay

Effective academic and personal skills are not inborn; they are something one can work on and develop through practice and reflection. Taking the Personal Skills module significantly aided my personal and academic development in that it helped me identify key gaps in my skills portfolio and develop effective strategies and techniques to address key areas of weaknesses. This ability is crucial not only for academic performance, but is also highly valued in the workplace, as knowing how to turn weaknesses into strengths and further improve them is of utmost importance to the constant learning process. Calling upon personal experience and using insights from the emerging literature on skills development I will attempt to critically assess my academic performance so far, discuss strategies that will potentially improve my skills and set goals to work towards. First, I will draw attention to one of my key strengths – academic writing in relationship to constructive feedback; then, I will analyze my experience with teamwork and finally, I will discuss a framework for maximising individual performance capacity. From my perspective, reflecting on your own performance is the best way to identify learning strategies that will work best for you, develop effective work habits and become an independent learner. A good starting point in reflecting on my personal academic performance and skills development would be to outline one of my key strengths, which I have identified through feedback from markers and self-evaluation, namely critical analysis and its application to academic writing. When I entered university I was faced with the challenge to further develop my critical approach to working on assignments by utilising academic  writing conventions and developing an effective procedure for writing essays. University essays don’t require only originality of thought; what is highly valued is the ability to demonstrate a deeper understanding of the subject through making use of key texts, articles or studies in your subject area, drawing on academic works of current experts in the field an d challenging the ideas, concepts and theories you have learned. My acknowledgement of this fact is at the heart of the procedure and strategies I have developed for writing essays and assignments. Particularly relevant to my approach are Elbow’s two complementary ways of thinking which I use in different stages of structuring and revising my academic essays. Peter Elbow (1983) calls these ways of thinking first order and second order thinking and argues that a good thinker utilizes both and judging from my personal experience with academic writing I supports his viewpoint. According to Elbow, first order thinking does not strive for conscious control or direction; it is rather intuitive and creative and it is essential to recognise its key strength while working on assignments – in many cases it brings out people’s best and most creative writing. The second order thinking does not contradict with the first one; on the contrary, it complements it. It highlights the importance of reasoning, accuracy and control and is quite often perceived as â€Å"critical thinking†. My self-observation suggests that I usually utilise first order thinking for first draft exploratory writing in order to come up with a fresh point of view and form conceptual insights that are remarkably shrewd. Then I aim at developing my initial ideas through critical thinking, looking into relevant theories and concepts, evaluating their accuracy and then trying to challenge or support them, depending on the understanding I had gained and my personal opinion. Drawing on my personal experience with using both ways of thinking while working on an assignment I would argue that employing this kind of reasoned reflective thinking in combination with the intuitive one results in significant improvement of my academic performance. In particular, over my time spent at university so far, my goal in terms of academic writing has been to further develop my second order critical thinking and make better use of it. As a result of my efforts and the constructive feedback I got from my first university essay, the second piece of work I produced was better thought out and more reasonable, which was  evident from the score of 85% I received. In order to further support my academic development, I have identified a core strategy as to making constructive use of feedback from tutors. Authors like S. Quinton(2010) recognise the value of the relationship between reflection and feedback:†Feedback on written work can be used as a vehicle for reflectionâ€Å". Therefore, the strategy that will potentially aid me in further improving my critical writing is to constructively go through the feedback I receive after each written assignment and list my tutor’s comments under â€Å"Major issues† and â€Å"Mino r issues†(Cottrell, 1999). Moreover, building the habit to compare my feedbacks from previous works will not only help he identify gaps in skills portfolio, but also keep track of my progress. Drawing from research on the effects of reflection combined with feedback on self-regulated learning (van den Boom, 2007) and my personal experience it is safe to conclude that the practical value of the combination of reflection and tutor feedback is a promising means to improve academic performance. Since I joined university I didn’t only have to respond to issues and challenges presented by the program in terms of my individual performance, but also had to engage in teamwork and gain first-hand experience of being a member of a group working towards a common goal. We had the opportunity to test out our group and teamwork skills, identify our individual shortcomings as well as our weaknesses as a group and work towards producing an outstanding piece of work. While working on the task, I took advantage of the opportunity to reflect upon my interpersonal and communication skills. M. Bambacas and M. Patrickson (2008, p.52) argue that â€Å"Interpersonal communication explains â€Å"the means† by which organisational activities, such as managing, controlling, planning, and leading are delivered†. This area of interpersonal communication has also been explored by Hunsaker and Alessandra (1986), who had identified four Interpersonal Styles underlain by the degree of responsiveness and assertiveness each one of them suggests. Having reflected on my involvement in the group work, I came to the conclusion that I use the Analytical Interpersonal Style, which is characterised by self-actualisation and security, cautious actions and decisions, low degree of responsiveness and assertiveness. One of its key weaknesses, however, is that it is associated with unwillingness of involvement with other group members and focus on autonomous work. From my  viewpoint, a practical strategy or technique for dealing with this problem is to start building up from a small base by getting to know other group members better to feel more at ease and to make a decision to speak at least once during the meeting (Cottrell, 1999, p.97). Furthermore, drawing on my experience with teamwork, one of the major risks for unsatisfactory performance I had identified in groups and teams is not realising that different individuals have different interpersonal styles with both their weaknesses and strengths. Therefore, it is essential to make an effort to get to know your team members individually, to appreciate their strengths and to show respect for other people’s ideas which leads to real teamwork. Finally, study skills are acquired through trial and error, they evolve through practice, feed back and reflection as one moves through different stages of one’s course. However, no matter the stage of the learning process, considerable attention should be paid to a straightforward but insightful framework for maximising individual performance capacity, namely the equation: Performance = Ability x Support x Effort (Shermerhorn, 2004, p.49). Even though this model is aimed at human capital at organisations, it can also be related to academic performance. According to Shermerhon, ability is the capacity to perform through job-relevant knowledge and skills. At university students acquire this ability through covering the relevant academic material and taking advantage of the educational opportunities the university gives them. The second variable in the equation – support- is associated with the opportunity to perform in an environment that stimulates and supports one’s application of job-relevant capabilities to one’s work. In terms of university education, making use of lecturers’ and tutors’ help and the university resources would provide one with this kind of â€Å"support†. Last, the willingness to perform, to do well, is displayed by effort. This means that university students should always try to reflect on their personal and academic skills, identify areas of strength and areas that should be improved and develop strategies and techniques to improve overall performance. From my perspective, a good strategy for a student to achieve high and persistent performance results and to manage his/her own skills development is to keep those factors in mind and try to maximise them. In conclusion, the recognition that university students are given a great deal more responsibility for their own success than they have  experienced before can be disturbing to some in that some might feel that their study lacks structure, which is generally considered a fault. However, it is of great importance to realise that this can also be an advantage because of the freedom to study in ways that suit the individual. Putting time aside to reflect on my study habits helped me recognise areas where I can improve, identify strategies that work for me or are worth a try, set goals to work towards and keep track of my progress. After being a university student for almost an year, I can safely conclude that through self-reflection and constructive feedback I significantly improved my academic and personal skills and am a step closer to becoming an autonomous learner. References: Bambacas, M., Patrickson, M., (2008), â€Å"Interpersonal communication skills that enhance organisational commitment†, Journal of Communication Management, Volume: 12, Issue: 1, Pages: 51-72 Cottrell, S., (1999), The Study Skills Handbook, Palgrave Macmillan, New York Elbow, Peter, (1983), â€Å"Teaching Thinking by Teaching Writing.†, Change, Vol.15(6), p.37-40 Hunsaker, P., Alessandra, A., (1986), The Art of Managing People, Simon and Schuster Quinton, S., (2010), â€Å"Feeding forward: using feedback to promote student reflection and learning – a teaching model†, Innovations in Education and Teaching International 47 (1): 125-135 Schermerhorn, J., McCarthy, A., (2004), â€Å"Enhancing Performance Capacity in the Workplace: A Reflection on the Significance of the Individual†, Irish Journal of Management25. 2: 45-60 van den Boom, Gerard, (2007), â€Å"Effects of elicited reflections combined with tutor or peer feedback on self-regulated learning and learning outcomes†, Learning and Instruction, Vol.17(5), p.532-548