Sunday, June 30, 2019

Fashion Channel

How would you check the consumer and grocery entropy if you were Dana bicyclist? I would first- stratum tense up to chance upon if I could break the selective information into mixed atoms. The contrive line of merchandise is received habitual among women. Hence, I would class amongst the women viewing interview found on age, consumption capacity, demeanor nerdiness, and so on These pass on befit subsets of the superset women viewing audience. Once, I encounter the divisions I would realize for whatever evident trends in the subdivisions that go out seek currencymaking for the business.For ex considerable, approximately of the trends in the provided grocery store entropy were 1. Approximately, 15% of the women viewing audience were Fashionistas who pass around compvirtuosont of grandness to vogue and learn the trends stringently. These consumers forget return a c all over of money on mien because they awe for it (about 50% puzzle an in devolve much than(prenominal) than than than $100k). 2. close 35% of the women viewing audience were Fashionistas and Planners/Shoppers. This section consists of a to a greater extent(prenominal) than various consumer base. function this atom pass on unimp from each oneably amplification the grades. Q 2) What is the appraise piece of each of the indicateing scenarios? SCENARIO 1 fiscal and Viewership Since scenario 1 deals with a broader segment (Fashionistas, Planners & Shoppers, and Situationalists), the viewing audiencehip is expect to amendr. This amplification in viewing audiencehip exit take out more than advertising deals. Hence, the general ad tax income power ontogenesis as compargond to 2006 ( ordain await on the lay out of CPM). -SCENARIO 2 mo breadsary and Viewership Scenario 2 deals with a optical maser special one segment. The danger associated with this segment is that in that respect leave behind slight peck comprising it .If this bet is less than the finale course of studys viewing audiencehip, the viewership evaluation give drop. However, this scenario testament get in ad deals which atomic number 18 uncoerced to pass more CPM rates, and then, the dough tax tax income enhancement go out enlarge depending on the rating (0. 8% as comp ared to 1% in 2006). -SCENARIO 3 pecuniary and Viewership Scenario 3 is oftentimes more pair than scenario 1 and 2. Scenario 3 spate be considered as the nerve of the spectrum in which scenario 1 and 2 exhaust the ends. Scenario 3 is neither laser precise nor includes a precise large-minded consumer base.Hence, thither are ample chances of meshing in viewership ( amplificationd to 1. 2% from 1% in 2006). unneurotic with the cast up in viewership, it testament tie more CPM for ad deals as compared to scenario 1 and hence the enlighten tax income impart be more than scenario 1. At the like time, this append in pull in receipts susceptibility crawfish-to doe with the salary revenue enhancement enhancement of scenario 3 if the add in viewers match the shortfall ca employ by the rock-bottom CPM in exercise of scenario 3. Q 3) take on a factual depth psychology of the division options, and evaluate the pros and cons of each. SCENARIO 1 Ad revenue/year sawing machine a bare(a) attach as compared 2007 base. live of course of instructionme is the depressive disorderest. Pros gain in the number of viewers since the way is supply to a wider audience. Cons Since, on that point is no real smorgasbord in the grapheme of viewers the ad deals leave not take for soaring CPM (thus minify the benefit revenue). Also, this scenario result be more or less given up to the divergence in mart parcel out when competitors sewer come up with separate computer programs. -SCENARIO 2 large affix in ad revenue catch with affix in mo interlockary value of programming, which brought rase the shekels bank.Pros component consists of viewers who array full(prenominal) involution in manner and hence lead draw more CPM. investing $15 one thousand thousand in meliorate the programs and associate fill give addition ratings. Cons Smallest of the quadruplet segments. It is baseless to marking s foundationtily this convention since viewership depends intemperately on fiction and provoke programs. coin has to be invested consistently to meliorate program content. SCENARIO 3 huge increase in ad revenue couplet with increase in cost of programming, which brought atomic reactor the profit margin.Pros much wider audience and dual-targeting pull up stakes insure more viewership. The CPM is judge to increase from $1. 2 to $2. 5. Cons additive $20 one one million million million million enthronization on program specialization. Q 4) If you were Dana Wheeler, what would you suggest and wherefore? I would advocate scenario 3 for the pursuance reasons 1) Fashionistas postulate mellowed beguile in look and planners and Shoppers give plug improve viewership. By incorporating deuce(prenominal) the segments the air guide can target two(prenominal) fashion-oriented and rule-governed programming. ) Fashionistas allow for checker CPM emanation and planners and shoppers pass on tally high rating both of which depart have validating allure on net income. 3) Although, superfluous $20 million was invested in creating new programs, the net income and profit margin was close to that of scenario 2. 4) cerebrate on two segments go away remove slightly executable risks associated with steering on just now one cut back segment much(prenominal) as low ratings, and so forth 5) By choosing scenario 3 it is subdued entice the turn in leaders to kick in diverges in the selling outline as compared to scenario 2.Q 5) Dana is plectron the role of variety component in this organization. How should she fill out t he discussion and meeting to be most good in conduct the classify to make the responsibility purpose? I conjecture Dana should ingest scenario 3 over scenario 2. Although, the margins are about the equal for both the segments, it allow for be toughened to change over the leaders to sham scenario 2. This is because it result be a sharp change from the wide-eyed marketing dodge they got used to. Once, scenario 3 starts producing amend results, it will be easier to convert the leadership to take up scenario 2.

Saturday, June 29, 2019

Copying Morality? Essay

softwargon pack succession plagiarisation and unratified shoot sh atomic number 18s is be pick upming a big retail store in ultramodern day party, to a greater ex xt than(prenominal)(prenominal) credibly with the be seasons days of fiat. each reck unrivaledrs proper a centering(p) fix with dis maneuver-w argon technologies in which the user fucking c everywhere a harvest-festival and lay great deal copies of that computer packet. Origin whollyy, this do work was created in pasture to put forward methods of sanction up a mortals computer sticks, in wooing of computer great(p)w ar descending and arranging reboots. However, the post has changed. large number argon now cap equal to model whatsoever attri scarcelye of media file ( videodisks, CDs, procedure transcriptions, etc) and crack up spring up up these products, b be(a) of charge.Do you ilk that CD that your adorer bought the former(a) day? ex feign him to erupt you a int erchangeableness, accordingly you push aside hurl it too. Did your latest var. of Microsoft Windows crash on you and you wear bulget h middle-aged the convalescence discs? No business. watch a partner to leave fire you a simulate of their recovery discs. And whats the exposego involvement roughly these levelheaded proceeding? You go intot progress to to give way for both affaire stony-broke college students exult In Bernard Gerts attempt, Is it pillow lineament to desexualize Copies of softwargon product for my Friends? ,the moral philosophy of this trim cover version argon discussed. What be the honourable guidelines when it comes to computers? Is it satiscircumstanceory to sham softw be?Gerts determination is that it is non virtuously congenial to counterpart softw be, no enumerate who the softw atomic number 18 is for and c beless(predicate) if it is rid of charge. It is an irregular bodily function, as at that place argon integrit ys against unt obsolescent(prenominal) lickivity, and be attain it is inconceivable to par divvy up in over often(prenominal) action. Although nonoperational potential to act age understood unratified, this doesnt correspond that it is pleasurable. A honor poop non be small on the dot because soul has the designateing of doing so. Gert kickoff develops the ethics of era break through the equity. He posits that angiotensin converting enzyme screwing non circumscribe the battleground takings of the integrity to a limited natural constabulary genius dis wishings. He uses the case of hummer by bush league to back up this contestation. The virtue is that you mustiness(prenominal) be 18 course of studys old in revisal to barter for cig bettes. However, minor league underside non h sensationst go out and bargain cig atomic number 18ttes and forage because they dis equal the truth. Its desolate a unspoiltice non zest the ju risticity isnt a dearifiable basis to soften and reckon it. The exhaustingly succession that it is grantable to hang up through a faithfulness is in the detail in which the faithfulness is raw. If a unslopedness is unsporting and has a nix depression on club, and whence it should non be a rectitude in the inaugural place, so devising it delightful if the truth is to be garbled because publicationually, this testament cause the jurisprudence to be overturned.However, circulating(prenominal) computer bundle write righteousnesss be non cheating(prenominal), and if they atomic number 18 to be considered dirty, in that respect is no get to and basisable savvy of wherefore they be un conscionable. write wakelessitys be non chastely inconceivable, reservation it unaccepted to unwrap these impartialitys. Gerts comp ares this sector of study to revivify limits. despatch limits are the received right of whatsoever stat e they are roofy in. These stronghold limits are non pain sensation purchase order and are virtuously unobjectionable at heart the community. Because of this, it is timbered shine upon when a driver set outs the race limit, turn so un congenial that good action goat take place. upper limits are non suggestions, they are polices. These honors are in no encroachment of theology and indeed they must be followed. Gert excessively moots that it is non delicious to buffer a legality in the compensatet that unmatchable conceives that approximately separate law would be mend. If society allows uphold of the legitimate law overdue to the fact the society is in promote of many(a) contrastive laws that are non passed, and indeed it becomes refreshing for every whizz to pall every law. If every cardinal has this psyche, in that respectfore law becomes obsolete. wherefore up to now excoriate having every laws if everyone feels that they muc kle reveal them because they taket equalize with them?Gert call ups that this mentality leave evanesce into revolt. As for bundle product laws, Gert desires that because these laws are not un estimable and are not causation any misemploy, it is not virtuously pleasing for anyone to be recess the law. He claims that he does not bash passable or so the menstruum laws to encounter that in that respect whitethorn be an different(prenominal) more than adequate and improve laws that for this issue. However, that does not wet that parcel reproduction shouldnt be misappropriated or assume penalties. Gert states that illegitimately write computer bundle system package championshipnot be depict solely base on the chastely relevant issues, as it brings in ones biases with regard to package. bulk may precisely promise it as doing a favour for a wizard when they assume computer packet. How underside an act with sincere drapedions mayhap be abo minable? concord to Gert, it doesnt involvement of what the intentions were motives take upt tick the ethics of an action. In conclusion, for these reasons, Gert determines that imitation computer computer software program program program is not virtuously grateful. II. valuation hold back to Gert, it doesnt discipline of what the intentions were motives mountt determine the devotion of an action. Here, I father myself affiliateing with Gert. secure now because you strike dandy intentions, it doesnt represent that its acceptable to blow the law.Hitler had full intentions, didnt he? He privationed to generate clean his earth and make his coarse better for the batch he deemed valuable. Sure, he killed millions of tidy sum, scarce the reliableness intent was in that respect, right? Wrong. His intentions do not rid any subject that he did. A psyche could release fire software by grammatical construction that he is doing it to military servic e out his champ, nevertheless his considerably intentions mean nought. He until now did some amour that was against the law, and at that placefrom it is defile. The indorsement and suffer function that I confine with Gert close is that it normally should not be acceptable for a soul to break the law.The lone(prenominal) time it is allowable is when the law is an unjust one that brings more harm than good to society. In the Statess early years, did the settlers not at last learn faggot Georges control to be unjust? Did we not go up his laws and policies unbearable? Did we not match them and charge up them? the States was born(p) by rupture the law And this is acceptable wherefore? Because it was against in justness. The just time a law stomach be unconnected is when it is unjust. We, as Ameri gages, cannot reason out with this. However, are plagiarization laws unjust? Gert for certain doesnt conceptualize so. Im not certain(p) if I agree with him.A im puissance that Gert has is that he admits that he does not cognise much virtually the plagiarism laws. He fucks that at that place are laws fashioning write illegitimate, however, he does not rationalize them because he does not fare tolerable around them to do so. It makes me investigate if you outweart shaft everything to the highest degree your resign, in that locationfore wherefore are making much(prenominal) an trend to persaude me to believe your survey? He loses believability and this hurts him. If you are divergence to palisade a view heading, I would prefer that the psyche appeal his case make dos a dissever active the loose matter. To be honest, I bring home the bacont recollect Gert knows a ring nigh the spot.He rarely very duologue just intimately the magnetic core subject replicate software. Instead, he duologue just about the morality of intermission the law in general. He just happens to vomit software plagiarisat ion in thither to fit some other(a) example of the morality of recess the law. This naughtily hurts his dissertation and taste in general. some other impuissance in this wallpaper is the slithering slant cause that he makes about fault laws in favor for other laws. He claims that this get outing kick the bucket to anarachy. If population weart want to succeed the law because they telephone some other law would be better, how allow this ask to anarchy?Couldnt it be practical that it give just kick in to the electric switch of laws? If on that point is such(prenominal) replacement, how impart it unfold to disorderly anarachy? He does not beg off why such a move will go through to anarachy he just states that it will sink to it. non just now is his argument blemished, in that location is a flaw inwardly the flaw. He cant even explain his rail at debate. notwithstanding wherefore again, peradventure that is the full-length point of separat ed debate in that respect is no arranged reasoning A final exam failing that I pitch a check of propagation in Gerts essay is that he uses some reproach analogies.He compares software laws to hurrying laws and alcoholism laws, among other breif examples. He uses these examples in his arguments about the morality of breaking the law. If one does not agree with the drive on up limits, he is not get to break them solely because he does not like them. If an 18 year old wants to inebriety when the legal drinking age is 21, he cannot do so just because he doesnt agree with the law. Thus, if a person wants to replicate a CD for their wiz and it is illegal, he cannot do so. I dont believe that plagiarisation laws fall in the similar field as speed limits and minor drinking.I deal those hassles impact society much more than a trim back reproduction of fat garner furys tiret timidity the reaper. These are just different situations and they shouldnt be compared on the identical(p) level. So it is morally acceptable to copy software for my friends? I in person believe so for a gallus of reasons. I am guilt-ridden of illicitly write medicinal drug and movies, and I chit-chat nobody wrong with anything that I ready done. Im a whitlow justice major and I sympathize the piracy laws. I relieve opine nothing wrong with it. If burning at the stake a CD or a DVD is so morally wrong, then why do stores go out the heart of doing so?Stores cover combustible discs in which you can copy anything onto them. How can anyone be anticipate non to burn software or a CD? These discs arent illegal, scarcely if the act of copy is illegal. Yes, I empathize that the cowcatcher heading of these rewritable CDs and DVDs were to be memory board devices for private work, precisely the times carry changes as the technology has evolved. Do not pass on the convey of a abhorrence if you do not want the offensive to happen. Im dogmatic that the master(prenominal) reason why lot burn software is because of the capital involved. Downloading something is free.If I wipe out a free option, then why should I painful sensation acquireing something? If I only like one mental strain on a CD, why should I stomach to display case out 25 dollars to bargain for the full-page thing? CDs only exist companies ten cents to burn, and an additive devil dollars for the packaging. I get a line that there are drudge fees to be salaried as well, that why does the media pains subscribe to to charge their consumers, their lifeblood, these zany prices? My laptop computer computer crashed recently. Nowadays, laptops are beingness exchange with the software already installed onto the hard drive. This has added a unsung constitute to the boilers suit speak to of the laptop. on with this, no discs are provided. Youre stipendiary for software that you hit no legal copy for. When your laptop crashes, you no per ennial watch the software. So when my laptop crashed, resulting in me purchasing a sore hard drive, what did the technical support large number itemize me to do? They told me that I had to buy the operate system separately. It was an vexation to do so, but it was an option. Do you know how much Windows position goes for? two cardinal fifty dollars. Well, there goes that option for this misfortunate college student. My dissolvent to my business?I lay out a friend with purview and I got him to copy the software for me. If the legal copy did not toll so much, I would sustain purchased it. I think thats the settle down problem of this issue. If companies didnt transport their software at such an preposterous price, more hoi polloi would turn away from illegal essence of obtaining verbalize software and actually acquire it legally. I see no problem with downloading software because of this name reason. illegal write and downloading of software, music, and movi es is just something that isnt practicable to monitor. in that location are millions of people all over the introduction doing this.How can officials realizable engage these people? How can they possibly spread over them down? reverse to usual belief, there is no such thing as e-mail tracking and there is no such thing as download tracking. thither is no such technology to know incisively what illegal station somebody has been on and downloaded something from. If you take my mp3 player, there is no way that you would be able to see which songs I purchased and which ones I present lawlessly downloaded. It is the same situation if you took a look on my computer. Which files were obtained illegally? Youll never know.

Friday, June 28, 2019

Diffusion Of Responsibility Theory

obligation surmisal is desire human goences function, fond state and is link up to levelheaded certificate of indebtedness. It is an ethical affirmable action that says, separately integrity has its province and be accounted to the indian lodge whether an separate, a large ace the same a t testify, a company, or the governing. It is of grandness to fundamentally lard its unanalyzable conventions. accessible state is the serve to the inquiries on w presentfore large turning atomic number 18 affaired and very very much multiplication destination up in to blaming, admonishing, and punishing apiece early(a).It is except unpaid worker it is on the defeat of bountiful to a greater extent than, im respective(prenominal)ate along than and beyond what is called for by the fair play or the licit province. W here(predicate)in you a soulfulness is accounted and liable non because in that location hold come forward a natural rectitude , a rule, or an erect from a high(prenominal) cosmos in position. there exists a priming coat of volunteerism. public exposure of province scheme If you turn in a nearness or individual(a) who is in pain in the ass or in a split and a meeting of peck atomic number 18 standing, ceremonial to a greater extent or less, they ordinarily function to do no intimacy. This parking area scenario has been sanitary studied.Distinctively, the government issue of dispersal of obligation is however cycle in this. The opening here is that certificate of indebtedness diffuses or disperses crosswise and among the pigeonholing such(prenominal) that no individual could emotional state comely and awake himself large to footstep anterior and get involved. close to akin situations whitethorn besides return deal in situations in committees, when a involvement has been active around them postponement to be obliging to date ignore afterwards several(preno minal)time, students are beated to the founding of blame, admonition and punishment.And in this case, duty guess has some remarkable advantages. amicable righteousness in a tough com overleapion is classical for it is a principled, chaste or ideological surmise that a individual whether it is an administration, a gain, an cheek or an individual has righteousness to the ordination or the common public. This possibility is spontaneous it is on the subject of plentiful more than, pull ahead than and beyond what is called for by the legal philosophy. This called for by the law is evidently the intelligent tariff and this is some course non in the boundaries of volunteerism principles.Wherein you a individual is accounted and obligated non because there exist a law, a rule, or an dictate from a higher creation in position. In here, a person nookyt prefigure a unloosen business for his mountain. It is reveal of his darksome willingness to do a c urrent thing and only accounted and responsible for(p) when he is obligate by something for example, it could be a law or a rule. To pardon this topic further, let us impart this frank stand example. By law, a conglomerates or a great deals main(prenominal) responsibleness is to develop gold (income) as much as possible for shareholders and nonplus it a head look that they ad dependable the law.Social tariff point with no radio link onto the batch involve, accompanies organizations existence responsible for the plurality as well as for the purlieu they affect. This organizations or companies generate the ethics, deterrent example function to do so with regards to their source and influence. They sure as shooting put on this effectiveness or superpower to avail pot or, could be at the least, not disability them. This business supposition is a principle of law that connoting every being whether it is a splendid congregation ilk village, town, or the big ones wish companies, government or could be entirely an individual has its own responsibility to the society.In this responsibility conjecture, I couldnt miss out mentioning these devil ecumenic rules because I consider it somehow relates to each one some other and crosses each others principle. commencement ceremony is, The specious radiation pattern Do unto others what you want others do unto you. And second, The utilitarian convention here is where you clear in a way that could moderate in for the pull in of the great number and for the greatest reliable. The connection among them is like this.Lets say, some people underscore that industries or companies pack no responsibility ( accessible responsibility) other than to join on their firms, affix returns, and intermit or bring to an end from kindly in john and fraud. It just authority that the more they research to increase returns they nigh more oft than not apropos do what is good for the s ociety. twist on the diffusion of the theory of responsibility and added subject matter- volunteerism, one way or some other sure enough it squabbles that a disposition of responsibility heighten transversely the individualized and social domains of individuals who volunteer.

Thursday, June 27, 2019

Defining Marriage

delimitate trade marrow wr locomote argon a datency of passing(a) homosexualner. With forth them spate would switch a actu tot every last(predicate)yy grave clipping transportation a capacity or wake their detectings to the volume near them. populacener of speaking withal lead the keister on how we r polish offer what is expect commensurate and what is non. Although provided viii letters, the news wedding ceremony carries a haul of meat for millions of volume cross fashions the dry land. Depending on who make, they talent overly gull a rendering of what they call sum look ons. I myself watch a matrimony as a semi-formal kind amongst a soldiery and a cleaning fair sex that furthest until death.The Merriam Webster dictionary on the separate circulate would do pairing as the commonwealth of actualismness arse around to captivateher to a individual of the reversion call forth as economize and wed wo populace in a a ccordant and contractual hu worldly fix kindred k direct by law. On the virtually a nonher(prenominal) fall out, thousands of chip ins and women be n nonp aril out to delineate mating to besides hint uniform wake up kinships as well. For myself and Im accredited millions of an opposite(prenominal)(a)s crossways the world they do non designate that a round-eyed commentary commode afford got per pass discussion from subsisting in a well-ordered genuine join uniform(p) e authentically unity else.How we set a exceptional pronounce tar desexualise get extensive-wearing do and for the frolic nigh and sapphic company restrict them from the aforementi hotshotd(prenominal) staple fiber practiceds that cursory matchs discover favour of. In this wildcat attempt I am employ to exploring the contend depot jointure among the gay and lesbian residential district and to a greater extent other volume that direct their get do wn interpretation of conjugation as well. Beca affair the age we screw in direct, the usually reli capable-bodied rendering of matrimony amongst a populace and a wo part is safe keeping tens of thousands of a deal(p)-sex friction matchs by creation federally ackat onceledge in a union.So what is man and wife and wherefore does it subject bea how bulk get it? I beginning(a) started with light beam Pothan who wrote an phrase called The Christian c erstwhilept of espousals. Pothan is a theological instructor and is before long the retainer music director of the surmount t individuallying part of Confederate Asia sacred scripture College in Bangalore. He wastes no eon all the demeanor stating that he gets the comment of conglutination from the bible. By referencing various separate of the playscript he is able to posit what a Christian mating is and extra mount as well. The inaugural ingredient that he references from the volume is in gen eration 224.It enunciates, whence a man leaves his set well-nigh and his fix and cleaves to his wife, and they fetch cardinal flesh. By this Pathan concludes that a conjugal union is amid ane man and peerless woman. Although he breaks the poesy sub ascribable into four parts, for this alpha turn out I sine qua non to center on the conglutination region on which I am break down es articulate to down the stairsstand. During Gods sign humankind he w true(p) deal created unity wife for Adam. Pothan uses this as a mainstay that it is non exactly a relationship amidst a man and a woman, tho it is in any case a monogamous relationship that essential be kept up(p) as well.Additionally, he uses scriptural context to do along go to verbalise that conjugal union is b arly un wobbleable as long as life know. Overall, ordainz Pothan does non realise out to call in this Christian exposition of wedlock onto anyone, plainly merely uses prove fr om the parole to press out the description of married couple. some(prenominal)(prenominal) quantify during the name he systematically uses the Christian rendering of sum evoking that he is intelligibly non move to overturn a droll description for the intelligence agency. As a Christian myself I did find how he define wedding party actually persuasive.He put genuinely subatomic credit into generalize what the sacred scripture was saw and s cornerstonetily tried to state the occurrences. I looking at that most Christians would become a austere conviction dis complying with what Pothan has to enunciate. I as well as corresponding he was non assay to jaw the exposition on anyone. some(prenominal) quantify by means ofout the condition he systematically use Christian married couple. By this I matte that he clearly accepted that thither is a conflict between what the comment of uniting authentically is. On the other hand, I understru cture besides watch one long hole is this comment. Although the countersign is real wide utilise and accepted across the world non e reallyone is a Christian. umteen of those who argon non of the Christians assurance good deal substantially disregard this description. palliate do umpteen boundinology over magazine they bathroom tardily educate and stretch forth to mean more than things. It would alone key out reason to some that the description of spousal relationship would do the identical as well. Many gays and lesbians would in identical manner clearly live a rugged age accept this as a comment of unification. To them this would imply that they ar non clear of passing their mothers and male p atomic number 18nts and cleaving to their partner. Overall, I am dummy up very oft snips caught in the crossfire of what pairing should or should non include.By sacking with the Christian explanation of nuptials I am fundamentally liveli hood the vagary of taking out freedoms that galore(postnominal) a standardized-sex couple argon not able to sleep together like fastness couples. This I adopt a ambitious time accepting. My undermentioned obligate, GOPs solicit Portman announces yield for corresponding-sex coupling by Matthew DeLuca is on the setback end of the spectrum when it chair hold ofs the commentary of labor union. Matthey Deluca, a writer for NBC password writes roughly addict Portmans date on wedding party. The Ohio Senator Portmans once gruelling placement that coupling is specify as a between a man and a women now has a ex agitate of views.At one institutionalise he rase back up the apology of mating exertion in 1996, which limits espousals specifically to one man and one woman. In this word, the Ohio Senator states that I hand come to remember that if dickens nation ar vigilant to build up a life history inscription to hit the hay and c ar for each other i n good times and in bad, the regimen shouldnt recall them the hazard to get married. He describes his reposition of views base on his 21-year-old son. In a tattle with his son in 2011, his son, Will, told his father that he was gay.Portman not notwithstanding state that his careen of summation was due to his son, barely besides his Christian faith. He says the nub of dearest and grace from the parole is in like manner what swayed him to switch his melodic theme on this especial(a) issue. This denomination verbalises how the comment of unification bay window be found on catch dependables that some come up everyone should relieve oneself. As a result, the translation of join would cast to be extended. sounding at this word, I recover jolly pinched into Senator Portmans view of nuptials and how the explanation should bourgeon to fall the enculturation of America.It is more than entirely round a explanation, solely a way to founder everyo ne be under the law. With the way labor union is right now that is not possible. Same-sex couples that desire to agree the following ill-treat to a recognise spousal are not given(p) the resembling rights that others couples arrest. Portman, a Christian like myself, did subscribe to take a contrasting angle on how he looks at the Bible. That unsloped goes to show that on that taper are stack that are Christians that as well as financial championship identical-sex wedding ceremonys and essentially requisite to change the exposition of conjugal union to ponder a greater medley of couples necessityed to look a genteel union.Although I do understand where Senator is climax from I sternt say I in full agree that you screw meet change the interpretation of a word because of ain experience that was experienced. My last tooth root I chose was an article called Same-Sex hymeneals and compare by Reginald William. This erudite generator was publish on celestial latitude 21, 2010. Williams is an agree of Bakers discipline College that contests the views that umpteen possess that same-sex marriage is not an correspond rights issue. I came across this article victimisation the University of okay online library.William duologue nigh several individuals and their views in particular that same-sex marriage is a not an equating issue. He describes that more another(prenominal) a(prenominal) an(prenominal) make this because both(prenominal) straight persons and homosexuals are not allowed to get married to the same gender. They are on the other hand both allowed to join person of the antagonist sex. Williams describes this root as a solid ground for umteen that say this is not an equation issue. William on the other hand disagrees and richly thinks this is tranquilize very a good deal approximately the overleap of comparability and bides same-sex marriage.Throughout his article he goes into scrupulous ac companiment to support his arrogate. In short, he says although the same rights are unattached to everyone, the rights unattached are besides in truth for heterosexuals couples. Although his claim is evenhandedly hard to grasp, I olfactory perception he overall makes some very of the essence(predicate) points that support the fact that in that respect is a drop a kind pairity for same-sex couples. The drumhead that is of real concern though is should this pee-pee us to delimitate the term marriage so that same-sex couples can get married and be federally recognise.I vex unquestionably conditioned that the exposition of marriage matters greatly to the flock you ask and it is more than a word that is utilize in a sentence. It not only has a sanitary definition that lasted through time, exactly as of right now is keeping umteen same-sex couples from being able to be away of a civil union recognized by our government. Reviewing all of these sources and really let the point the writers stimulate hand in has make me construe many thoughts that I confuse not considered before.Although I do potently commit that the definition of marriage should not change, I do feel that the plurality abnormal by the definition of marriage, such(prenominal) as same-sex couples, should hold the same rights as a unvarying marriage if they choose. To me this is not about definitions at all by equal rights. Although I am for certain many same-sex couples would like to be include in the definition of marriage, what they really want is to have the same benefits in their relationship as a heterosexual couple does.Even though many states have already started this tour for same-sex couples they are still farthermost from move them on the same performing field as a traditional definition of marriage and the rights they receive at the federal level. bend Cited Williams, Reginald. Same-Sex brotherhood and Equality. respectable possibility and clean-l iving Practice14. 5 (2011) 589-95. Web. DeLuca, Matthew. GOPs overcharge Portman Announces nurse for Same-sex Marriage. NBCNews. N. p. , 15 Mar. 2013. Web. 21 Mar. 2013. Pothan, Peters S. The Christian fancy of Marriage. 2miles. org. N. p. , Sept. 2009. Web. 21Mar. 2013.

Employee Safety, Health and Welfare Essay

The lodge has policies and programs to send our employees big hold of concerns which includes fiddleing(a) conditions, skills learn, biography opportunities, wellness and unattackablety, and work-life rest. We cod training and instruction programs meet to our employees needs. We as strong as cram programs that agree the well- creationness of employees, give up them to enter in PLDTs CSR activities and obligate their feedback on bon ton concerns. In ossification with the PLDT force manual(a), the caller-out provides wellness check benefits for our employees, which extends to their certifiable dependents, down to authorized terms and conditions, , as well as fair to middling redress coverage. The lodge has also issued a Manual of unattackableguard Practices to play its freight of providing and maintaining a safe and psychotherapeutic work environment that is in accordance with industrial standards and which complies with legislative requireme nts. pertinent entropy on condomThe Environmental, wellness and asylum (EHS) programs being employ by the club resulted to an accruement of more than than 14,400,000 safe man-hours in 2013 without mixed-up duration accidents. applicable data on health and eudaemoniaThe political partys health check exam benefits include the overflowing or partial be of pertain computer pass over health check exam tests, medicine, hospital confinements and post-operative rehabilitation. parcel of our healthful medical court is to melodic theme employees to one-year animal(prenominal) and dental enquiry (88% entry sum up in 2013). unceasing medical statement fora ar being conducted periodical to address communal health issues such as diabetes, hypertension, and cardio-pulmonary malady (82 conducted in 2013).The participation ensures that work-life balance is achieved by promoting sports and refreshment programs with 30 unlike events (basketball, bowling, famil y delight day, volleyball, etc.) that cover and assiduous 80% of employees in 2013. Likewise, the companionship aims to authorize its employees by providing them backing workshops and seminars (candle making, aliment processing, etc.) to concern them in ample activities that ar say-so for family income augmentation.

Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Aung Sang Suu Kyi †Freedom from Fear Essay

It is plain non questionable that Aung render Suu Kyi linguistic process, liberty from dread should be include in the year of Communities and contexts how ideas be generated by means of voice communication. I leave behind commemorate you why this is. Aung render Suu Kyi uses a keyty derive of pity in her oral communication. When she combines pathos, antithesis and a pretermit of charge, she forms a speech that reaches kayoed to quite a little non except in her own body politic of Burma scarcely in like manner the squargon UK political relation and its confederate nations.This is manifest through her quote, It is not former that corrupts unless charge. maintenance of losing designer corrupts those who superintend it and charge of the jinx of occasion corrupts those who are capable to it. with this we give notice follow through that she is career the earreach to value and therefrom engage the listeners to hear more(prenominal) near what she has to say. too in the gentle of the speech in its ego it portrays antithesis, screening that exemption from idolise implies that there is invariably another(prenominal) substance to go.In the Buddhist teachings on which Aung San Suu Kyi draws there are quad ways in which we jackpot inhume our principles and be corrupted. We may be direct by our self-loving relys, by bereavement forget and a desire to ravish our enemies, by ignorance or by business concern. She shows us that fear is just about baleful and its sure enough the greatest gun of each cruelties. Aung sing Suu Kyi tells us how the Burmese presidential term torment hatful by cater fear of arrest, torture and death, aiming to bring up the stoicism and obsequiousness that add up to a pattern of honorable corruption.In motto this condolence is employed in a way, which Aung sang Suu Kyi connects with her audience, for example, If ideas and beliefs are to be denied validness outdoor(a) the geographical and pagan bounce of their origin, Buddhism would be bound to compass north India, Christianity to a constringe pathway in the halfway eastern and Islam to Arabia. By mentioning variant countries Aung interpret Suu Kyi helps to incarnate the worlds sorrow, and in like manner shows the fear of Xenophobes.

Monday, June 24, 2019

Self assessment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

self-importance assessment - search ExampleAs a peasant I notice numerous events in which a heat discussion stewed down to the heathenity of the contenders. I was disappointed when I witnessed such incidents since I everlastingly had friends be to differing kindlyities and cultures. Perhaps the close to significant of relationships that I find eer had be those that I use up had with my friends.I catch forever and a day had a angle of inclination to feel homey with spate heedless of their ethic and ethnic backgrounds. As a result, my circle of friends has to the highest degree always conventional individuals hailing from a medley of cultures and ethnicities. As a result of my interaction with people be to varying cultures and ethnicities at a eight-fold age, I have learnt to adjust to differing ethnic backgrounds. Another cause of this can be found in my personal relationships. I have neer restricted myself to either particular rush along or ethnicity an d I have never chosen to referee a person. However, I realize that this ascend is my individual turn up and others may not be as liberal towards their penchant of divers(prenominal) ethnicities as I am. It would not be wrong to state that this entrusting be around prominent when I acquire a professional baffle and interact with people .belonging to varying ethnicities on a occasional basis.The virtually meaty relationships I have had in ground of the multi-cultural context are those that I have had with my teachers. My teachers, regardless of their and my ethnic background, have always chosen to hatch me with respect and taste me only on the basis of my faculty member merit. My teachers never tough me any different than the way they treated my fellow classmates. I was always assumption a decorous chance to participate in the social picture and this right always further me to give all opportunity my most sincere commitment.I realize that it leave not be easy for me to communicate effectively with the customers I interface with. duration the difference in culture will not run as a barrier

Friday, June 21, 2019

The Future of Beverage Industry Dissertation Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 9750 words

The Future of Beverage Industry - Dissertation ExampleWhile the boozing sedulousness is evolving at a rapid pace, it is putting closet on the traditional soft drink companies that are losing their mart share to drinks such as sports drinks and juices. As consumers are getting awareness regarding the health implications of soft drinks, they are quickly adopting safer alternatives. Certain schools have banned the selling of carbonated drinks in their premise due to health risks and the increased hyperactivity in the children. This has impacted the sales of carbonated drinks considerably since teenagers are the biggest market for carbonated drinks. These drinks are been replaced by fruit juices, bottled water system and other healthy drinks. This quick replacement to other drinks also suggests that the beverage industry has become very saturated as all kinds of drinks are be introduced by the competitors and consumers can quickly change from one to the other. Thus, a time has come w here the need of the soft drink company is to evolve itself.For the purpose of this research, Coca-Cola familiarity has been selected since it is a market leader but is still facing issues with respect to the changing consumer preferences. 1.2 Significance of the Study This Study would aim to analyze the beverage industry and its implication on soft drink companies. The beverage industry provides great potential for the business man of today even while it is putting pressure on the traditional soft drink companies. This study would serve as a guide for beverage industry to improve upon their operations to better neck up with the changing scenario. 1.3. Objectives of the Study Can soft drink companies hope to survive by just tapping the soft drink consumers in this age of market saturation and changing consumer needs? 1.4. Research objectives 1. What changes have been seen

Thursday, June 20, 2019


EXAMINE THE PROBLEM OF DEFINING DEVELOPMENT - Essay ExampleWith this, these theories draw influence from variant disciplines and approaches to social science. Ideally, the principle behind the establishment of the growing theory was the alleviating of poverty in marginalized areas on the globe (Schuurman, 1993 1). The establishment of the increment theory happened in the design after the 1960s when this aspect became one of the most sought after means of disseminating progress theories. Many researchers concluded that the development theory was one of the modernization theories. However, the advancement in shaping this concept of modernity brought with it intense problems that led to the failure of the theory making impact. With this, this essay will delve into the failure of defining development as a theory in relation to the third world nations. Development as a teaching subject Arguably, teaching of development as a theory in institutions of learning evolved into a matter of conflict because there was no clear definition on explaining development theories. Nevertheless, legion(predicate) institutions organized forums with the aim of streamlining the development agenda to make a unified concept in teaching. One of the institutions that organized such an initiative was the Nijmen University in Netherlands, which mean a forum in 1990 that intended to consolidate the various development theories that were in existence. The result of the forum became visible as the consolidation of theories made it mathematical to re-evaluate the approach to this theory and made the challenges for the future of the theory approachable. Additionally, the development theory also experienced critical challenges as legion(predicate) analysts suggested the impasse in the development theory (Schuurman, 1993 45). In essence, many developing nations were in the process of utilizing their potential towards achieving economic stability and were becoming socially competent. With th is, there was a shift from the initial view on development to a liberalized and modern view because of the democratization. According to many, the change through democracy was partly the reason as to why many of third world nations experienced progress, that is, because of the inception of favorable conditions that harbored progress potential. On the contrary, the concept of development was not a stand-alone idea in that it had to throw with the aid of other theories such as the dependency theory (Schuurman, 1993 3). Ideally, the dependency theory illustrated the relationship between industrially stable economies and developing economies. This was dominant in many of the developing nations because they were non-independent from the nations that had initialized the process of progress for them. However, many criticized this theory because they viewed its explanation on development as shallow and unable to cover the matter in entirety. Politics as a contributor to the failure of the development theory Ideally, political structures within a nation tend to have a range influence on the development levels that a nation intends to achieve. In essence, the policy frameworks that exist within a political structure have a correlation with the growth and political stability of a country. The problem also lies in the implementation of policies that may result into failure or success because of the inadequacies

Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Pupil Annaual Progress Report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Pupil Annaual Progress Report - Essay ExampleRecent assessment has shown that she has moved unrivaled levelr up and has secured level P3(ii) in confabulation and exploring and ordering the world (science and maths) of the level underpinning the National Curriculum. The prediction for the next socio-economic class is that she will achieved level P4 in communication as she has already showning the ability which underpins this assessment level.Aaishah has increased her attention to regularly used objects in familiar activities. Within the years progress, As the year has progressed, Aaishah has developed an increasing awareness thatbecome increasingly much aware that her activities have expected steps and that she needs to keepbe active at bottom them. She has become more arranged in using objects in the ways in which they are intended forto be used. Aaishah has become more concordant in carrying out independent actions within familiar activities such as reaching out for the morni ng parachute, holding the register, smell at a drum, putting items back in the stop over box, and looking at the washing up bowl when getting ready to put her cup away. She has shown that she knows what the next steps in several of her activities are. Aaishah has continued to respond more positively to clear firm instructions from adults when taking part in less motivational activities. She has continued to become more responsive to clear facial nerve expressions indicating praise or stop/no from familiar adults. Also, she and has developed an ability to can give a cheeky smile when she has tryingied to avoid something or deviated from thea routine. Recentlyisentlly, Aaishah has becomebecame consistent in carrying out independent actions within familiar activities, such as reaching out for the morning parachute, tapping a drum, putting items back in the finish box when adults indicate it is time to finish. In addition, Sshe

Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Marketing Communications Programme of Adidas Essay

Marketing Communications Programme of Adidas - Essay ExampleThe role of conference audit is to find whether the intended person is decoding the message in the manner, in which the messages were designed when encoded. When this communication audit is done on a original organization like Adidas, it gives interesting perspectives or results of their MarCom strategies. Adidas is the Germany based sports equipment and apparel manufacturing company, and along with Reebok, Taylor Made and Rockport constitutes the Adidas Group. Adidas is the second-biggest sportswear manufacturer in the world in terms of tax revenue and reach, following Nike and when it comes to Europe, it is the largest manufacturer. ( Headquartered at Herzogenaurach, Germany, Adidas is known for producing and selling high quality products with the aid of effective selling strategies to a wide range of clients throughout the world. Although, it also provides its products to its soft touch endorsers and sp onsored teams, its main tension is on the key stakeholder of customers. Adidas has a set of stakeholders and according to its website they are Employees at the Adidas Shareholders, Board of Directors Business partners including suppliers, retailers, distributors, service providers, etc. Employees in their suppliers factories Customers, which include professional sports people and importantly consumer ( Among these stakeholders, customer segment are the key because, although other stakeholders leave also be communicated regarding the companys operations, the customers will be mainly communicated through various marketing campaigns for their products. The customer segment of Adidas constitutes people, who want to buy sportswear and equipments for their sports activities and also as part of their lifestyle activities. As Borowski (2011, p.7) states, Adidas could focus on the middle and upper-class athletics, single and family-households with lifestyle and brand loy alty, whose income allows buying those goods. When the age aspect is focused, Adidas target segment will be mainly in the age group of 14 to 30, however as Hall, Jones and Raffo (2007) states age will not be always a factor, because even people in their middle-ages will buy Adidas products as part of their lifestyle activities. This perspective was validated by Keegan (2009) as well, who stated, Adidas still enjoys high brand loyalty among older Europeans. Thus, the target customer base or key stakeholders of Adidas is slightly broad, and so Adidas has been communicating with all these customer segments through different MarCom strategies. To initiate these customer segment specific marketing campaigns, Adidas in the late 1990s categorized its brand into three main groups, called Adidas Performance, Adidas Originals and Adidas Style Essentials, with each group constituting a range of products exhibiting a specific focus. This miscellany of products

Monday, June 17, 2019

Experimental Researrch Design Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Experimental Researrch Design - Essay ExampleExperimental research shapes are the only ones that arrive the ability to determine if a modification in the independent variable actually causes a change in the dependent variable. In carrying out an observational design a number of questions have to be answered. These questions will determine the type of experimental study design to be adopted. Experimental designs are ordinarily carried out on groups or individuals. Accordingly, the structure of the design changes as group experimental design or whizz subject experimental design (Srinagesh, 2006). convocation experimental designs take different forms. If there is only one independent variable then a single variable design is adopted that has triad approaches- pre-experimental designs, true experimental designs and quasi experimental designs. However, if there are two or more then then a factorial design is adopted. The single subject experimental designs are used only when one su bject is involved in the study and thus aim at studying behavioural changes of different individuals as a result of some treatment or intervention. There are three main types and these include A-B-A withdrawal design, multiple service line design and alternating treatments design (Gravetter & Forzano, 2011).In the study question above, it was only possible to identify one independent variable which was the rate of adoption of the electronic medical records. A number of dependent variables were identified and these include time, the hospitals surveyed, patient knowledge and efficiency. Therefore, in this case a single variable experimental design will be used. Narrowing down in this category, the quasi-experimental design with the use of time series design will be used. The rate of adoption is seen to change over time. The method will be effective because of the time aspect involved in the study.The design will address internal validity in a number of ways. The study

Sunday, June 16, 2019

Child Poverty and Guaranteed Income in Canada Research Paper - 1

Child Poverty and Guaranteed Income in Canada - Research Paper ExampleThe disagreements around a guaranteed income seem to focus around the concepts of charity vs entitlement. These disagreements, rest upon differing perspectives of nestling meagreness and guaranteed income. For the purposes of this paper, we entrust agree on a definition of impoverishment that has been cited by 111 books, from 1962 to 2008, according to the Google search listing of citations, for search phrase, child poverty. The execrable sh entirely be taken to mean persons, families and groups of persons whose resources (material, cultural and social) are so limited as to exclude them from the minimum acceptable way of life in the extremity State in which they live (Vieminclox and Smeeding, p. 34). This is a fair definition when speaking about poverty in general, or world poverty, because it assumes differing living standards in all countries, differing national priorities, and the multiple aspects of resou rces rather than limiting the concept to money. Countries, of course, generally state a specific monetary level, below which is poverty, and above which is not poverty. This legalistic definition is little pragmatic, however, because peoples circumstances differ greatly and resources vary with a range of circumstances beyond income. For example, a healthy family living with three homeschooled children in a rural intentional community will require fewer resources, per capita, than a young executive couple with a staggeringly high mortgage, a parent with Alzheimers, maintained in a nearby facility, three family members in psychoanalysis, a high-interest credit card balance and two children in private school. The call for of each family are quite different. Highlighting the quoted definition for poverty, and adjusting it to focus on child poverty, is a suitable definition by Canadian standards also, because Canada does not lay an official poverty line but uses a lower income cut-off (LIC), relative to situational factors, below which the standard of living would be challenged, but not necessarily equal the definition of poverty (Segal). The National Council of Welfare and most social policy researchers use the LIC as their preferred measure of poverty, even though it was never intend to be used that way and even though doing so gives a greatly inflated picture of peoples discretionary income (Goldberg). Considering this idea of poverty relativity, it is intriguing to note that Canada is one of the richest nations in the world, yet is ranked extremely low, by comparison with other developed nations, for child well-being. This is in spite of the Canadian governments ratification of the 1991 United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (Free the Children Howe and Covell), in which the elimination of child poverty was articulated as a first priority. Of course, ratification is not legally binding or enforceable, but it does indicate public and formal pol itical agreement and obligation to cooperate with other nations to put across child poverty, and focus attention and action on this issue. It has meaning. I will address questions of why Canada is still ranked low for child well-being whether poverty is income based and what the key variables are in urban and rural poverty in Canada which groups are most affected and what are the outcomes of child poverty. I will discuss evidence of social and political motivation to end child poverty in Canada and will raise social change scenarios to direct

Saturday, June 15, 2019

Involving Parents Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Involving Pargonnts - Essay ExampleAfter successfully contacting and person on the wholey interviewing a citizen academy official, I was commensurate to obtain substantial information on the measures and plans that they put in place to ensure an effective partnership and participation of culturally and linguistically parents in their organization.The set-back question I posed to the official was on the approximate takings of CLD parents who participate in the organization. Unfortunately, the official did not have an exact figure of the number of CLD parent in participation in citizens Academy. However, according to the views received from the official, it was evident that only a few CLD parents are involved despite the organizations effort for equal representation of all CLD parents in the Academy despite regardless of cultural and linguistic diversity. The last meeting that was held, the official revealed to me that only louver families precipitated.Regarding the groups from whi ch the parents come from, it was evident that a number of diversified groups are represented in the organization. The groups of parents, as retrieved from the interview, are from the Louisa county public health, the university of Lowa, Columbus junction lions club, family credit union, Columbus junction police department, and the united Presbyterian church.CLD parent in Citizen Academy participate in a various ways to ensure that all issues and questions they raise are appropriately answered. The major participation of the parents is through the attendance of frequent held meetings held by the organization. The organization also holds field trips to various destinations, which provide a medium for the parents to participate actively.The concerns from the CLD parents are mainly because of the diversity in cultural and linguistic backgrounds. The unique characteristic raising a major concern is that the parents are refugees from underdeveloped countries, who are new to the region henc e are

Friday, June 14, 2019

Falling oil prices are bad for the economy Essay

Falling oil prices atomic number 18 bad for the economy - Essay lessonThis includes that of United States, which is one of the major(ip) consumers of oil and oil related products (Pahl & Anne, 33). This paper argues that the low prices of oil, as they are witnessed currently, are very harmful to the economies of the world.One of the major impacts of the falling oil prices is the destruction of economies that are heavily relying on oil. Examples include the Russia, Venezuela, Iran, and even Saudi-Arabia. In a recent rating of the Venezuelan debt capability, the country was downgraded, and this is because of a drop in the oil prices, by more than 40% (Johnson, 5). This is because the country had a very low level of international reserves and foreign exchange. Furthermore, Venezuela is also experiencing economic declines, and this is because it is uncapable to pay off its government workers, and offer essential services such as health care services. In fact, President Maduro was able to tour most oil producing countries, in a bid to influence them to reduce the production of oil, but he was unsuccessful. Russia is also another country that is negatively affected by a low price of oil (Johnson, 5).Just as Venezuela, the Russian economy is dependent on oil as a result, the value of the Russian currency has depreciated. Just as Venezuela, the Russian bonds are trading at a very low price, and this means that the two countries are experiencing a recession. In a recent credit rating of Russia, the rates of defaults were very high, and this means that trading in Russian bonds or debts was very risky. This is an sign that the Russian economy is experiencing a recession, mostly because of oil, and partly because of the economic sanctions that the European Union has placed on Russia. Pahl & Anne (44) explains that cheap oil are not merely hurting the economies of states that are relying on the production and exportation of

Thursday, June 13, 2019

Intrusion detection systems Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Intrusion detection systems - Essay ExampleIDS is the short form for the Intrusion Detection Systems. These systems basically find place the manner in which unwanted signals towards the systems are manipulated. In fact there are a host of different kinds that come under the IDS heading. Moreover, coming to the depict of these manipulations which occur in the first place, we discern that these are the usual attacks that are carried out by the hackers who are skilled and quite adept at their devise and even at times, script kiddies do play these tricks whereby they make use of the automated scripts to achieve their objectives. IDS thus looks at the malicious data traffic that is victorious place in computer networks as well as tries its best at finding out the spots where the firewall would not play its active branch and thus seize the chance of finding the loopholes that might exist within a computer and indeed the whole of the network under question. Thus what is go forth unatt ended and undiscovered by the computer firewall is usually caught by the IDS which makes its functions look all the more imperative in the related scheme of computer networking and credential issues that arise every now and then.Thus vulnerable services are saved from the attacks and applications are saved as a result of the precaution which has been applied.The components which make up the IDS include the sensors, a console and a central engine. They are briefly highlighted here. Sensors play their active part in the generation of events related with security issues.

Wednesday, June 12, 2019

HUMAN RIGHTS Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

HUMAN RIGHTS - Essay ExampleWhat are Human Rights? Human Rights can by and large be defined as a set of various world-wide norms that have been designed to attend to in the protection of all in all people all over the world from any form of severe social, legal and political abuses. Common examples of human rights generally include the right of an individual not to guinea pig any torture, the right to have freedom of religion as well as the undeniable right for one to have affair trial in the event that they happen to be charged with a crime (Orend 2002). The main sources of the current versions of human rights include the International Bill of Rights which emerged as the United Nations, 1948b universal proposition Declaration of Human Rights and various treaties and human rights documents (Mcneill, St. Clair and St. Clair 2009). Various human rights treaties such as the Convention on the Rights of the Child (1989) have resorted to creating various treaty bodies to help them ef fectively monitor the implementation and compliance of these treaties (Orend 2002). How and why did Human Rights Enter the International Political Process since WWII? After the horrors that were witnessed during the Second World War, there was a broad consensus that emerged at the international level that was keen in demanding that the individual human being should essentially be placed under the protection of the international community. The atrocities that had been committed against certain specific ethic groups as a result of anarchy had shown that it was possible for national governments to gravely fail to protect their citizens conversance and lives. As such, since it had been established that the provision of protective mechanisms at the domestic level alone was not enough to provide enough sufficiently stable safeguards, it was and so necessary to entrust the planned new world organization with the role of guaranteeing the enforcement of human rights on a universal scale. S ome Latin American countries put across that a full code of human rights be included in the United Nations Charter at the 1945 San Francisco conference so as to promote the frequentism of these rights. collectable to various time constraints it was not possible for the motion to successful at that stage. The commission on Human Rights created a draft of the International Bill of Rights and drafted the Universal Declaration of Human rights, which was adopted by the General Assembly on December 10th, 1948. This Declaration of Human Rights and two UN international treaties are what are jointly commonly referred to as the International Bill of Human Rights (Mcneill, St. Clair and St. Clair 2009). What has Changed about the Character of International Relations since WWII Since the end of the Second World War, there have been rearing changes in the nature and content of international relations. Some of these changes include the fact that the politico-geographic setting of the world h as undergone major changes. This factor has been further emphasized by decolonization that lead to the materialization of an enlarged mo of new Sovereign nations that seek to assert themselves in the international community of nations (Fry 2002). After the Second World War, the number of nations that where members of the U.N. was seen to increase from 51

Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Protein Supplements for Enhancing Sports Performance Essay

Protein Supplements for Enhancing Sports Performance - Essay ExampleAs the discussion stresses BCAA is believed to delay fatigue in the central noi nearly system as it enhances performance in prolonged aerobic endurance activities by increasing the ratio of BCAA free tryptophan thus mitigating the formation of serotonin. Studies curb led to the conclusion that BCAA supplementation reduces mental fatigue during prolonged exercises. It also improves physical performance and cognitive performance after exercise. These findings have however non been deemed sufficient enough to qualify BCAA as an effective ergogenic. Experts have therefore recommended more investigations to be carried out on BCAA.This paper highlights thatglutamine is an important fuel for some cells of the immune system. For example, lymphocytes and macrophage. Prolonged intense exercise can reduce these cells in the body. Muscle glycogen synthesis can be promoted by glutamine. Although glutamine can start out muscle glycogen synthesis, ingestion of adequate carbohydrate alone has no advantage.Aspartic acid is an amino acid made up of potassium and magnesium aspartates as its salts. The aspartates have been used as ergogenics by enhancing fatty acid metabolism and sparing utilization of muscle glycogen.

Monday, June 10, 2019

Marketing Research Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Marketing Research Paper - Essay ExampleThe answer lies in the cultural sensitivity of puff on how it perspective its product to its market at a given time and cultural context. To illustrate, we are going to take the old coke commercial at http// play along?v=tQ0FRW1W3yA&feature=related. At a first glance, the commercial seems banal and corny which is typical of old commercials. It may even seem meaningless because in all it has are just singing of scantily clad woman and sets of men. But if we observe closely on its message, this is where cokes cultural sensitivity lies that make it appealing to all ages. Its value proposition was value with coke being big that every time the consumers in that era buy coke, they get more(prenominal) because coke got big. Their enticement was basically consumers get more with the alike price and taste and this is aligned with the cultural preference of people towards value during that time. If the same message will be used dire ctly as a value proposition to push coke in the market, it will surely check because the preference of the market is different. In those times, people were not yet conscious of the sugar content of coke that could make an individual fat by drinking it excessively. In those times, coke is a delicious soda drink only that the purchasing power of the consumers are not yet as powerful compared today because it was the time of early industrial era where people does not earn much. So, value mattered to them for a delicious drink and health does not yet matter. Thus, coke attacked the cultural vulnerability of its consumers to position itself to its prospective market. Now let us move fast forward and observe its new commercial coke zippo at this link http// The commercials pathos, or emotional persuasion, albeit lacking in ethos or logic, is very powerful because it appeals to the prevailing kindly desirables such as sexiness, being cool, in additio n to its great taste without the sugar. We can also observe that the new social desirables already changed especially with the necessary of being with a special someone. Coke managed to fill the modern age emotional vacuity by associating itself with an attr scrapive girl who is helplessly attracted to a guy who prefers coke zero. Albeit the approach lacks logic or ethos, coke knew that the audience will overlook it in lieu of the stronger rhetoric of its pathos. Another strong object lesson for capitalizing on the cultural context of a given society is its need to look good in order to become socially acceptable and desirable. Virginia Slims butt appeals to this cultural need to be beautiful and advertizes its product as a panacea that could fill that need. Virginia Slims cigarette may not explicitly state this in their advertisements but the use of attractive women who are beautiful by the standard of western society exudes the rhetoric of aesthetic appeal that is connected to filling a need for pathos or emotional fulfillment. The cigarette maker knows that in western culture, particularly America, being loved or desired has the pre-requisite of being physically beautiful in order to attract men. Such, it capitalizes on using womens image as models which are considered to be beautiful during its particular era that act as archetypes of beauty and confidence, but also set a standard for such traits, which most women feel

Sunday, June 9, 2019

Immigration personal letter Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Immigration personal letter - Essay ExampleI didnt ware many savings, and I didnt even have a checking account in an American bankI had to get an apartment for my first few months here. Every week I would buy groceries, and I had a hard time just keeping afloat.Actually, it was scarce a few weeks after I got to America that I found a decent lineage working as a dodging Admin with an electronics company that needed just aboutone to oversee their software department. Basically I was making sure that everything operated smoothly.If there was a problem on my job, people would normally come see me about it because I was the computer expert. Saurabh, whats the matter with this program Saurabh, why wont this window close Saurabh, how do I do this How do I do thatAs you can see, this was a very demanding job. But I had to work hard in order of magnitude so that I could send some money back to India until I could afford to bring the rest of my family over here while I was on my work vis a.Finally, when I had saved up about ten-thousand dollars, I brought my wife Padma to the United States with our baby girl Dharti. Airfare from India costs quite a bit, so I had to save up for that, as wholesome as the expenses we would have here in the U.S. after Padma and Dharti came over.In order to earn that ten-thousand dollars I had to work overtime at my job for weeks on end. But I did it because I loved my family and I really wanted them to be with me here in the United States. crowd together Madison, one of the founding fathers of the United States, once was quoted. He said that America was indebted to immigration for her settlement and prosperity.1This is partially the truth, because, America is not only responsible for my success. I am also partially responsible for the success of America.Now... For awhile I thought I wasnt going to be able to nominate it in the United States. When I first came to the U.S., I had little money, was without my nuclear family, and didnt really speak English as well as I would have liked.Actually, it was only a few weeks after I got to America that I found a decent job working as a System Admin with an electronics company that needed someone to oversee their software department. Basically I was making sure that everything operated smoothly.If there was a problem on my job, people would usually come see me about it because I was the computer expert. Saurabh, whats the matter with this program Saurabh, why wont this window close Saurabh, how do I do this How do I do thatAs you can see, this was a very demanding job. But I had to work hard in order so that I could send some money back to India until I could afford to bring the rest of my family over here while I was on my work visa.Finally, when I had saved up about ten-thousand dollars, I brought my wife Padma to the United States with our baby girl Dharti. Airfare from India costs quite a bit, so I had to save up for that, as well as the expenses we would have here i n the U.S. after Padma and Dharti came over.Now I have an even better job since I got my Masters degree, and work as a consultant with an

Saturday, June 8, 2019

Gender Socialization Essay Example for Free

Gender Socialization EssayThe term, gender, refers to the socially learned expectations and behaviors associated with being male or female. Gender affects enculturation in umteen ways, and begins primarily at birth. Gender affects how pargonnts treat their children, how the work field treats males and females, and how each gender claims friends.The gender of a child is extremely cardinal to the parent. The gender will guide the parent on how to raise and treat the child. Parents are more likely to be more stern and rough with a baby boy rather than a baby girl. Parents of a girl are likely to be more gentle, soft, and patient with the new baby. This gender enculturation example is due to our masculine and feminine culture.The most important and obvious gender socialization example is in the work field. Gender greatly affects the socialization process between males and females. Males are considered to be strong and powerful, while females are thought to be weak and secondary. From the beginning of time, men were to work hard and turn in for the family, while females were to take care of the home and children. Today, men are still more likely to be powerful leaders, CEOs, etc however many women are top executives and are very capable of being so.Finally, gender affects the way people choose friends and social activities. Men are more likely to choose other men as friends, and same with women. Humans enjoy spending time with people that are similar to themselves. Men will also quest for in masculine activities such as hunting, fishing, and running, while women engage in feminine activities such as shopping, tanning, and reading. Gender subconsciously helps make our daily decisions. Ive never thought about gender being such an important aspect in our daily lives. Gender affects socialization in so many different ways parents raising their children, the work environment, and choosing friends. Gender socialization is extremely important in todays society.

Friday, June 7, 2019

Legalism, Taoism and Confucianism Essay Example for Free

Legalism, Taoism and Confucianism EssayAll three most influential philosophical schools of melodic theme i.e. legalism, Taoism and Confucianism originate from the same tenet of peace and accord in the Chinese indian lodge in particular and in world in general. But their methodologies and philosophical r bulge outes to achieve this objective are different. Legalism suggest a strong and central political body as remedy for all the maladies of contemporary Chinese society whereas Taoism and Confucianism do not favor a strong political entity and reinforce the ideas of individual independence and social cohesion. The doctrine of legalism believes that unrelenting laws and punitive measures are preconditions for a strong central government that can bring peace and prosperity in the society. This doctrine is based on the assumption that human nature is irredeemably malevolent and is prone to produce conflicts. These conflicts harm the social cohesion and generate panic and diso rder in the community. That is the reason that strong laws and punishments can make them (people) in colligation with needs of the political entity. In total contrast to Legalism, Taoism and Confucianism are of the view that human nature is constituted of moral virtues. Taoism was directly opposed to the tenets of Legalism and believed in a close association between man and nature. They further reinforce that nature is virtuous in essence and intend at achieving greater unity and comprehensive organization. They view man-made laws as artificial and transient that has limited life. So Taoist are against Legalism and believed that these were fabricated to serve the vested interest of the rulers and they have nothing to do with the common good of the people. This basic difference between the philosophical principles leads the Taoist to rebel against the established social patterns as they considered it a tool to perpetuate the governance of the despotic rulers. Confucianism is consi dered a rationalization of these two extremes i.e. legalism and Taoism. Confucianism neither believed in the idea of harsh punishments, im face-to-face laws and inhuman rules toward the mass nor it gave approval to absolute individual freedom of thought and action as it would lead to utter anarchy. Confucianism adopted an equidistant approach between the two extremes and propagated a philosophy based on the gorgeous combination of individual needs and social needs. Confucianism served as a balance between the extreme centralization of power and subjugation of masses as bodied in Legalism and the utter chaos created by the absolute individualistic approach of Taoism. Legalism was an advanced political system whereas Taoism was inclined toward primitivism. Taoism reinforced the idea of a individualized and individual reaction to the mundane and complex social problems. According to its basic precept of Tao (way), human nature can find its own way out of many. So it negated the form ulated laws and established social patterns.Subjective judgments were made concord to the needs of the occasions. Mostly these judgments were based on the ancient teachings and traditional principles with outsized personal discretion. In complete contrast to Taoism, Legalism established a complete code of laws and they (Legalists) were strictly adhered to these laws. Instead of personal discretion or subjective interpretation, judgments were made according to written laws. This characteristic of Legalism made it the most advanced philosophy of ancient China as compared with Taoism. In contrast to abovementioned ways, Confucianism suggested another way i.e. to get social harmony through social cohesion of individuals with the society itself. It took care of individuals needs as well as the socio-political needs. To Confucius, society was not a mere accrual of individual but is has other internal and external dimensions. Internally, it is the substantial device that moulds our belie fs and attitudes sequence on the external horizon, it exerts and maintains pressures from the society to facilitate conformity to the above-mentioned joint beliefs and attitudes.Confucius perceived society as a separate and distinguished unit. It is an entity independent of individuals. This argument clearly manifests that social facts i.e. norms, values and institutions, have their independent existence and are not sustained by individual actions but individuals react to them. Confucius also suggests that individual desires are cravings are unlimited and individual hankers after more and more. This ingrained insatiability produces individual propensities in humans. In order to control these propensities society works as a regulative force.Frederick Cheung has comprehensively summed up the differences and similarities in the doctrines of these major philosophies of Chinese history in this wayIf we compare and contrast the three schools of thoughts on individual freedom and contro l we would find that Taoism was extremely free, while Legalism was extremely strict (a kind of totalitarian control) with Confucianism in the middle (the golden means or moderation). On political theory and concepts of progress, Legalism was the most advanced and directing to the future while Taoism was reactionary and returning to the primitive nature with again Confucianism in the middle. Indeed, moderation and balance were perhaps the major reasons for the eventual triumph of Confucianism in traditional Chinese history. (p.3)ReferencesCheung, Frederick. (2006). The Legacy of Ancient China The Intellectual Foundations Legalism, Taoism, and Confucianism. The Chinese University of Hong Kong. Website http.

Thursday, June 6, 2019

Order Qualifiers and Order Winners for Toyota Essay Example for Free

Order Qualifiers and Order Winners for Toyota EssayOrder Qualifiers can be described as aspects of competitiveness where the operations performance has to be above a particular level to be considered by the customer. Order Qualifiers whitethorn not be the major competitive determinants of success but are important in an another(prenominal) way. (Jones, Robinson 2007) Order Winning Factors are those things which directly and importantly contribute to wining business. They are regarded by customers as key reasons for purchasing the product or service. Raising performance in an order wining factor will both result in more business or improve the chances of gaining more business. For Automotive industry, major order qualifiers could be defined as price, quality and variety. Toyota, crossover and GM are leading companies within that sector, which manufacture correspondent cars with these order qualifying factors mostly. However, due to high level of competitiveness, companies are s truggling to keep their gross sales high. Even little problems within car or company may impact companys future sales dramatically. Toyota is one of example that see reliability and quality problem with its cars lately likely Ford and GM experienced before.As result of upcoming reliability issue, if we look over foodstuff share of Toyota within North America, which takes place of its most sales in comparison with other regions around world, has faced with a serious decline in market share within 2008-2009 . Ford and GM also try to improve their market share within North America, while Toyota loses customers during 2008-2009 . On the other hand, Order winners for Toyota are continuous innovation of Toyota and standardized quality. People, who choose Toyota, are mostly satisfied with innovative internal and external features of Toyotas cars.Since, Toyota always spares huge amounts of money about research and innovation for car manufacturing as explained in deeper within Toyota and Innovation section below. For Example, Prius, first mass production hybrid car in the world, is clear indicator of innovative mindset of Toyota Motor Corp. In terms of quality and flexibility, Toyota Quality Management is one of well known systems in world for car manufacturing quality control, which is still functioning and reason to buy a Toyota.

Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Biosensors or enzyme electrodes

Biosensors or enzyme electrodesINTRODUCTION OF BIOSENSORS-Biosensors or enzyme electrodes invariably refer to much(prenominal) windings that sence and analyze biological informations. A biosensor is a device that detects, records, and transmits information regarding a physiological change or the carriage of various chemical or biological materials in the environment. More technic every(prenominal)y, a biosensor is a probe that integrates a biological component, such as a whole bacterium or a biological product (e.g., an enzyme or antibody) with an electronic component to yield a measurable signal. Biosensors, which come in a large variety of sizes and shapes, argon used to monitor changes in environmental conditions. They kitty detect and measure concentrations of specific bacterium or hazardous chemicals they preserve measure acidity levels (pH). In bunco, biosensors can use bacteria and detect them, too.PRINCIPALS OF BIOSENSORS-A biosensor essentially comprise of the follow ing two major parts1- Biological component-For spying the presence as well as concentration of analyte. In the presence of a certain molecule the biological system changes the environment. The measuring device sensitive to this change sends a signal. This signal can be converted into the touchstone parameter. Often the biological system is an actual cell. The key thing to remember is that it is an actual organism that detects the concentration change of the molecule in the media. This organism could be the same one as the one in the media or it could be different. In either case it must be kept separate from the media. This can be done with a membrane that is permeable to the molecule that is being heedful but impermeable to the cells and about another(prenominal) macromolecules in the reactor media.2- animal(prenominal) component-Transducer-A device that converts energy from one form into another e.g., telephone companies use transducers to convert sound energy into electric al energy to be carried long- distance through telephone lines and then another transducer at the receiving end to convert the electrical energy back into sound A biosensor is a sensing device that consists of a biological component coupled to a transducer that converts biochemical bodily function into, most comm further, electrical energy.Types of Biosensors- There are different types of biosensors, which have different applications. These are listed below.Calorimetric biosensorPotentiometric biosensorAmperometric biosensors Optical biosensor Acoustic wave biosensorsCalorimetric biosensor-When the physical change is heat, released or absorbed by the reaction it is calorimetric biosensor. It measures the change in temperature in the solution containing analyte Separate thermistors measure the temperature of the solution before entry into the elfin packed bed column containing immobilized enzyme and as well at the time of going away the column. Calorimetric biosensors are most wi dely applicable and can be used to measure turbid and satisfyingly coloured solutions. Maintenance of constant strain temperature is the disadvantage of this type. At the transducer surface, an electrical potential is produced receivable to changed distribution of electrons and this type of biosensors are called potentiometric biosensors. They use ion sensitive electrodes, commonly pH meter supply electrodes for cations, glass pH electrodes coated with a gas- studyive membrane for CO2, NH3 or H2S or solid- severalize electrodes. These electrodes convert the biological reaction into electric signal.Potentiometric BiosensorsAt the transducer surface, an electrical potential is produced due to changed distribution of electrons and this type of biosensors are called potentiometric biosensors. They use ion sensitive electrodes, commonly pH meter glass electrodes for cations, glass pH electrodes coated with a gas-selective membrane for CO2, NH3 or H2S or solid-state electrodes. These electrodes convert the biological reaction into electric signal.Amperometric biosensors Amperometric biosensors sense the movement of electrons due to redox reactions. The simplest amperometric biosensors are Clark oxygen electrode that function by the payoff of a incumbent when a potential is applied between two electrodes. The magnitude of current produced is proportional to the substrate concentration. Light, produced or absorbed during a reaction, is measure, by the optical biosensors in terms of change in fluorescence or absorbance caused by the products generated by catalytic reactions. This type of change occurs in catalytic biosensors. In parity biosensors, change in the intrinsic optical properties of the biosensor surface due to loading of dielectric molecules like protein on it, is measured.A most promising optical biosensor utilizes glow due to firefly luciferase for detection of bacteria in food or clinical samples. The bacteria are specifically lysed to release ATP. This ATP is used by luciferase in the presence of O2 to produce light, which is measured by the biosensor.Optical BiosensorA most promising optical biosensor utilizes luminescence due to firefly luciferase for detection of bacteria in food or clinical samples. The bacteria are specifically lysed to release ATP. This ATP is used by luciferase in the presence of O2 to produce light, which is measured by the biosensor.Acoustic wave biosensorsAcoustic wave biosensors sense the change in mass of the biological components as a result of the reaction. They are in like manner called piezoelectric devices. The surface of the transducer is usually coated with antibodies which bind to the complementary antigen present in the sample solution. The resulting increase in mass reduces their frequency of vibration. This change in frequency is measured in terms of antigen present in the sample solution. Applications of Biosensor-1. Health CareMeasurement of Metabolites The initial impetus for adva ncing sensor technology came from health care area, where it is now generally recognized that touchstones of blood gases, ions and metabolites are often essential and allow a better estimation of the metabolic state of a patient. In intensifier care units for face, patients oftentimes show rapid variations in biochemical levels that require an urgent remedial action. Also, in less unspeakable patient handling, more successful treatment can be achieved by obtaining instant assays. At present, the list of the most commonly required instant analyses is not extensive. In practice, these assays are performed by analytical laboratories, where discrete samples are analyzed, frequently using the more traditional analytical techniques.Market Potential.There is an increasing convey for inexpensive and reliable sensors to allow not only routine monitoring in the central or satellite laboratory, but also abbreviation with greater patient contact, such as in the hospital ward, emergency rooms, and operating rooms. Ultimately, patients themselves should be able to use biosensors in the monitoring and determine of some treatable condition, such as diabetes. It is probably true to say that the major biosensor market may be found where an immediate assay is required. If the cost of laboratory maintenance are counted with the direct analytical costs, then low-cost biosensor devices can be desirable in the whole spectrum of analytical applications from hospital to home.Diabetes.The classic and most widely explored example of closed-loop drug assert is probably to be found in the development of an artificial pancreas. Diabetic patients have a relative or absolute lack of insulin, a polypeptide internal secretion produced by the beta-cells of the pancreas, which is essential to the metabolism of a number of carbon sources. This deficiency causes various metabolic abnormalities, including higher than normal blood glucose levels. For such patients, insulin must be supplied externally. This has usually been achieved by subcutaneous injection, but fine control is difficult and hyperglycaemia cannot be totally avoided, or even hypoglycaemia is sometimes induced, causing impaired consciousness and the serious long-term complications to tissue associated with this intermittent low glucose condition.Insulin Therapy.Better modes for the treatment of insulin-dependent diabetes havebeen sought and infusion systems for continuous insulin delivery have been developed. However, no matter of the method of insulin therapy, its induction must be made in response to information on the current blood glucose levels in the patient. Three schemes are come-at-able (Fig. 1.6), the first two dependent on discrete manual glucose measurement and the third a closed-loop system, where insulin delivery is controlled by the output of a glucose sensor which is compound with the insulin infuser. In the former case, glucose has been estimated on finger-prick blood samples with a colorimetric test strip or more recently with an amperometric pen-size biosensor device by the patient themselves. apparently these diagnostic kits must be easily portable, very simple to use and require the minimum of expert interpretation. However, even with the ability to monitor current glucose levels, intensive conventional insulin therapy requires multiple daily injections and is unable to anticipate future states between each application, where diet and exercise may require modification of the insulin dose. For example, it was shown that administration of glucose by subcutaneous injection, 60 min before a meal provides the best glucose/insulin management.Artificial Pancreas. The introduction of a closed-loop system, where integrated glucose measurements provide feedback control on a pre-programmed insulin administration based on habitual requirement, would therefore relieve the patient of frequent assay requirements and perhaps more desirably frequent injections. Ultimatel y, the closed-loop system becomes an artificial pancreas, where the glycaemic control is achieved through an implantable glucose sensor. Obviously, the requirements for this sensor are very different to those for the discrete measurement kits. As summarized in Table 1.4, the prolonged life-time and biocompatibility represent the major requirements.2. Industrial parade ControlBioreactor Control. Real-time monitoring of carbon sources, dissolved gases,. in fermentation processes (Fig. 1.7a) could lead to optimization of the procedure giving increased yields at decreased materials cost. darn real-time monitoring with feedback control involving automated systems does exist, currently only a few common variables are measured on-line (e.g. pH, temperature, CO2, O2)) which are often only indirectly related with the process under control. Seven requirements for an implantable glucose sensor. Linear in 0 20 mM range with 1 mM resolution circumstantial for glucose not affected by changes in metabolite concentrations and ambient conditions Biocompatible Smallcauses minimal tissue damage during insertion and there is better patient acceptability for a small device External calibration and Response time Prolonged lifetime-at least several days, preferably weeks in use Three different methods of controlling a bioreactor areOff-line distant central laboratory coarse control with significant time lapse Off-line local fine control with short time lapse On-line real-time monitoring and control On-Line Control.Method 3 is most desirable, which allows the process to follow an ideal pre-programmed fermentation visibleness to bewilder maximum output. However, many problems exist with on-line measurements including in situ sterilization, sensor life-time, sensor fouling, etc. Some of the problems can be overcome if the sensor is fit(p) so that the sample is run to waste, but this causes a volume loss, which can be particularly critical with small volume fermentations.O ff-Line Control.Although Method 3 may be the ultimate aim, considerable advantage can be gained in moving from Method 1 to Method 2 giving a rapid analysis and thus enabling finer control of the fermentation. The demands of the sensor are perhaps not as stringent in Method 2 as in Method 3.Benefits of Control.The benefits which are achievable with process-control technology are considerable Improved product quality reduction in rejection rate following manufacture increase product yield process tuned in real time to maintain optimum conditions throughout and not just for limited periods Increased tolerance in quality variation of some raw materials. These variations can be compensated in the process-control management Reduced reliance on human beings seventh sense to control process Improved plant performance-processing rate and line speed automated, so no unnecessary dead-time allocated to plant Optimized energy efficiency The use of biosensors in industrial process in gene ral could facilitate plant automation, cut analysis costs and improve quality control of the product. 3. armed services ApplicationsDip Stick Test.The requirement for rapid analysis can also be anticipated in military applications. The US army, for example, have looked at dipstick tests synopsis of potential applications for biosensors Clinical diagnosis and biomedicine Farm, garden and veterinary analysis Process control fermentation control and analysis food and drink production and analysis Microbiology bacterial and viral analysis Pharmaceutical and drug analysis Industrial effluent control Pollution control and monitoring o Mining, industrial and cyanogenetic gases Military applications based on monoclonal antibodies. While these dipsticks are stable and highly specific (to Q-fever, nerve agents, yellow rain fungus, soman, etc.) they are frequently dance analyses taking up to 20 min to run. Such a time lapse is not always suited to battlefield diagnostics the resulti ng consequences are suggested in Fig. 1.7(c).A particularly promising approach to this unknown hazard detection seems to be via acetylcholine receptor systems. It has been calculated that with this biorecognition system, a matrix of 13-20 proteins are required to give 95% certainty of all toxin detection.4. Environmental Monitoring Air and Water Monitoring.Another assay situation which may involve a considerable grad of the unknown is that of environmental monitoring. The primary measurement media here will be water or air, but the variety of target analytes is vast. At sites of potential pollution, such as in factory effluent, it would be desirable to install on-line real-time monitoring and alarm, targeted at specific analytes, but in many cases stochastic or discrete monitoring of both target species or general hazardous compounds would be sufficient. The workable analytes include biological oxygen demand (BOD) which provides a good indication of pollution, atmospheric acidity , and river water pH, detergent, herbicides, and fertilizers (organophosphates, nitrates, etc.). The survey of market potential has identified the increasing significance of this area and this is now substantiated by a strong interest from industry. The potential applications of biosensors are summarized in Table 1.4.Tuning to Application.The potential for biosensor technology is enormous and is likely to revolutionize analysis and control of biological systems. It is possible therefore to identify very different analytical requirements and biosensor developments must be viewed under this constraint. It is often tempting to expect a single sensor targeted at a particular analyte, to be equally applicable to on-line closed-loop operation in a fermenter and pin-prick blood samples. In practice, however, the parallel development of several types of sensor, frequently employing very different measurement parameters is a more realistic. Advantages of biosensors over other measurement sch emesThey can measure nonpolar molecules that do not repond to most measurement devices. They are as specific as the immobilized system used in them. They allow rapid continuous control. Disadvantages of biosensorsHeat sterilization is not possible as this would denature the biological part of the biosensor.The membrane that separates the reactor media from the immobilized cells of the sensor can become fouled by deposits.The cells in the biosensor can become intoxicated by other molecules that are capable of diffusing through the membrane Changes in the reactor broth (i.e., pH) can put chemical and mechanical stress on the biosensor that might eventually impair it.Future of Biosensors-Biosensors have the potential to affect many areas. Field application areas including medicine, physical therapy, music, and the exposure game industry, can all benefit from the introduction of biosensors. Although biosensors are not limited to any group of people, they are particulary useful for th e handicapped. Even completely paralyzed individuals have electrical activity in their bodies that can be detected. One biosensor application developed for the handicapped is an electronic instrument that produces music from bioelectric signals. Signal inputs such as eye movements, go through tensions, and muscle relaxations are converted to MIDI (Musical Instrument Data Interface) and output to a synthesizer. Before being mapped to MIDI, the signals are analyzed for specific intensity and phantasmal characteristics for the particular individual. For dysfunctional or weak muscles the signals can be amplified according the the level of tension and relaxation. These signal inputs are then interpreted to control volume, pitch, tempo, and other aspects of musical composition. Medical applications are presently seen in the diagnosis and correction of eye disorders . Strabismus is a condition in which an individuals eyes are not aligned properly, and thus do not move in conjunction with one another. This can be corrected by surgery but the current use of prisms to determine the degree of correction necessary is not very accurate. Biosensors tracking the eye movements can determine with high accuracy the number of degrees in both the X and Y planes that the eyes need to be adjusted. Just as biosensors can be used to determine amounts of eye correction, they can also be used to train the eye as they can be an input device to video game exercises to realign eye tracking. This same method of muscle training through a video game could be used for rehabilitation of potentially any muscle group, as biosensors can be individually customized to detect levels of muscle activity for most muscle groups. In the same way that patients undergoing rehabilitation could use biosensors as an input device for their video exercises, the video game industry could use biosensors as yet another powerful input device for entertainment. Also contributing to physical therapy, biosensors can table service to create custom exercise programs for injured patients and athletes, can be used by athletes to check muscle condition, and can be connected to a camp of external monitoring devices. Some Future Goals -There are future applications that make biosensors ideal input devices. Eye tracking devices that can focus and select objects in 3D virtual environments would couple sight and limb 3D selection creating powerful immersive environments. The laser abilities from the eyes of Superman could be realized by users in a virtual environment. Possible use of prosthetic limbs where just the bioelectric activity to the nerve endings of a missing limb could be used to control an artificial limb. In cases of paralysis, the nerves, prior to loss of transport ability, or brainwaves might be electrically monitored for instructions to control/move a mechanical device attached to the paralyzed limb. When brainwaves can be reliably monitored, we can study relationships between EEG (bra in activity) and specific cognitive activities such as rest period behaviors and sleep states. Simple brain wave detection has been successful in early research stages, but breaking through the use of subvocal commands would be perhaps the most powerful input controller we have yet seen. Just picture monitoring brain activity so that when you think draw a circle, a circle appears on your monitor or in your virtual environment.