Friday, December 27, 2019

The Fifth Amendment Of The United States - 1816 Words

The Sixth Amendment of the United States states â€Å"In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the State and district wherein the crime shall have been committed, which district shall have been previously ascertained by law, and to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation; to be confronted with the witnesses against him; to have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor, and to have the Assistance of Counsel for his defense (CRS Annotated Constitution, n.d.).† The Sixth Amendment offers seven rights to everyone; (1) a speedy trial; (2) a public trial; (3) an unbiased jury; (4) told the charges against him/her; (5) able to confront those against him/her; (6) able to provide a witness in his/her favor; (7) right to lawful guidance. The Sixth Amendment is extremely important because it protects the rights of those being accused with criminal charges. It ensures that the proces s of conviction is done fairly and no one is deprived of their rights and unfairly charged. An individual’s right to a speedy trail is only activated when they have been officially charged. The initial creation of the amendment was to stop the individual from rotting away in jail for an extended period of time before their trial. This has many positive aspects to it, one being it reduces the amount of interference in the defendants normal every day life. With a speedy trial, if proven innocent, theShow MoreRelatedThe Fifth Amendment And The United States Constitution Essay1163 Words   |  5 PagesThe Fifth Amendment to the United States Constitution reads: â€Å"No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or other wise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a Grand Jury, execpt in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the Militia, when in actual service time of War or public danger; nor shall any person be subject for the same offense to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himselfRead MoreThe Fifth Amendment and The Bill of Rights654 Words   |  3 Pagesclause in the Fifth Amendment. The Fifth Amendment upholds the rights of United States citizens against government prosecution. Introduced to the Bill of Rights in 1789, the Fifth Amendment is a noteworthy amendment both during the past and in today’s world. The Fifth Amendment, along with the rest of the Bill of Rights, was proposed by James Madison, providing a way for the Founding Fathers of the United States to better protect the basic rights of people. Congress thought this amendment was necessaryRead MoreCJA 484 Criminal Law Foundations Evaluation1424 Words   |  6 PagesJacinto C. Rincon June 24, 2013 David Mailloux With a great deal of debate the design of the United States along with the lay out by the founders of the country who took their roll in laying down the â€Å"rules† of the United States of America very seriously. The Articles of Confederation, the Bill of Rights, and the US Constitution lay the floor work of a layer of protection afforded to all United States Citizens. Each of the doctrines provides a step towards the written words that have granted manyRead MoreGovernment Enforcement, Crime And The American Population Essay1139 Words   |  5 PagesOn July 4, 1776, thirteen colonies declared independence from English rule, eventually forming the United States of America (â€Å"American History,† 2016). Built upon a unique platform of autonomy, the United States provides citizens with freedoms not present in other countries. In order to preserve such freedoms, the Constitution of the United States was enacted in 1797, outlining an array of rights and privileges affor ded to all citizens of the country (â€Å"American History,† 2016). However, as in anyRead MoreThe United States Constitution And The Criminal Justice System1231 Words   |  5 Pageshave many obstacles they will face. The United States Constitution contains rights for offenders which allows their process through the criminal justice system to be smoother and make sure they are being treated fairly. I will cover the impact of the United States Constitution for the offender in the criminal justice system. This will include the fourth, fifth, sixth, eighth, and fourteenth amendments as well as due process for offenders. The fourth amendment is, â€Å"The portion of the Bill of RightsRead MoreCourt And Process : Constitutional Court989 Words   |  4 Pagesreconciliation state governments. The state of government did not agree that would be their responsibility for repaid Mr. Barron. The chief justice John Marshall thought that this is not the states problem, and there is nothing to do in the side of the city of Baltimore. Mr. Barron insists that is in the faith amendment and it should be until the bill of right of the state government, and the federal government were unsure of the faith amendment was so clear. However, after the civil war the state of governmentRead MoreFifth Amendment Privilege : Taking The Fifth1657 Words   |  7 PagesThe Fifth Amendment Privilege: taking the Fifth The Fifth Amendment is located within the constitution of the United States of America. It consists of five well know clauses. Amendment V states: â€Å"No person shall be held to answer for a capital or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a Grand Jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the Militia, when in actual service in time of War or public danger; nor shall any person be subject for the sameRead MoreFour Basic Components of the Fifth Amendment1382 Words   |  5 PagesThe Fifth Amendment Clearly define the four basic components of the Fifth Amendment The four basic components of the Fifth Amendment include: double jeopardy, due process, the right to be heard by a jury and safeguards against self-incrimination. Double jeopardy is when the individual can only be tried for a crime once. In the event that they are acquitted and new information surfaces, they cannot be retried again for the same crime. Instead, new charges would have to be filed showing the individualRead MoreThe Amendment Of The Fourteenth Amendment1416 Words   |  6 Pagesof Ohio had long been a believer in the idea of equal protection of the laws for all people, and was one of the leaders of the effort to pass the Fourteenth Amendment. While aware of the need to prove the constitutionality of the Civil Rights Act with the Fourteenth Amendment, Bingham did not actually believe that the Fourteenth Amendment created any new rights. Rather, he believed that it created a new understanding of rights already in the Constitution. Bingham maintained that, â€Å"The †¦equalRead MoreEffects of Slavery on America1594 Words   |  7 Pagesbetween larger and smaller states, and more importantly, between northern and southern states. One major issue of the northern and southern states throughout American history is the topic of slavery. Although agreements such as the Three-Fifths Compromise in 1787, and the Thirteenth Amendment in 1865 were adapted to reduce and outlaw slavery, it took many years for slavery to be completely abolished and allow blacks the freedom they had been longing for. The Three-Fifths Compromise was a agreement

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Veterans With Post Traumatic Stress Disorder - 2330 Words

To the millions of veterans that have served this country by leaving behind their world as they once knew it, thank you. Entering the world of a soldier comes with a culture of warriors who are taught and trained to be ready to kill, but also ready to save, heal, and comfort (Hansen). Sergeant Hansen served in the United States Marine Corps for nine years and was deployed three times, once to Iraq and twice to Afghanistan. He was honorably discharged in April of 2014, however like many other veterans, his military experience has impacted his new civilian life due to Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, or PTSD. It is paramount that a proper system concerning military veterans of the United States is established for the process of re-acclimating soldiers back to a civilian lifestyle. Within the current system and process that is being used, veterans with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder are discharged without the support and guidance they need to efficiently return to the civilian world. Sin ce 2001, 2.7 million troops have been deployed to the war zone in Iraq and Afghanistan (â€Å"US Veterans and Military†). Iraq veterans are known as OIF, Operation Iraqi Freedom veterans, while Afghanistan Veterans are known as OEF, Operation Enduring Freedom veterans. The wars in Iraq and Afghanistan are the longest combat operations since Vietnam (â€Å"Mental Health Effects†). Many veterans who have served in either Iraq or Afghanistan suffer from mental health problems. Out of 103,788 veteransShow MoreRelated Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and Veterans Essay2315 Words   |  10 PagesHundreds of thousands of United States veterans are not able to leave the horrors of war on the battlefield (â€Å"Forever at War: Veterans Everyday Battles with PTSD† 1). Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is the reason why these courageous military service members cannot live a normal life when they are discharged. One out of every five military service members on combat t ours—about 300,000 so far—return home with symptoms of PTSD or major depression. According to the Rand Study, almost half of theseRead MoreEssay On Post Traumatic Stress Disorder In Veterans756 Words   |  4 Pagesstaff, â€Å"Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a mental health condition thats triggered by a terrifying event — either experiencing it or witnessing it. Symptoms may include flashbacks, nightmares and severe anxiety, as well as uncontrollable thoughts about the event†. Mayo Clinic is a nonprofit organization committed to clinical practice, education and research, providing expert, whole-person care to everyone who needs healing. This particular condition is problematic among veterans, due toRead MorePost Traumatic Stress Disorder in War Veterans2507 Words   |  11 PagesPOST TRAUMATIC STRESS DISORDER IN WAR VETERANS SC-PNG-0000009299 Alwin Aanand Thomson American Degree Program SEGi College Penang 1.0 INTRODUCTION Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a severe anxiety disorder that can develop after exposure to any event that results in psychological trauma. This event may involve the threat of death to oneself or to someone else, or to ones own or someoneRead MoreNeeds of a Veteran with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder1137 Words   |  5 PagesNeeds of a Veteran with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Should veterans be able to live on their own with post-traumatic stress disorder? Going from living a great life with nothing wrong to being diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder, also known as PTSD, is a life changing event for anyone, but should veterans be treated differently from everyone else? Life of Ted Olsen was normal before he was knocked unconscious by a â€Å"massive garage door that jumped a track on base and crashed down onRead MorePost Traumatic Stress Disorder in War Veterans2491 Words   |  10 PagesPOST TRAUMATIC STRESS DISORDER IN WAR VETERANS SC-PNG-0000009299 Alwin Aanand Thomson American Degree Program SEGi College Penang 1.0 INTRODUCTION Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a severe anxiety disorder that can develop after exposure to any event that results in psychological trauma. This event may involve the threat of death to oneself or to someone else, or to ones own or someoneRead MoreEssay on Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and Veterans2443 Words   |  10 PagesMilitary service members who are and have been deployed to the middle east show high levels of emotional distress and post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Both active duty and reserve component soldiers who have experienced combat have been exposed to high levels of traumatic stress. As a consequence, many have gone on to develop a wide range of mental health problems such as PTSD. â€Å"According to researchers, PTSD is a long-term reaction to war-zone exposure that can last up to a few minutes, hoursRead MoreEssay on Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and Veterans2944 Words   |  12 Pages Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (commonly known as PTSD) is a n important issue associated with military soldiers. The primary focus of this paper will be on the causes of PTSD and the effects it has on returning soldiers from the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. I will attempt to elaborate on the soldiers experiences through my own experiences in combat both in Iraq and Afghanistan. I will explain what PTSD is, look at the history of PTSD, how people get it, and differences of PTSD between men and womenRead More Implications of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder for War Veterans1577 Words   |  7 PagesImplications of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder for War Veterans War is a complex concept that is increasingly difficult to understand, particularly in an age that allows for live images of combat to be beamed around the world. Many war films depict the brutalities of war and affects war has on participants, but it seems that these representations merely skim the surface. The 20th century is an era that saw a significant amount of military action: World Wars I and II, the Cold War, VietnamRead MorePost Traumatic Stress Disorder Treatment For War Veterans1564 Words   |  7 Pages Post-traumatic stress disorder treatment for war veterans Post-traumatic stress disorder, PTSD is a psychiatric disorder that may develop after experiencing or seeing a traumatic or a brutal life threatening event. It is increasingly on the rise in war veterans. For those with PTSD only 53 percent have seen physicians or a mental health care provider. And for those who sought out care, roughly only 50 percent received adequate treatment when returning from combat. Although there are many treatmentsRead MorePost Traumatic Stress Disorder Among War Veterans2201 Words   |  9 PagesPost Traumatic Stress Disorder among War Veterans Introduction Soldiers from combat missions face a variety of challenges when conforming to a civilian lifestyle. The fact that there are many of the identification issues and the influence of the environment, soldiers tend to exhibit Post-Traumatic stress disorders. The manifestation of the Post-Traumatic disorder PTSD leads to the development of traumatic brain syndrome and other problems. Service men and women have taken part in many war missions

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Soul Surfer Movie Review free essay sample

By Anthony Sluggett Inspirational People: In our modern day, there are many people that have experienced tough or difficult times although through their strength, persistence and strong faith in God they have been able to get back up and continue living and loving life. Many of these people are admired by others throughout the world. These inspirational people do many things for humanity and they make a positive impact on society and to other people’s lives. Bethany Hamilton: One of these people that will be discussed today is Bethany Meilani Hamilton. Bethany Hamilton is a professional surfer who lives in the United States, Hawaii. She was born into a family of surfers on the 8th of February 1990 on the island of Kauai, Hawaii. Bethany began surfing at the age of 8 and also won her first surfing competition, the ‘Rell Sun Menehune event’ on Oahu. This sparked a true love in Bethany’s heart for this sport. However on the 31st of October 2003, when Bethany was 13, she was attacked by a 14 foot tiger shark while surfing off Kauai’s North Shore. The shark bit off Bethany’s left arm and as a result, she lost over 60% of her body’s blood. She was rushed to hospital and experienced several operations. After this difficult time, Bethany was finally on her way to recovery with an incredible positive attitude. Lifeguards and doctors believe her strong water sense and faith in God helped get her through this hard time. Just after one month after the attack, Bethany was back in the water surfing trying to still fulfil her goal; to become a professional surfer. A few years later in 2007, Bethany Hamilton finally became a professional surfer. Movie Review: Many people looked up to Bethany as a true inspiration and in 2011 a movie called ‘Soul Surfer’ was made based on Bethany’s struggle through life and her incredible, positive attitude as she made her comeback to surfing. Throughout the movie, Bethany Hamilton played by AnnaSophia Robb, always looked up to God and was a very strong Christian believer. At only 13 years of age, Bethany was attacked by a tiger shark which took off one of her arms. She made a very positive comeback and was ready to surf as soon as she had recovered. She began to surf but after a not so good performance at her Hawaiian Regional Surfing Championships, Bethany was having second thoughts and was looking to God for answers as to why He had let this happen to her. But she trusted her spiritual teacher and the biblical quote she shared to her class; Jeremiah 29:11: â€Å"11 For I know the plans I have for you,† declares the Lord, â€Å"plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. † Bethany lived by this biblical teaching and trusted in God that all would come out like God had planned. This movie is very much an inspiration. Bethany’s life was much like surfing with many ups and downs but after crossing over the biggest wave, it was much easier on the other side. Bethany possesses many Christian values that include; strong faith and belief in God, always being positive and having great strength. As a result of this, Bethany Hamilton is a true inspiration for all. Bethany overcame her tough problems by speaking to different people and receiving great encouragement and thus being able to trust in God and continue living and loving life. Bethany is also still making an impact on our world by teaching other under privileged children how to surf. Finally, this movie has been watched by millions of people and has inspired them to do the same as Bethany; overcome tough problems and situations and to trust in God and continue living and loving life. Film Techniques: There were some good film techniques used throughout this movie to make it interesting, attention catching and inspirational. Some of these film techniques include; sad music played in the background when Bethany was going through hard times. This expresses how hard life was for her during these times. Flash backs were also used in the movie, especially of Bethany’s near death experience with a shark. This shows how terrifying this experience would have been for her and that she was very strong and faithful to God to put all of that behind her and look towards the future. Finally towards the end of the movie when Bethany taught herself to surf with one arm, she was portrayed as a very good surfer which indicated that she was very dedicated and striving to fulfil her goal of becoming a professional surfer even though she had one arm less. This was very inspirational and uplifting. Reflection: This was a great inspirational movie as it has motivated me to always look on the positive side of life even when the times are tough. Bethany Hamilton has gone through some very tough times, but she is a strong believer in God and trusts Him that all will turn out and make sense in the end. Overall, I would recommend this movie to everyone, young or old, because you’re never too old or young to be inspired to action. Finally I would rate this movie a 9/10 because of its passion and inspiration. Christian values: Add picture, (maybe quote), be in magazine article format *At the end, add reflection of yourself *Talk about the movie *Talk about Bethany’s strong faith in God. *Bethany’s Christian values- and relate to a bible scripture. *What problems has this person or people faced, and how did they overcome them? * What are the Christian values that mould our idea of what a good person is in general, including in ourselves. * How this person has made an impact in building a better future for our society? (What have they done for the society, what have they contributed? )

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Silent Spring Book Review Essays - Counterculture Of The 1960s

Silent Spring Book Review Rachel Louise Carson (1907-64), was an American marine biologist, and author of widely read books on ecological themes. Carson was born in Springdale, Pennsylvania, and educated at the former Pennsylvania College for Women and Johns Hopkins University. Rachel Carson taught Zoology at the University of Maryland from 1931 to 1936. She was an aquatic biologist at the U.S. Bureau of Fisheries and its successor, the Fish and Wildlife Service, from 1936 to 1952. Rachel Carson wrote 4 books including The Sea Around Us for which she was awarded the 1952 National Book Award for nonfiction. At the end of Rachel Carson's career she wrote Silent Spring, which questioned the use of Chemical Pesticides and was responsible for arousing world wide concern for the preservation of the environment. Silent Spring takes a hard look at the effects of the insecticides, weed killers and other common products as well as the use of sprays in agriculture. By introducing these deadly substances, we have poisoned or lakes and streams, or wild and domestic animals, and even ourselves. The book focuses on the importance of balance within the environment. Rachel Carson wrote... Where spraying destroys not only the insects but also their principle enemy, the birds. When later there is a resurgence in the insect population, as almost always happens, the birds are not there to keep their numbers in check. Carson examines the way dangerous chemicals have been used without sufficient research or regard for their potential harm to wildlife, water, soil, and humans, creating an evil chain of poisoning and death. The over use of DDT, dieldrin and other pesticides eventually poisoned an entire world of living things. Silent Spring not only recognizes the severity of the chemicals usage but recognizes the effect of substance use on a community. It helped people to look at the whole picture, to look into the future instead of the now. Carson helps to change this way of thinking by offering solutions to the existing problems. She helps to show that nature will take care of nature. Many times the best solutions are the introduction of other plants or animals. For many thousands of years man has been battling nature, when if he took a step back, he would see that if he just worked with it his problems could be solved. Rachel Carson helped many people to see this ideal and is partly responsible for starting the environmental movement that has become so apparent in today's society. There are many people that do not support Rachel Carson's findings about DDT. These people challenge her experiments and say that the results would have been worse had the controls not been manipulated. The direct effect of DDT may be different on all types of animals. What the people fail to notice that challenge her statements are the chemical bonds that are produced with DDT and other chemical substances. The significance of Rachel Carson's book was not the scientific accuracy but instead the position it took on DDT. Why this book is so recognized has nothing to do with the actual data, it has to do with awareness and the beginning of global consciousness. Suddenly we are not just a species we are a planet. Carson helped us to realize that everything you do has a greater effect on something else. The arguments of human death due to the banning of DDT are serious ones, and need to be addressed. Many critics say that in many ways Silent Spring has caused more death than it has prevented. In no way do i feel that, that was Rachel Carson's intention. This book is merely a tool for awareness and offers solutions to specific agricultural problems. The critics of Carson are looking to this book, as an answer to all environmental questions instead of looking to it as a guide. I don't feel that in any way Rachel Carson wrote this book for that reason. There are two issues in which i do not feel have been addressed properly. The first is the relationship with government and big business and the second the issue of human survival from insect born diseases. There has been little mention about how the legislation would

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Maoist China essays

Maoist China essays The Cultural Revolution is one of the biggest historical events in China. The history of this event is amazingly captured in the documentary the morning Sun. In 1964 the communist party celebrated its fifteenth birthday and the idea of a classless society was enacted. One main idea emphasized by the party was that the glorious life is the one dedicated to the cause and the feeling of pride and power through the youths of china. Everyone joined in fear of being left out; to be excluded was seen as to be left with no real purpose in life. The party used a specific western book to influence youths. It was dubbed into Chinese and was put into print it was The Gadfly. In the book it tells of a man who has looses his faith in god and follows the revolution of his country, this thus became an important book that the party used for their teachings. On October sixteenth the first Chinese atomic bomb was exploded, a feeling of pride swept the nation later they exploded a strong Atomic Bomb calling it their spirit bomb and using it for propaganda purposes. In 1958 the Mao and his party leadership made a great leap into classlessness society. Steel work, collective farms were built. In the summer of 1959 the excess was seen as success but by spring 1962 famine struck china. Mao took some blame for the wide spread famine but blamed it mostly on his advisors. By 1964 the revolution in the arts were expanding. The east is red represented a new proletarian art. Responsibilities were put on the youth to change the world . Ideas of revolutionary idealism and romance hit hard by the Gad Fly would change views. In November 1965 the Cultural Revolution was almost reaching it climax. By 1966 Mao used the excuse of insiders are trying to take down China thus a lot of people were blacklisted. Mao had complete power his thoughts and words were everything. The Red Guard was formed by a bunch of yout...

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Reciprocation vs. Reciprocity

Reciprocation vs. Reciprocity Reciprocation vs. Reciprocity Reciprocation vs. Reciprocity By Mark Nichol What’s the difference between reciprocation and reciprocity? The distinction is fine but useful. Both reciprocation and reciprocity mean â€Å"an act of return or requiting†; when one reciprocates, one responds to an action or a gesture by doing the same thing or something equivalent in form or value. These words stem from the Latin term reciprocus; the verb form, reciprocare, means â€Å"move or turn back,† â€Å"rise and fall,† or â€Å"come and go, move back and forth.† Reciprocation stems directly from Latin, while reciprocity is derived from the intermediate French term rà ©ciprocità ©. The difference is that reciprocation connotes a more intimate, personal exchange, while reciprocity refers to a more formal situation, such as a political or social agreement or contract: When a person returns a favor, he or she engages in reciprocation; when two countries adhere to an agreement to exchange similar privileges or products, they are practicing reciprocity. The adjective reciprocal refers to complementary actions by two parties (or one such action), but the word is also a noun meaning â€Å"something reciprocal to something else,† including one of a pair of numbers that, when multiplied, produce a product of 1 (such as 4 and 1/4). The verb form is reciprocate, the adverbial form is reciprocally, and the adjectival form is reciprocating. (For example, a reciprocating saw is a powered saw with a blade that moves back and forth so that the operator need only hold the tool while the motor makes the saw do the work.) Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Misused Words category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Bare or Bear With Me?Homogeneous vs. HeterogeneousPlurals of Proper Names

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Individual Audience Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Individual Audience Paper - Essay Example When presentations are made, the speaker should not assume that everyone will understand the material the way he/she does. This could be a fallacy, for your program really to be effective; it must be of interest to your audience. Individual Audience Paper Addressing an audience may seem to be quite easy, but this usually entails more than just imparting information to an interested audience. This is not the case, as a great deal of preparation and thought go into the message or lecture that you are going to deliver to your audience. Also, your message must be relevant and of interest to the audience that you are addressing. By understanding audience unique and distinctiveness, the most effective communication methods, by adding variety and assortment and the way that your audience will relate to your message and identify with it. Audience Characteristics: Recognizing the traits of your audience is the first step successful and effective interaction. Every person that is present where you are delivering your address is considered to be part of the audience and in public or speaking to a assorted group of individuals, the most important thing is to concentrate on the audience. The primary audience consists of the people that are watching you and you want to please. Count how many there are: when speaking, concentrate on what the consumer or audience wants, rather than what you or your company wants, because if you ignore your traditional customers for newer ventures, you might one day realize that they too have new needs, and have left you and moved on. In public speaking, when addressing an assorted group of individuals, it is imperative that your total concentration is absolutely necessary to focus on the audience To present an effective presentation,  the considerations of the audience that is essential to attaining success is to remember the various distinctiveness of the audience that you want to reach and impress and the methods of communication that will be adequate and suitable to communicate the communication to the addressees successfully. When presenting the report of your quarterly sales information, it will be necessary to explore the various distinctiveness of this miscellaneous group of individuals who will include customers. To best demonstrate the necessary careful thought or deliberation that is essential for this presentation effectively, an analysis of the audience personality and their demographic character can be visibly analyzed (Locker & Kienzler, 2008). An understand must be made of which segments of the audience will exercise power over the message itself, who will take some initiative based on the message, or will definitely become better informed on the principal aspects of the message. To give an example of an audience comprising of managers, salesmen, and management, management shall be considered to be a watchdog and the main or primary spectators, salesmen would be considered to be the secondary spectators and finally the customers might be considered as supplementary spectators. However, when the audience has been figured out, it can be categorized according to their importance and characteristics. When presentations are made, the speaker should not assume that everyone will understand the material the way he/she does. This could be a fallacy, for your program really to be effective; it must

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Marketing for Zappos Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Marketing for Zappos - Essay Example Consequently, the kind of packaging used should be appealing to the customers especially in their appearance (Stolze, 91). Zappos should also consider the economic and social factors that relate to the environment and the reactions of the targeted consumer groups. A study should be conducted to determine price regulations depending on seasons. Zappos should also analyze the competitive environment and determine the strengths and weaknesses of their competitors. As a result, it should take advantage of their competitor’s weaknesses by overcoming their strengths. Any potential future competition should also be analyzed to ensure none or few threats in the market and the continuous improvement of sales at all times. Zappos must ensure that it offers a wide variety of products in addition to the products offered. The products include electronics and their accessories, clothing and shoes. The business should venture majorly on long-term opportunities that ensure continuous flow of income that is mandatory for business continuity. On the other hand, certain short term investments are that are highly profitable should be considered. This depends on the seasons that they are highly demanded and when they are on recession. Products that have long shelf life should be stocked in lesser quantities especially in the low seasons. Consequently, their quantities can be increased in high seasons. This calls for market research to determine such seasons (Hoover, 67). External sources of funds must be considered to ensure that the company is cushioned incase of an emergency. Statistical quality control must be conducted during product expansion to realize what to accept or ignore including the measures to take to protect the company. A number of actions should be initiated once the risks associated with the product expansion are analyzed. This should be followed by business expansion and protection efforts. Zappos must ensure to carry out more research on target

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Daycare vs. Home for Children Essay Example for Free

Daycare vs. Home for Children Essay Introduction Nowadays parents are forced to put their children to daycare because both have to work to support family. While daycare are keeping children from infant to older age and for parents are much easier to put their children to day care, there is a great deal of issues about impact behavior. This is particular for children staying to day care long time. Therefore some parents compulsory put their children to daycare. This essay will argue strongly should having children at home. It looks of daycare children behavior and specifically of understanding a difference between children in daycare and children who take at home. Firstly, there is evidence to suggest that per_school children who stay at home get individual attention so it helps to development the strong bond between the children and their mothers. For example, for infant is good time to stay at home with their mothers and having feeding face to face. Quoted (Lees,2006) 70 percent of children that had weak bond with their mothers and 90 percent of children whose having behavior problem such as emotional problem, displayed out bursts or confident with others children, they had not been in a strong bond properly in first 24 months. Therefore, It is clear per_school children who stay at home get more attention that it helps to development their social _emotional in later. Another argument supporting the preschool children should not go to daycare is that children have a negative effect on behavior. Most the children who attend to daycare are from different family with different culture also education. They might be inappropriate play skills or behavior problems. As well the preschool children easily learn from each other’s whole behavior and skills during play times, for this reason have seen behavior problems in per_school children who attend in daycare such as lying, cheating, rudeness, defiance. According to (Lees, 2006) the children who demonstrate behavior problems and also is so tough for their parents to control their bad behavior, they have been attended in daycare 20 hours daycare or more per week. A third reason is spread epidemic daisies in daycare. The children in daycare have proven to get four times sick as children who stay at home. There are millions of bacteria in daycare to children get easily sick. Cold and flu are most common diseases which is easy to treatment while some diseases are difficult to treat. For example, ringworm and chicken pox both of them are so common in daycare and treat difficulty. In addition in the air condition dust is another problem, especially for allergy and asthma suffers. Therefore it is clear those children who stay at home protected of disease. However, there are some parents believe that per_school children who go to day care are better prepared for school. Some believe they learn discipline by sitting the mat being quiet, problem solving and how to shear. As well the children who attending to day care have ability to communicate well with other children. As cited in (VAIMOSO, 2012) â€Å" kids who have gone to preschool or kindergarten come prepared to listen, they socially interact. They recognize letters and numbers, which is big step†. Furthermore, attending to day care could be beneficial both for children and parents also is the big step for them to be successful person in society. In conclusion parents should not send their per_school children to day care. The reason being the children who attend daycare can develop negative behavior and are placed in a epidemic diseases as well it is better for them stay at home where they have individual attention. I suggest if can somehow be cut or eliminate unnecessary bills during this important stage of per_school children life, could be better having one parent stay at home with them per_school children. It is therefore clear that if per_school children stay at home it is both beneficial for children and parents.

Friday, November 15, 2019

Exploring Different Methods of Horse Training :: Exploratory Essays Research Papers

Exploring Different Methods of Horse Training The cowboy climbed aboard and gave a wild yell. The men holding the head of the horse let go and jumped back. Almost immediately the horse began bucking. The cowboy stayed with him though. The horse bucked around the pen slamming into the fence and off the post that was set in the middle of the pen. Finally the horse began to slow down and the cowboy got him under control. It would take another week of this before the horse would allow himself to be handled without blowing up.(Rashid 102) This is the way horses used to be broken to ride, but is that the best method to use? This is the oldest method used for breaking horses, but it is also the roughest. The first method researched is the old ranch method used. This method was used mostly on the big ranches in the west. The main reason this method was used was because they had to be able to use the horses immediately. The horses on these big ranches were usually started at four to five years of age. They were started at this age because that is when a horse is usually physically mature enough to handle the rough work on a ranch.(Campbell 55) To start a horse in this method, a cowboy would bring a horse into a pen. The horse would then be roped and snubbed up to a large post that was set in the middle of the pen. Two other men would hold the horse down while the cowboy threw his saddle on the horses back and cinched it down. The horse was then fitted with a rope Bosal. The cowboy climbed aboard and the horse was turned lose. The cowboy was then supposed to stay with the horse until he quit bucking. It was a rare thing for a horse not to buck when started this way. (Miller 25) Times have changed though people no longer have to have their horses trained in such a hurry. Very few horses are used very hard today. Not all horses were started in such a rough manner then either. The Spanish vaqueros of the 1800's used the bosal to start their horses, and they took their time in doing so. The Bosal The California Bosal or Hackamore is an oval nose band made of rawhide. The top piece of the bosal is called the nose button. Exploring Different Methods of Horse Training :: Exploratory Essays Research Papers Exploring Different Methods of Horse Training The cowboy climbed aboard and gave a wild yell. The men holding the head of the horse let go and jumped back. Almost immediately the horse began bucking. The cowboy stayed with him though. The horse bucked around the pen slamming into the fence and off the post that was set in the middle of the pen. Finally the horse began to slow down and the cowboy got him under control. It would take another week of this before the horse would allow himself to be handled without blowing up.(Rashid 102) This is the way horses used to be broken to ride, but is that the best method to use? This is the oldest method used for breaking horses, but it is also the roughest. The first method researched is the old ranch method used. This method was used mostly on the big ranches in the west. The main reason this method was used was because they had to be able to use the horses immediately. The horses on these big ranches were usually started at four to five years of age. They were started at this age because that is when a horse is usually physically mature enough to handle the rough work on a ranch.(Campbell 55) To start a horse in this method, a cowboy would bring a horse into a pen. The horse would then be roped and snubbed up to a large post that was set in the middle of the pen. Two other men would hold the horse down while the cowboy threw his saddle on the horses back and cinched it down. The horse was then fitted with a rope Bosal. The cowboy climbed aboard and the horse was turned lose. The cowboy was then supposed to stay with the horse until he quit bucking. It was a rare thing for a horse not to buck when started this way. (Miller 25) Times have changed though people no longer have to have their horses trained in such a hurry. Very few horses are used very hard today. Not all horses were started in such a rough manner then either. The Spanish vaqueros of the 1800's used the bosal to start their horses, and they took their time in doing so. The Bosal The California Bosal or Hackamore is an oval nose band made of rawhide. The top piece of the bosal is called the nose button.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Friedrich Wilhelm August Froebel

Friedrich Wilhelm August Froebel (1782-1852) was a German educator born in Oberweisbach. He is known as the founder of â€Å"Kindergarten† and was one of the most influential educational reformers of the 19th century. Froebel had a difficult childhood. His mother died when he was still young, and his father, a pastor, and stepmother neglected to care for him. Finally, an uncle took over his care and ensured that he receive a high school education. It was there that young Froebel grew up with a love for nature and strong Christian faith, which led him to seek happiness and unity in all things. Froebel’s faith also led him to think as an educationalist. Froebel studied at the University of Jena for a short time. In 1805, while studying architecture in Frankfurt, he was persuaded to become a teacher by the model school at Frankfurt. He then studied with Pestalozzi at Yverdon, before returning to the University of Gottigen and Berlin in Germany. Froebel believed that there was something missing in Pestalozzi’s theory- the ‘spiritual mechanism’. According to Froebel, this was the basis of early childhood education. â€Å"Pestalozzi takes man existing only in appearance on earth,† he said, â€Å"but I take man in his eternal being, in his eternal existence.† (Shapiro, 1983, p.20.) Froebel took a break from studying to join the army for a year from 1813-1814. Afterwards, he received a position at the mineralogical museum in the University of Berlin. Two years later, he founded a school at Greisheim (which later mover to Keilau) which he called the Universal German Educational Institute. It was there that he taught his methods to other teachers. Froebel opened the first Kindergarten in the year of 1837 in Bad Blankenburg. Later, he also founded a Kindergarten training school at Liebenstein. Froebel felt that children, like plants in a garden, need to be cared for and shielded from outside influences. Froeble believed that children need to imitate a teacher’s values and morals. Therefore, teachers need to be respected, receptive, and easily approachable. Among Froebel’s subordinates, however, there were constant disputes, which he was unable to control. He encountered more problems when the Prussian government did not approve of his ideas. In 1851, an edict was issued, which forbade the establishment of Kindergartens. This decree was repealed almost 10 years later- in 1860. Froebel was not alive at that time and had no idea of the impact he left on the school system worldwide, and especially in the United States. The philosophers of his times, Johann Gottlieb Fichte (1762-1814) and Friedrich Wilhelm Schelling (1775-1854), also influenced Froebel’s educational ideas. He placed an emphasis on self-activity, physical training, and pleasant surroundings in the development of children. His most important work was the book he wrote in 1826 called Menschenerziehung (tr. The Education of Man, 1877).

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Insect: Mosquitoes

Chapter I Introduction Background of the Study Mosquitoes nowadays are a problem for us humans. Mosquitoes are attracted by skin odors and the carbon dioxide in our breath. With our climate, it is easy for us Filipinos to get attracted by mosquitoes simply because we are sweating a lot. Because of mosquito bites, we can easily get diseases like West Nile Virus, the West Nile virus is contracted when a mosquito bites a human or animal. This virus can cause fever, headache, nausea, vomiting and rash in its early stages and can lead to paralysis. Dengue Fever, a contracted type of mosquito bite mainly during the day.Especially dangerous for children, dengue fever is found primarily in the tropics. It resembles viral flu and can be fatal. Malaria, also found primarily in tropical regions, mosquitoes carrying malaria bite during the night. Symptoms of this disease include fever, chills, headache, malaise and muscle ache. And Yellow Fever, Mostly found in South America and Africa, yellow f ever resembles the symptoms of other diseases carried by mosquitoes. In addition to these flu-like symptoms, yellow fever can also cause backache and jaundice and can be fatal.The menace posted by mosquito bites have surged so much that mosquito control measurements are almost crucial to keep ourselves from contracting serious illnesses like the malaria or the West Nile Virus. Mosquito control is more significant than ever before. Infected mosquitoes are the main culprit behind the spreading of these diseases and avoiding mosquito bites is the only successful way to remain unhurt. Some Mosquitoes that carry the West Nile virus are often active at dawn and dusk, which makes them less likely to be noticed.Mosquito bites can produce allergic reactions. Itchy red bumps, for instance, are considered allergic reactions to the insect's saliva. More severe reactions include blisters, hives, bruises and intense inflammatory reactions. Our problem that we need to solve is the mosquitoes, beca use it carries the Dengue virus, which we Filipinos are aware of. As of this year, many people have died because of dengue. We want that we can help in our own way is to repel mosquito in our skin so we will not get hurt or get a bite from a mosquito. Statement of the ProblemOur main goal is to create a mosquito repellent that is eco-friendly, yet effective in repelling mosquitoes. Also, compete with the standards of the commercialized repellent. The researchers aim to answer these following questions: 1. Are the organic mosquito repellent sticks better than the commercialized repellents? 2. Is using lemongrass and catnip possible in making effective organic mosquito repellent sticks? 3. Which is more effective? Basing on the number of mosquitoes repelled and killed. (Catnip stick, lemongrass stick, or both combined. ) HypothesisThe organic mosquito repellent sticks can be a substitute to a commercialized repellent, because it is more eco-friendly and maybe less harmful to the body especially the lungs. The researchers think that it is possible to make organic mosquito repellent sticks using lemongrass and catnip, since those two agents are known to be effective ingredients in making mosquito repellents. The researchers believe that the coil with both agents is much more effective, because the effects of both agents combine is much better than just one of the catnip or lemongrass. Definition of Terms . Mosquito-repelling incense -Usually shaped into a stick, and typically made from a dried paste of pyrethrum powder. -In the study, this refers to the product that the researchers are trying to create. 2. Lemongrass -A fragrant tropical grass that yields oil that smells lemony. -This refers to the tall grass used in making the repellent sticks. 3. Catnip -A natural mosquito repellent. -One of the main ingredients of our mosquito repellent sticks. 4. Malaria -Caused by a parasite called Plasmodium, which is transmitted via the bites of infected mosquitoes. In this study, this is the disease that is common in poor countries caused by a parasite 5. Dengue Fever -A contracted type of mosquito bite mainly during the day. Especially dangerous for children, is found primarily in the tropics. -In the study, this is the virus that is widely spreading in the Philippines that we want to prevent. 6. Nepetalactone – It  is an organic compound first isolated from the plant catnip. -In the study, it is the main component of catnip that makes mosquitoes be repelled. Significance of the Study The significance of this study aims to help people prevent mosquitoes from staying in homes or schools.The researchers want to help people who get irritated by pesky mosquitoes. The researchers want to help certain people who encounter mosquitoes in their everyday life. 1. General Public a. The masses in general, since everyone needs to be protected from these insects for they are harmful to the body. 2. Campers b. These people like boy scouts and mountaineers like to stay outdoors, such as forests and mountainous areas, where there are a lot of mosquitoes. So the researchers want to help them repel mosquitoes on their camps. 3. Parents c.Parents want to prevent their children from getting bit by mosquitoes making them. Our organic mosquitoes repellent sticks will be a great help to these people 4. The Poor d. These people can’t afford to buy repellents for their homes. This will aid them, because it is easy to make and really affordable even to the poor. Scope and Limitation Our scope of the study is to make effective mosquito repellent sticks, to prevent mosquitoes from invading homes and other places. To lessen the risk of diseases caused by mosquitoes, such as Dengue Fever and Malaria.As a group we can only limit our organic repellent sticks to only prevent mosquitoes, but not to other insects. The researchers only aim to repel mosquitoes, but not to the extent that we would stop their existence. Chapter II Review of related l iterature Mosquito Coil Mosquito coil is mosquito-repelling incense, usually shaped into a spiral, and typically made from a dried paste of pyrethrum powder. The coil is usually held at the center of the spiral, suspending it in the air, or wedged by two pieces of fireproof nettings to allow continuous smoldering.Burning usually begins at the outer end of the spiral and progresses slowly toward the centre of the spiral, producing a mosquito-repellent smoke. A typical mosquito coil can measure around 15 cm in diameter and lasts up to 8 hours. Mosquito coils are widely used in Asia, Africa, and South America. Bad effects Burning mosquito coil (MC) releases various aromatic compounds like benzo pyrenes, benzo-fluoroethane and particulate matters. These chemicals have the potential to produce harmful effects on airways as demonstrated by histopathological changes in the airways of various animal models.It has been estimated that burning one MC over 8 hours produces particulate matter sm oke (as measured as PM2. 5) equivalent to around 100 cigarettes. Particulate matter pollution has been shown to increase airway hyper responsiveness and cause decrements in lung function. Mosquito The mosquitoes are a family of small, midge-like flies: the Culicidae. Although a few species are harmless or even useful to humanity, most are a nuisance because they consume blood from living vertebrates, including humans. The females of many species of mosquitoes are blood eating pests.In feeding on blood, some of them transmit extremely harmful human and livestock diseases, such as malaria. Some authorities argue accordingly that mosquitoes are the most dangerous animals on Earth. Eggs of some mosquitoes float on the water in rafts. Larvae, often called wigglers, have a soft body, a hard head and a breathing tube, or siphon, at the tip of the abdomen. Pupae are shaped like a comma, and are commonly called tumblers. Adults have delicate legs, a long proboscis and one pair of transparent wings Dengue Dengue fever, also known as break bone fever, is an infectious tropical disease caused by the dengue virus.Symptoms include fever, headache, muscle and joint pains, and a characteristic skin rash that is similar to measles. In a small proportion of cases the disease develops into the life-threatening dengue hemorrhagic fever, resulting in bleeding, low levels of blood platelets and blood plasma leakage, or into dengue shock syndrome, where dangerously low blood pressure occurs. Dengue is transmitted by several species of mosquito within the genus Aedes, principally A. aegypti. The virus has four different types; infection with one type usually gives lifelong immunity to that type, but only short-term immunity to the others.Subsequent infection with a different type increases the risk of severe complications. As there is no commercially available vaccine, prevention is sought by reducing the habitat and the number of mosquitoes and limiting exposure to bites. Treatment of acute dengue is supportive, using either oral or intravenous rehydration for mild or moderate disease, and intravenous fluids and blood transfusion for more severe cases. The incidence of dengue fever has increased dramatically since the 1960s, with around 50–100 million people infected yearly.Early descriptions of the condition date from 1779, and its viral cause and the transmission were elucidated in the early 20th century. Dengue has become a global problem since the Second World War and is endemic in more than 110 countries. Apart from eliminating the mosquitoes, work is ongoing on a vaccine, as well as medication targeted directly at the virus Catnip Catnip is a perennial herb and member of the Mint family  Labiatae. It is native to Europe ; Asia, however has become naturalised in America ; Canada after being introduced.There are approximately 250 species of Catnip. The active ingredient which causes this is an essential oil called nepetalactone, which can be found in the leaves ; stem of the plant. Other constituents include Acetic Acid, Alpha and beta-nepetalactone, Citral, Nepetalactone, Geraniol, Dipentene, Citronellol, Nerol, Butyric Acid, Valeric Acid and Tannins. Catnip is also known by the following names:  Ã‚   Cataria,  Catmint, Catnep, Catrup, Cat's Heal All,  Cat’s-play, Cat's Wort, Catswort, Catwort, Chi Hsueh Tsao, Field Balm, Garden Nep, Herba Cataria, Herba Catti, Nebada, Nep.Lemongrass Lemongrass herb is a very popular plant found commonly in India and used for medicinal, food and mosquito and insect repellent products. The lemongrass oils are also used in cosmetics, soaps, perfumes, dyes and odorizes along with thousands of other products. There are many different and related types of lemongrass, all belonging to the grass family, Poaceae. East Indian and West Indian lemon grass are popular names for Cymbopogon flexuous and Cymbopogon citratus. Lemon grass is an evergreen, native to Southeast Asia, India, Myanma r, Thailand, Sri Lanka, and Australia.Another type of lemongrass also used in insect repellents comes from Malaysia. The thin stems and foliage of lemon grass ranges from blue-green to gold, and the flowers are white, cream, or green. Lemongrass grows to around 8 feet in height in some cases with the majority of species tapering off at 4 feet. Lemon grass grows best in full sun and moist soil and cab be propagated by dividing the root clump into sections. Lemon grass leaves can be dried or frozen but require rehydration before use. Lemon grass is very mild, rating only a one on the hotness scale.It is mostly known as a common staple found in Thai, Vietnamese, Cambodian, Indonesian, and Indian cooking. Lemon grass is used in curry, stir fry, soups, and marinades and it can be sauteed, mixed with soy sauce and spices, and used as a marinade. Lemongrass is particularly popular with seafood due to its distinctive lemony aroma and flavor. Effectiveness In a 2004 study presented at the Ca lifornia State Science Fair, a 25-percent lemon grass solution was tested against a commercial 15-percent Deet spray.The lemon grass brew was 51 percent effective in repelling mosquitoes, compared to an effectiveness of 81 percent for the Deet product. The study concluded that lemon grass showed promise as a partial replacement for Deet-based repellents. In a study conducted in 2010 at Maranatha Christian University, researchers compared lemon grass stem extract to citronella oil. Citronella oil proved more effective at repelling mosquitoes than the highest concentration of the lemon grass extract. Both studies reveal that while lemon grass does repel mosquitoes, it does not work as well as other products.Nepetalactone Nepetalactone is a  terpene  composed of two isoprene units, with a total of ten carbons. Its chemical structure is similar to that of the valepotriates derived from the herb valerian, which is a mild central nervous system sedative (or stimulant to some persons). The molecular formula for nepetalactone is C10H14O2. The first fully characterized methylcyclopentane monoterpenoid. Isolated from the volatile oil of catnip produced by  Nepeta cataria Nepetalactone , its cas register number is 21651-62-7.It also can be called Nepetalactone cis-trans-form ; Cyclopenta(c)pyran-1(4aH)-one, 5,6,7,7a-tetrahydro-4,7-dimethyl-, (4aS,7S,7aR)- ; Cyclopenta(c)pyran-1(4aH)-one, 5,6,7,7a-tetrahydro-4,7-dimethyl-, (4aS-(4aalpha,7alpha,7aalpha))- . It   is an organic compound first isolated from the plant catnip. Chapter III METHODOLOGY This chapter presents the project’s research design, list of materials and their quantities needed for the research, and the laboratory procedures which are the pre-lab procedure, laboratory proper, and post laboratory. Research Design This study made use of an experimental research design.The experimental and control groups were used in this study. This design is illustrated as follows. Table 3. 1 Set-up| Location| Product Used| Quantity of Mosquitoes| Set-up A| Enclosed room| Catnip Incense Stick| 10 mosquitoes| Set-up B| Enclosed room| Lemongrass Incense Stick| 10 mosquitoes| Set-up C| Enclosed room| Catnip and Lemongrass Incense Stick| 10 mosquitoes| Set-up D| Enclosed room| CommercializedIncense Stick| 10 mosquitoes| Subject of the Study -The researchers used mosquitoes as the subject to the experiment. Ten mosquitoes in each container, with a total of forty mosquitoes (Caught with the mosquito trap).Materials Needed: One (1) – Masher Four (4) – Mosquito traps Three (3) – Incense holders Ten (10) – Incense sticks Two (2) – Catnip Two (2) – Lemon Grass Four (4) – Containers of Mosquitoes One (1) – Commercialized repellent Pre-Lab Procedures: Catnip and Lemon Grass were collected by the researchers. The researchers pulverize the Catnip and Lemon Grass to extract the juices from them. The researchers then put the extracted juices into 3 containers. First with only the catnip, Second with only the lemon grass, lastly with both catnip and lemon grass in the container. Laboratory Proper Procedures:The researchers applied the juices of catnip to three incense sticks and was labeled Set-up A, lemongrass extract juice to the other three incense sticks and labeled Set-up B, and both the lemon grass extract and catnip extract juices to the remaining incense sticks and labeled Set-up C. The commercialized repellent was labeled Set-up D. The researchers applied the extract juices thoroughly by hand or by cotton swabs. The researchers then let the incense sticks rest for about 6 to 10 minutes, to let the extract juices be absorbed by the incense sticks. Post Laboratory Procedures:The researchers put the incense sticks in their respective incense holders in order. The researchers then put sample #1 in an enclosed room beside the mosquito trap. The researchers then lit up the incense sticks and released the first batch of mosqu itoes. The researchers closely observe the experiment. The researchers then waited for the incense sticks to disintegrate (15 to 20 minutes). Then the researchers do the same with the sample #2, sample #3, and to the commercialized repellent. The researchers recorded the results based on how many mosquitoes were repelled and killed.Chapter IV Presentation, Interpretation and Analysis of Data This chapter shows the presentation, interpretation and analysis of data gathered after a thorough investigation. Table 4. 1 Mosquitoes that were effectively repelled Experimental| Quantity(number of sticks)| Mosquitoes Repelled| Time Element (minutes)| Catnip| 3| 4 out of 10| 20| Lemongrass| 3| 3 out of 10| 20| Both Combined| 3| 5 out of 10| 20| The table above shows that the Incense stick with the Catnip effectively repelled 4 mosquitoes and the Incense stick with the Lemongrass only killed 3 out of 10 mosquitoes.On the other hand, the Incense stick with the Catnip and the Lemongrass combined showed the best results in this test. This shows that the Catnip and Lemongrass combined will yield better results than the Catnip and Lemon grass alone but the results of this test were unsatisfactory because only half of the mosquitoes tested were repelled effectively. Table 4. 2 Mosquitoes that were effectively killed Experimental| Quantity(number of sticks)| Mosquitoes Repelled| Time Element (minutes)| Catnip| 3| 1 out of 9| 20| Lemon Grass| 3| 1 out of 9| 20|Both Combined| 3| 3 out of 9| 20| The table shows that Catnip and Lemongrass killed only 1 out of 9 mosquitoes but when combined the product repels 3 out of 9 mosquitoes, this proves that the organic incense stick will yield better results if both Catnip and Lemongrass combined, rather than the Catnip and Lemongrass alone because it only kills 1 out of 9 mosquitoes as shown on the table. Table 4. 3 Mosquitoes that are killed by the commercialized product Experimental| Quantity(number of coils)| Mosquitoes Repelled| Time Ele ment (minutes)| Baygon| 1| 9 out of 10| 20|This table shows that the Baygon coil effectively killed 9 out of 10 mosquitoes. This proves that our incense stick with Lemongrass, Catnip or both can’t compete with a better, well known commercialized product like that of the Baygon. Baygon uses stronger chemicals unlike that of our incense stick, which uses organic plants. Chapter 5 Summary, Conclusion, and Recommendations Summary: The researchers made a mosquito coil that is organic and eco-friendly. The researchers also studied between a commercialized mosquito coil with their own mosquito repellent.The researchers also made mosquito traps for trapping mosquitoes for the researchers experiment. Their product is effective and it produced some positive results. The catnip and lemongrass combined shows the best results, based on how much mosquitoes it repelled and killed, throughout the experiment. Conclusions: Throughout the experiment, the researchers found out that the commercia lized mosquito coil is more effective than our organic mosquito repellent. The researchers found out that it is possible to make a mosquito coil using catnip and lemongrass because the two agents are an effective mosquito repellent.Out of the three mosquito coils we had made, the catnip and lemongrass combined showed the best results basing on our experiment. Recommendations: The researchers recommend the people to use natural and safe mosquito coils that can be home made. The researchers also recommend using stronger plants to use in making mosquito coil. The researchers also recommend adding scented aroma to the coils/sticks so it can be a pleasing feeling for the people who will use it. The researchers also recommend using both Catnip and Lemon Grass for making a mosquito coil because it is effective.References: From Internet: Brian, Dan. How to Make Mosquito Coils. 1999. 2013. ;http://www. ehow. com/how_12031090_make-mosquito-coils. html; NewTechBio, Inc. Lemongrass as an insect repellent. 2007. March 2013. ;http://www. newtechbio. com/articles/Lemongrass-as-an-insect-repellent. htm; Kim, Scott. Nepetalactone Chemistry. 1996. January 2012. ;http://chemistry. about. com/od/factsstructures/ig/Chemical-Structures—N/Nepetalactone. htm > Ombrello, T. (2011). Catnip. Retrieved from Wilson, Julia.Catnip: Everything You Need To Know About Catnip. 2002. 2013. ; http://www. cat-world. com. au/all-about-catnip; American Chemical Society (2001, August 28). Catnip Repels Mosquitoes More Effectively Than DEET. ScienceDaily. Retrieved March 14, 2013, from ;http://www. sciencedaily. com ­14; Mosquito coil. (2013, February 26). In  Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved 15:12, March 14, 2013, from  ;http://en. wikipedia. org/w/index. php? title=Mosquito_coil;oldid=540610115; Dengue fever. (2013, March 8). In  Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia.Retrieved 15:13, March 14, 2013, from  ;http://en. wikipedia. org/w/index. php? title=Dengue_fever;oldid=54273 6735; Mosquito. (2013, March 14). In  Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved 15:14, March 14, 2013, from  ;http://en. wikipedia. org/w/index. php? title=Mosquito;oldid =544115233; jasonf808. (Dec 11, 2008). Mosquito Trap. Retrieved March 14, 2013 from ;http://www. youtube. com/watch? v=guNOeAqVG6Q; Eartheasy. (Apr. 28, 2011). 5 easy to grow mosquito-repelling plants. Retrieved from ;http://eartheasy. com/blog/2011/04/5-easy-to-grow-mosquito-repelling-plants/;Knight, J. (2012). Alderleaf wilderness college: Nature ; wilderness survival school  . Retrieved from ;http://www. wildernesscollege. com/plants-that-repel-mosquitoes. html; Appendices: The mosquito trap that was placed in a corner. The mosquito trap that was put beside the drawer. The mosquito trap that was placed behind the door Materials used in making the lemongrass Extracted juice from lemongrass. incense. Chopped lemongrass for the extraction. Lemongrass coated incense sticks. Dried up product. Setting up the e xperiment. Lighting up of the incense.

Friday, November 8, 2019

How to Sing Happy Birthday in Chinese

How to Sing Happy Birthday in Chinese The Happy Birthday Song has a strangely contested history. The tune was originally composed in the late 1800s by Patty and Mildred Hill, though the lyrics were not the same. In fact, the Hill sisters titled the song Good Morning To All. Somewhere along the way, the phrase happy birthday became associated with the melody. In 1935, the Summy Company registered a copyright for the Birthday Song. In 1988, Warner Music bought that copyright and has been making big bank ever since. Warner Music charged royalties for public performances of the Happy Birthday Song and appearances in film soundtracks. Only until 2016 did the popular song become public domain. In February 2016, a US federal judge closed a case ruling that Warner Music does not hold a valid copyright to the Happy Birthday Songs lyrics and melody. Now, the Birthday Song finally belongs to the public and is considered one of the most popular songs in the world. It has been translated into many languages, including Mandarin Chinese. Its an easy song to learn in Chinese since it is essentially just two phrases repeated over and over again.   Practice speaking the words to this song before singing them. This will ensure that you are learning the words with the proper tones. When singing in Mandarin Chinese, sometimes the tones are not clear given the melody of the song. Notes   Ã§ ¥  (zhà ¹) means wish or express good wishes. ç ¥ Ã¤ ½   (zhà ¹ nÇ ) means wishing you.   Ã¥ ¿ «Ã¦ ¨â€š (in traditional form) / Ã¥ ¿ «Ã¤ ¹  (simplified form) (kui là ¨) can be preceded by  other happy events  such as Christmas (è â€"è ªâ€¢Ã§ ¯â‚¬Ã¥ ¿ «Ã¦ ¨â€š / Ã¥Å" £Ã¨ ¯Å¾Ã¨Å â€šÃ¥ ¿ «Ã¤ ¹  / shà ¨ng dn jià © kui là ¨) or New Year (æâ€" °Ã¥ ¹ ´Ã¥ ¿ «Ã¦ ¨â€š / æâ€" °Ã¥ ¹ ´Ã¥ ¿ «Ã¤ ¹  / xÄ «n nin kui là ¨). Pinyin shÄ“ng rà ¬ kui là ¨zhà ¹ nÇ  shÄ“ng rà ¬ kui là ¨zhà ¹ nÇ  shÄ“ng rà ¬ kui là ¨zhà ¹ nÇ  shÄ“ng rà ¬ kui là ¨zhà ¹ nÇ  yÇ’ngyuÇŽn kui là ¨ Traditional Chinese Characters 生æâ€" ¥Ã¥ ¿ «Ã¦ ¨â€šÃ§ ¥ Ã¤ ½  Ã§â€Å¸Ã¦â€" ¥Ã¥ ¿ «Ã¦ ¨â€šÃ§ ¥ Ã¤ ½  Ã§â€Å¸Ã¦â€" ¥Ã¥ ¿ «Ã¦ ¨â€šÃ§ ¥ Ã¤ ½  Ã§â€Å¸Ã¦â€" ¥Ã¥ ¿ «Ã¦ ¨â€šÃ§ ¥ Ã¤ ½  Ã¦ ° ¸Ã©   Ã¥ ¿ «Ã¦ ¨â€š Simplified Characters 生æâ€" ¥Ã¥ ¿ «Ã¤ ¹ Ã§ ¥ Ã¤ ½  Ã§â€Å¸Ã¦â€" ¥Ã¥ ¿ «Ã¤ ¹ Ã§ ¥ Ã¤ ½  Ã§â€Å¸Ã¦â€" ¥Ã¥ ¿ «Ã¤ ¹ Ã§ ¥ Ã¤ ½  Ã§â€Å¸Ã¦â€" ¥Ã¥ ¿ «Ã¤ ¹ Ã§ ¥ Ã¤ ½  Ã¦ ° ¸Ã¨ ¿Å"Ã¥ ¿ «Ã¤ ¹  English Translation Happy BirthdayWish to you happy birthdayWish to you happy birthdayWish to you happy birthdayWish to you happiness forever Hear the Song The melody of the song is the same as the birthday song in English. You can hear the Chinese version sung to you by the crooning Mando pop-star Jay Chou.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Free Essays on 1954

In the year 1954, the United States was changing rapidly. President Eisenhower, a Republican, was in the midst of his first term. Eisenhower had just announced to the world that the United States had in fact developed and successfully tested the first hydrogen bomb some two years prior. Mamie Eisenhower christened the Nautilus, which was the first submarine to run on nuclear power. The great court decision, â€Å"Brown vs. the Board of Education,† called for the integration of the country’s public schools. Arkansas and Alabama refused to integrate and President Eisenhower was forced to send the 101st Airborne Division to integrate the schools of these states. The phrase â€Å"Under God† was added to the Pledge of Allegiance. Eighteen-year olds were shouting, â€Å"If we are old enough to fight and die for our country, why can’t we vote?† The teens got a bill into the house but it was turned away by the senate. New fashions were surfacing in both men’s and women’s fashions. Men were wearing Bermuda pants, baggy pants that were cut off at the knee, while women were wearing capris, tight pants that cut off just below the knee. Men were wearing tailored jackets and making a slight move towards the casual dress of today’s workplace. Women were wearing natural shoulders as opposed to the heavily padded ones of the war years. Flat, neck-hugging collars replaced the mannish collars of the late 1940’s. Waists were tightly fitted and skirts were long (Melinkoff 46). The jeans of the time were often lined with plaid flanel and dungarees were worn to the most casual occasions. The sandals of the fifties were not much different than the sandals of today. In the entertainment world, On the Waterfront won the Oscar for the best film while its star Marlon Brando won the Oscar for best actor. Grace Kelly won best actress for her role in The Country Girl. James Dean and Humphrey Bogart were also creating memorable movies. Almost thirty milli... Free Essays on 1954 Free Essays on 1954 In the year 1954, the United States was changing rapidly. President Eisenhower, a Republican, was in the midst of his first term. Eisenhower had just announced to the world that the United States had in fact developed and successfully tested the first hydrogen bomb some two years prior. Mamie Eisenhower christened the Nautilus, which was the first submarine to run on nuclear power. The great court decision, â€Å"Brown vs. the Board of Education,† called for the integration of the country’s public schools. Arkansas and Alabama refused to integrate and President Eisenhower was forced to send the 101st Airborne Division to integrate the schools of these states. The phrase â€Å"Under God† was added to the Pledge of Allegiance. Eighteen-year olds were shouting, â€Å"If we are old enough to fight and die for our country, why can’t we vote?† The teens got a bill into the house but it was turned away by the senate. New fashions were surfacing in both men’s and women’s fashions. Men were wearing Bermuda pants, baggy pants that were cut off at the knee, while women were wearing capris, tight pants that cut off just below the knee. Men were wearing tailored jackets and making a slight move towards the casual dress of today’s workplace. Women were wearing natural shoulders as opposed to the heavily padded ones of the war years. Flat, neck-hugging collars replaced the mannish collars of the late 1940’s. Waists were tightly fitted and skirts were long (Melinkoff 46). The jeans of the time were often lined with plaid flanel and dungarees were worn to the most casual occasions. The sandals of the fifties were not much different than the sandals of today. In the entertainment world, On the Waterfront won the Oscar for the best film while its star Marlon Brando won the Oscar for best actor. Grace Kelly won best actress for her role in The Country Girl. James Dean and Humphrey Bogart were also creating memorable movies. Almost thirty milli...

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Leadership styles Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Leadership styles - Essay Example There are numerous leadership styles but this paper will specifically focus on Lewin’s leadership styles namely: democratic/participative, laissez faire, autocratic as well as transactional and transformational leadership styles which are more recent. Kurt Lewin, a psychologist developed a framework of three leadership styles in 1930s and these styles were later to become a benchmark for developing styles of leadership. Lewin’s styles of leadership include the following, autocratic, laissez faire and autocratic (Amos et al., 2008). Autocratic leadership style is usually carried by leaders who make all the decisions in the organization alone (Amos et al, 2008). These leaders use authoritarian rule and they do not bother consult other members of the team when they are making decisions in the organization. The leader who uses this style has the final authority to make any decision in the organization and it can also be noted that the communication channel used is top to bottom where the subordinates are mere takers of instructions from the top. In other words, they just respond to what has been said from the top without any contribution. The subordinates can hardly interact with their leaders. This leadership style is oriente d towards goal attainment of the organization and improving productivity at the expense of the employees who also have their personal goals to achieve outside work. This style leads to demotivation of the employees and can subsequently lead to absenteeism or staff turnover since the workers are not motivated to put optimum performance in their operations. Laisez fair is another leadership style developed by Lewin which emphasises on giving the employees freedom to manage their own affairs (Kleyhnhans, 2007). In other words, the employees work with very little or no supervision at all and they are responsible for setting their own goals

Friday, November 1, 2019

Analysis of the global challenges and economic situation in Argentina Essay

Analysis of the global challenges and economic situation in Argentina - Essay Example Inflation As the economic activity in Argentina has expanded in 2010, there was a sudden increase in money supply which has resulted in increasing the consumer prices. According to the Central Bank of Argentina, the YoY increase in money supply during Feb 2011 increased by nearly 27.8%. This resulted in increased inflation figures for Argentina. As a result, the exporters of the country, mainly in the manufacturing sector are losing their competitive position in the market, driven by increase in domestic costs and relative stability in the exchange rates (Ken 2011). â€Å"Beyond entrenched high inflation, the erosion of external competitiveness during 2010-2011 is another thorny issue the next administration will have to face, which, if not properly handled, could end up generating a crash- rather than soft-landing of the economy in 2012† - Alberto Ramos, Economist, Goldman Sachs, Mar 2011. As a result, Argentina’s middle class suffered most due to high inflation, there by affecting mobile phones, cable, petrol, health insurance premiums etc. in the month of Jan 2011 According to Argentina’s national statistics agency Indec, the country’s annual inflation in was 10% by the end of Feb 2011 and 10.6% by Jan 2011. Inflation was mainly supported by increase in prices of tourism services, clothing and increase in prices of food and beverages. Also, according to EIU, the inflation was supported by the government’s intervention in the agricultural sector which has resulted in the reduced production of important foodstuffs such as beef. Many local consulting companies in Argentina differ on these official inflation figures are they estimated the country’s inflation... This paper provides a thorough analysis of the recent economic developments in Argentina. The essay aims to analyse the current economic environment in Argentina, including GDP, Inflation, Industrial Production Index, agriculture, the country’s debt situation, foreign exchange rate, unemployment, Consumer ABS, Central Government revenue and expenditures. Argentina’s GDP grew by 9.2% year-on-year through the quarter ended Dec 2010. The economy’s strong performance was driven by domestic demand, with private consumption rising 11.5% year on year, up from 8.9% in the previous quarter. As the economic activity in Argentina has expanded in 2010, there was a sudden increase in money supply which has resulted in increasing the consumer prices. According to the Central Bank of Argentina, the YoY increase in money supply during Feb 2011 increased by nearly 27.8%. The country aims to impose trade barriers due to high imports. In 2010, Argentina reported 46% rise in its imports, to reach $56.4 billion. This was mainly due to heavy imports of intermediate goods used by automobile industry and capital goods industry. Argentina has stepped up trade barriers in terms of import duties or the range of products. The government should remove growth obstacles by reducing import and export tariffs and moderating its stringent price control measures. This would result in increasing the trade activity with other countries. It would also result in increasing the investors’ confidence which would result in increased FDI and FII in the country

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Final Project- Step Three Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Final Project- Step Three - Assignment Example Second (2), I used text with highlights on is edges and separated thoughts through title and subtitle with their accompanying highlights of putting them in bold and underline. The third (3), I put colors on the text. Fourth (4), I used a simple black and white diagram of the internal working structure of a human ear. And lastly (5), I used a full colored diagram of the human ear. The purpose of this approach is for the audience to experience the increasing ease of understand the message or lecture as the mode of visual progresses from simple text to the use of colored diagrams. By using the same subject with different modalities of conveying beginning from a simple text to a full colored diagram, the audience will readily understand how effective visuals in conveying information. This is consistent with the cliche that goes â€Å"A picture is worth a thousand words†. I Calibri text Parts and Functions of the ear The human ear is divided into five parts. These five parts of hum an ear, have specific functions that help in the process of hearing. Parts of Human Ear The parts of the human ear include: Outer Ear Middle Ear Inner Ear Acoustic Nerve Central Auditory Processing Centers Outer ear is divided into the pinna and the external auditory meatus. The pinna, also known as the auricle is the external ear part that is located and seen on each side of our head. It is made up of cartilage and soft tissue. This helps in maintaining a particular ear shape and remains pliable. The pinna is like a funnel that collects the sound vibrations from around us and funnels them towards the external auditory meatus(,nd). II Times New Roman with titles and subtitles Parts and Functions of the ear The human ear is divided into five parts. These five parts of human ear, have specific functions that help in the process of hearing. Parts of Human Ear The parts of the human ear include: Outer Ear Middle Ear Inner Ear Acoustic Nerve Central Auditory Processing Centers Outer ear is divided into the pinna and the external auditory meatus. The pinna, also known as the auricle is the external ear part that is located and seen on each side of our head. It is made up of cartilage and soft tissue. This helps in maintaining a particular ear shape and remains pliable. The pinna is like a funnel that collects the sound vibrations from around us and funnels them towards the external auditory meatus (,nd) . III Texts with colors Parts and Functions of the ear The human ear is divided into five parts. These five parts of human ear, have specific functions that help in the process of hearing. Parts of Human Ear The parts of the human ear include: Outer Ear Middle Ear Inner Ear Acoustic Nerve Central Auditory Processing Centers Outer ear is divided into the pinna and the external auditory meatus. The pinna, also known as the auricle is the external ear part that is located and seen on each side of our head. It is made up of cartilage and soft tissue. This helps in maintaining a particular ear shape and remains pliable. The pinna is like a funnel that collects the sound vibrations from around us and funnels them towards the external auditory meatus (,nd) . IV Diagram of the ear in black and white Source: Gallaudet university V

Monday, October 28, 2019

Essay About Bullying Essay Example for Free

Essay About Bullying Essay There are millions of children in the United States that attend local school districts that are suffering from an epidemically called bullying. Bullying does not discriminate against age, sex, or race it is an ongoing problem that needs addressing immediately. It is vital that this situation is identified to prevent irreversible psychological damage to the victim. If this situation is not detained in a timely manner the situation can destroy an individual’s self-image and many times have fatal consequences. It is essential to train school district employees and parents with a variety of strategies to assist victims with bullying. There are many factors that can contribute to a child or adolescent in becoming a target of bullying. There are no specific characteristics that will prevent an individual in becoming a target. Bullies operate alone or in a group to torment their victim. Bullies always pick victims that seem vulnerable to them and know that they will not react to the situation. Bullying has been defined as a repeated aggressive behavior whereby a bully, or groups of bullies, systematically victimized weaker peers (Olweus, 1993; Willard, Perry, 1990). Bullying grew tremendously in the last decade, it is no longer just about being made fun of the way you dress or look now it is more complicated. Bullying no longer stays in classrooms, schools, or neighborhoods. Technology allows bullying to travel around the world in a matter of minutes this process is done through your fingertips. There are many types of bullying the old fashion type are still in place the bully victimize its target victim face to face it consist of pointing at a person laughing at them and standing there until they see them cry. There is also indirect bullying this means that they make no physical contact with the victim t he bullies just spread rumors about the victim and ruin their reputation and credibility with their peers. Now with technology being so advanced cyber-bullying has made its entrance which consists of bullying an individual through websites like face book, Instagram, twitter, or any school website that students create.  Another powerful trend that is in the rise is sexting. Sexting consists of sending or receiving explicit or sexually suggestive nude or seminude images generally via cell phone devices only. In our society today, we see a growing concern regarding bullying. Teacher and professionals are aware of bullying, was not taken lightly as decades ago. All school districts nationwide have adopted a policy that has been in effect it’s called Anti-Bullying policy. This policy has a zero tolerance in bullying in school grounds. Once the victim reports the incident school officials have to take immediate action to protect the victim from the aggressor. School district have also developed many intervention plans and strategies to avoid bullying, they are proactive in the anti-bul lying policy. Districts are making sure that every student is aware of the anti-bullying policy and learn techniques in how to protect themselves and where to seek for help if needed. Bullying is not considered a normal part of growing up. When parents would state that bullying is a part of growing up that the victim had to toughen up, or like many would day it is just child’s play. They never realize that impact that these victims had in their adulthood due to the bullying in their childhood years. Being bullied creates an abnormal family environment. The victim distances themselves from the family to avoid having to discuss the problem. Many times this causes scars in the victims that it prevents them from living a normal life. In cases like this, it is recommended that individuals look for help immediately. A professional is the best option for a family in assisting them in the healing process. We need to find ways to target bullying efficiently to avoid low self-esteem issues that child ren and adolescents are encountering in their safe zone that should be their school and environment. We need to be aware that if these problems are not targeted the victims will have emotional and mental problems and may lead them to commit suicide. America is a land of dreams and opportunities this country has been liberal and allows everyone to have freedom of speech. We are now at an era that people’s rights are equal. Now laws have been changed to respect the gay and lesbian alliance rights in society. There are clubs and organizations in schools that support lesbian and gay rights. These types of clubs create a tense situation among peers and people that join these clubs become targets of bullying. Observing the world of bullying we are able to identify the potential harm that causes  children and adolescents to live trapped in this life. As counselors, our job is to be able to identify this matter quickly. To try to prevent the victim in falling through the cracks and start experimenting with drugs, suffer from depression or decide to escape the situation through suicide. We all need to unite and stand together and target this problem hand in hand with all the resources available. The commitment we have to the community should be one hundred percent. In conclusion, we are aware of the types of bullying that exist in society today, we are also armed with the best key to defeating this issues knowledge. Our oath as professionals is that we are willing to go over and beyond to help a bullying victim and their families. Considering all the points discussed today we are able to acknowledge that we need to create a team with parents to make sure that if a problem of bullying ever arises we are able to communicate and prevent a victim to becoming psychologically disturb and a family to lose a loved one. References Personality Mental Health. Nov 2012, 6 (4), 325-339.15 Retrieve on 3/21/14 FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin. Jun 2013, 82(6), 2-4-5 Retrieve on 3/21/14

Saturday, October 26, 2019

The Insecurity of Shakespeares Macbeth :: GCSE English Literature Coursework

The Insecurity of Macbeth  Ã‚   Macbeth, the main character in William Shakespeare's tragedy, Macbeth was not secure in his manhood.   This insecurity led to the downfall of Macbeth because he felt the need to prove himself to Lady Macbeth. After he proved himself by killing Duncan, Macbeth became desensitized to killing. In the beginning of the play Macbeth showed his love for Lady Macbeth in many different ways. He told her his feelings toward her "My dearest love" (act I, scene v, l 58). Macbeth listens to what Lady Macbeth has to say, and takes her advice into consideration every time he makes a decision. He also has great love for her and tries his best to make her happy no matter what it takes.   Lady Macbeth convinced Macbeth that he wasn't a man unless he went through with the murder of Duncan. She threatens his manhood by saying When you durst do it, then you were a man;/ And to be more than what you were, you would/ Be so much more the man (act I, scene vii, l 49-51). Slowly Lady Macbeth manipulated his mind to think the right thing to do was kill Duncan. Macbeth had decided in order to prove his manhood he must go through with this horrible act. After Macbeth had committed the crime he felt that his soul could never be cleansed no matter what he did. He said They pluck out mine own eyes!/Will all great Neptune's ocean wash this blood/Clean from my hand? No; this my hand will rather/The Multitudinous seas incarnadine, /Making the green one red (act II, scene iii, l 58-62). This shows that he really didn't want to kill Duncan, but he did it in order to prove himself to Lady Macbeth, and to become the king. By the end he had no fear, and had killed not only Duncan but also many other people. He now had different views from which he had in the beginning of the play. Macbeth realizes that he is no longer afraid "no, nor more fearful. (Act V, scene vii, l 9). He is now considered a man, but he doesn't like the fact that he has killed all these people.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Operational Management Kaplan Nortan Generic Map Essay

In Kaplan & Norton Generic Strategy map, one perspective is the learning and growth perspective. Explain the significance of this perspective. Write the requirement of the perspective in detail and what outcome can be achieved if it is followed. Significance * Learning and growth strategies are important for the long term development of the firm * Learning and growth perspective defines the intangible assets which are needed to enable the activities and customer relationships to be performed at high level * It includes measurement for people (employee retention, training, skills, morale) * It also measure critical real time information needed for front line employees * The chain of cause and effect relationships tend to cause improvements in business processes , which in turn cause improvements in sales and financial measurement of profitability. The direction of cause and effects relationship can be emphasized as: Learning and growth  º Internal business process  º Customer  º Financial * It continuously develop and deliver new innovative products and services * Organization innovation and learning perspective is used to maintain infrastructure needed for long term growth and improvements. Learning and Growth perspect ive: In learning and growth perspective organizations purpose is â€Å"to achieve its mission and how it will sustain its ability to change and improve† it defines the intangible assets that are needed to enable activities and customer relationship to be performed at high levels of performance so that the firm can serve its customer well. This perspective is also the base of forming strategy if base is well structured and aligned with the organizational objective strategy can prove itself more effective. It is important important for the long term development of the firm. Requirements Requirements of learning and growth perspective are listed below: * Strategic competencies * Strategic technologies * Climate for action Strategic competencies: Strategic competencies are the strategic skills and knowledge required by the work force to support the strategy. Strategy itself is of no use until unless supported and implemented by the workforce of the organization. Employees should be involved in decision making so that they considered themselves a part of the firm and take rational decisions about .If some employee is doing well for the organization firm should reward him and give him recognition for the job that he has performed well this thing gives us the concept of motivation it is the driving force that drives a person to achieve its objective. Strategic Technologies: These are the materials and process technologies, information system, databases, tools, and network required to support the strategy. Once strategy is made now it requires some technical software tools for its processing it can be some software that enable the work force to reduce times in the operations of the business. An organization can gain competitive edge over its competitors by using technologies. Climate for actions: Climate for action provides the cultural shifts needed to motivate, empower, and align the workforce behind the strategy . it’s the course of action that how organization is going to align its strategic competencies, strategic technologies with each other . organization matches its abilities with its strategies and oversees if it can perform as they have made the strategy. It’s a point where organization checks its strategic fit between the organizational plan and resources employed for it . It accesses the climate prior to the action . Outcomes As it focuses on intangible assets of the firm mainly on the internal skills and capabilities of the employees that are required to support the value creating internal processes. It also describes how technology people are combined to support the strategy and if it is implemented it can lead in the improvement in the internal processes, customers, and financial perspective

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Explore the Construction of Identiy in Hamlet and Beowulf Essay

â€Å"’Identity has been increasingly used to refer to the social and historical make-up of a person, personality as a construct. Sometimes such identities are conceived narrowly psychological, individualist terms, as the cumulative result of personal experience and family history† This is seen particularly in Beowulf where all men are referred to as their fathers’ sons’. Family history was massively important in those times and men well often well respected because of the heroic things their ancestors had done. Warriors also felt the need to reach the same level of notoriety. This is shown when we are first introduced to Beowulf. We are told about his father before even knowing his name: â€Å"In his day, my father was a famous man a noble warrior-lord named Ecgtheow† Similarly in Shakespeare’s Hamlet, purely through learning of Hamlet’s lineage we discover he is the son of the king and this plays an important part of his identity and the events throughout the play. In most novels, plays and poems, the identity of the protagonist changes the more we get to know the character; the more that happens the more we think we know what they are like. This is the same for real life, when we first meet people we are often uncertain about their identity and personality, we usually learn more about them through their actions and associations. This is true for Beowulf; because it is set in the third person we learn about him through what he does and what he says. A text being in third person can also be useful; the narrator can offer definite and universal truths about the character which can be especially useful as it is almost impossible for a writer to create a character that will be interpreted the same way by every person that reads it. Characters are read in different ways throughout the generations and from culture to culture. It could therefore be argued that identity is not created through the author but by the readers. Hamlet, being a play, has many long soliloquies where he reveals his inner thoughts to the audience in first person. In soliloquies the character usually asks a rhetorical question and then answers it; this allows the audience to understand the character’s emotions and motives, something especially important in Hamlet where some of his actions would be considered very unconventional or deranged. This helps us to empathise with Hamlet and engage ourselves in the plot. â€Å"O that this too  too solid flesh would melt, Thaw, and resolve itself into a dew! Or that the Everlasting had not fix’d His canon ’gainst self-slaughter! O God! O God! How weary, stale, flat, and unprofitable† This is the beginning of Hamlet’s first soliloquy when he learns of his father’s death and his mother’s betrayal by marrying Claudius less than two months after his father’s death. He contemplates suicide to escape what he describes as a ‘weary stale, flat and unprofitable’ world and wishes it was not a sin against God. Not only does this soliloquy reveal his true feelings about his mother and Claudius, it shows us that he is religious which accounts for his delay in murdering the new King even under his dead father’s orders. The thoughts of other characters, not only the protagonist are important as they help to keep the play timeless. In Hamlet, murder is nothing abnormal, almost expected whereas now it is a very serious offence for anyone, including the monarchy. Not only that, but seeing a ghost is not normal behaviour for a 21st century reader, without the other characters seeing the ghost we would be unable to distinguish between reality and Hamlet’s madness. Horatio talks to the ghost like it is a real thing: â€Å"Horatio: Stay, speak, speak, I charge thee speak.† It can be concluded that identity is how the characters act within the times in which they live in. Identity is therefore impossible to create without the concept of time and the context that the text was written in. Texts are sometimes altered to appeal more to certain audiences from different times and locations such as: â€Å"Hormone Imbalance’s Ophelia (1979), in which Ophelia is a lesbian and runs off with a woman servant to join a guerrilla commune; Curtis’s obscenely funny The skinhead Hamlet (1982) and Jean Bett’s Ophelia thinks harder (1993), in which the heroine acts assertively while the hero dithers.† This goes against the thesis that states identity is created by experience and implies that identity is subject to time, location and the audience it is written for. It could also be argued that each of these different variations of Hamlet have created a completely different identity in each text. Someone’s identity is not fixed; it changes over time as the character develops and often through self discovery or even (In the case of Hamlet) an identity crisis due to conflicted values and internal and external pressures. The shift in opinions and ideas of the character constructs a more complicated identity that is more difficult to label. Throughout the whole text, Beowulf has the same ambitions and desires; to be a legendary warrior. Hamlet on the other hand discovers his morality and desires as he goes a long. This makes Hamlet’s identity much less solid and more complex. He is not a normal character in the sense that he goes against social norms; his unorthodox approach to life and the truth means he is isolated and becomes a threat to those around him, specifically the new King. In the beginning of the play, Hamlet seems to have lost his identity; he has lost his father (like Beowulf lineage was of great importance, especially being part of the monarchy), his status as heir to the throne is in jeopardy as Fortinbras plans to attack and his uncle is now his step father. Beowulf establishes his identity as a warrior and a hero by recounting his successful endeavours: â€Å"They had seen me bolstered in the blood of enemies  when I battled and bound five beasts,  raided a troll-nest and in the night sea  slaughtered sea-brutes. I have suffered extremes  and avenged the Geats (their enemies brought it upon themselves, I devastated them).† Beowulf is a warrior more by reputation than what he actually does throughout the duration of the text. Although he defeats Grendel fairly quickly after being introduced to us, and after that Grendel’s mother, fifty years pass without much detail of Beowulf’s triumphs. The form of both texts has an impact on the identity of both Beowulf and Hamlet as individuals but also society as a whole in the two texts. Beowulf is an epic poem which are traditionally used to recount heroic acts and important events in history. This gives the text an authentic feel as well as reflecting the culture of the times in which Beowulf lived in; most stories were shared by word of mouth, often by song or poetry and not often documented. Men craved the notoriety and were willing to die in battle do  achieve it. The unusualness of an epic poem also reflects complete difference of the world we live in where we not only have no warrior culture, people generally don’t die for fame and monsters don’t exist. Hamlet being a play is much more than just the text and was written to be performed instead of just read. Hamlet’s – and every other character’s – identity is created not only through his choices and the things he says but how he says them and facial expressions/movement. For example Hamlet’s ‘madness’ can be seen much easier through exaggerated actions than it can be through stage directions or obvious comments from other actors. Personality traits such as thoughtfulness, arrogance, insecurity and Claudius’ guilt can also be seen more clearly when performed on stage. Another complication of Hamlet being on stage is that every actor will play the part differently. Not only will age and clothing affect perceptions of identity, the way in which scenes are acted out will also change the character. One way of creating a complex identity is through giving the character a fatal flaw. This is most prominent in Hamlet; his fatal flaw is his indecisiveness to act on his father’s orders. Every event in the play leading to Hamlet’s death and including every other death except that of his father’s was down to his inability to make a decision to kill Claudius and act on it. Not only does his hesitation to kill Claudius in prayer expose his fatal flaw but if he had gone ahead with the act then he could have been seen as evil and his identity would have changed dramatically, this adds to the argument that it is the plot and events in the text that construct the character’s identity. Language also has an effect on emphasising certain aspects of a characters identity. For example the clown – clown is not necessarily the same as a clown in the 21st century, in Shakespearean times a clown was not a very important member of society – in Hamlet creates a contrast and almost acts to remind us of Hamlet’s social status and power. The clown also adds an element of humour to the scene which breaks up the tension and acts to emphasise Hamlet’s melancholic nature. â€Å"HAMLET: Here’s another. Why may not that be the skull of a lawyer? Where be his quiddities now, his quillets, his cases, his tenures, and his tricks? Why does he suffer this  mad knave now to knock him about the sconce with a dirty shovel, and will not tell him of his action of battery? Hum! This fellow might be in’s time a great buyer of land, with his statutes, his recognizances, his fines, his double vouchers, his recoveries. Is this the fine of his fines, and the recovery of his recoveries, to have his fine pate full of fine dirt? Will his vouchers vouch him no more of his purchases, and double ones too, than the length and breadth of a pair of indentures? The very conveyances of his lands will scarcely lie in this box, and must th’inheritor himself have no more, ha?† Contrasting language by using words together in this soliloquy such as ‘shovel’ and ‘dirt’ with ‘recognizances’ and ‘conveyances’ demonstate his conflicting identity. The ‘Ha?’ at the end also acts as a rhetorical question which marks a change on his views of wealth, power and death. In conclusion, although identity of a character has many contributing factors, the protagonists in both texts would have no identity at all without experiences that shaped their personality and traits throughout the text. Although language and form have an effect on identity, it is the plot that has the most impact on the character.